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3/1/09, 12:13 PM   #21
Re: Wal-mart
sprinter25 is offline
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Originally Posted by fishnman View Post
I refuse to go to Wal-mart for anything unless absolutly no other choice exists! Interesting show about a year ago on how they do things, most of the comments coming from former district managers, etc, whose concious finally got to them.Ask some former Rubbermaid workers from Ohio how they feel about the scumbag Walton family. Even the mighty Bill Gates has donated millions to charities, but check the records for the Walton family, whose earnings almost match that of Gates, and you will find a grand total of around $600.00!!!!!!!
I get FIRED UP everytime I think of the Wal-mart and what they have helped in destroying our economy. BUY AMERICAN!!!!!!
I have been told that if things don't change, 50 years from now a crew of alien spacecraft will land on the lawn of congress and all our leaders will come out with the greeting: Hello, Welcome to Wal-mart.
I find it amazing that people will post hearsay information without checking the FACTS. According to the Walton Family Foundation, they've donated over $241 Million Dollars to various charities.

Where the $600 figure came from, I don't know. But I found the post a bit hard to believe, so I Googled Walton Foundation, and found this....

It took me about ten seconds to find it, and another 30 seconds to read it. So I know that it's not $600, which turns out to be a bunch of BS!

I've said it on other boards; you're complaining about Wal-Mart while typing on your Chinese-made computer, chatting on your Korean cell phone, and driving your Mexican-made Chevy. And whether you admit it or not, that's not buying American.

When you finally admit that we're no longer a production economy, but a consumption economy, you'll have taken the first step in accepting the harsh realities of the 21st century. Rising labor costs have driven industry to seek lower costs elsewhere, and have for over 200 years. Don't believe it?- do a little research into why the carpet and textile mills moved from New England, to the South, and finally off-shore, all in the space of 100 years.

80% of us could not enjoy the lifestyle that we do if it were not for off-shore goods and services; I'd be willing to bet that goods would cost 25-30% more, across the board, if they were made here....if not more.

You can hate Wal-Mart and choose to shop elsewhere, if you choose. Just don't kid yourself that the mix of goods at a Target, Meijer, Menards, Lowes, or anywhere else is different. It's not - and it won't ever be.....

Just don't post unverified BS: find out the facts before you look stupid by posting hearsay......
3/1/09, 12:58 PM   #22
Re: Wal-mart
sc96 is offline
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My purpose in starting this thread was to inform people of wal-marts business practices of not paying for things that they signed for. To think that all products you buy are MADE IN THE USA ONLY is not very practical. I would say that most if not all electrical products have some type of foreign part in them. Wal-Mart is in the business of CHEEP and to maintain there profit levels they screw as many businesses as they can. When this happens we are forced to lay off workers and not expand. I know we had to lay off 75% of our people when we didnt get paid. And that is a fact.
3/1/09, 1:06 PM   #23
Re: Wal-mart
sc96 is offline
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Originally Posted by sprinter25 View Post
I find it amazing that people will post hearsay information without checking the FACTS. According to the Walton Family Foundation, they've donated over $241 Million Dollars to various charities.

Where the $600 figure came from, I don't know. But I found the post a bit hard to believe, so I Googled Walton Foundation, and found this....

It took me about ten seconds to find it, and another 30 seconds to read it. So I know that it's not $600, which turns out to be a bunch of BS!

I've said it on other boards; you're complaining about Wal-Mart while typing on your Chinese-made computer, chatting on your Korean cell phone, and driving your Mexican-made Chevy. And whether you admit it or not, that's not buying American.

When you finally admit that we're no longer a production economy, but a consumption economy, you'll have taken the first step in accepting the harsh realities of the 21st century. Rising labor costs have driven industry to seek lower costs elsewhere, and have for over 200 years. Don't believe it?- do a little research into why the carpet and textile mills moved from New England, to the South, and finally off-shore, all in the space of 100 years.

80% of us could not enjoy the lifestyle that we do if it were not for off-shore goods and services; I'd be willing to bet that goods would cost 25-30% more, across the board, if they were made here....if not more.

You can hate Wal-Mart and choose to shop elsewhere, if you choose. Just don't kid yourself that the mix of goods at a Target, Meijer, Menards, Lowes, or anywhere else is different. It's not - and it won't ever be.....

Just don't post unverified BS: find out the facts before you look stupid by posting hearsay......
I have no problem with Meijer,Target,Lowes,and I have done site work for them and never had a problem getting paid. I have not herd of a contractor getting burnt by one of those stores.
3/1/09, 1:27 PM   #24
Re: Wal-mart
sprinter25 is offline
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Originally Posted by sc96 View Post
I have no problem with Meijer,Target,Lowes,and I have done site work for them and never had a problem getting paid. I have not herd of a contractor getting burnt by one of those stores.
Your contracting experiences with Wal_Mart may justify your decison to do business elsewhere. I think that its kind of a shame that you allowed them to break a contact and didn't have a legitimate contractor's lien to post on them...but I still don't think that peopke should post BS on the web......

And they're not the first company to weasel out on a deal, as you allege.....
3/1/09, 3:00 PM   #25
Re: Wal-mart
chad is offline

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Wal Mart is the largest importer of chinese made goods in the country. I do remember a time when they used to pride themselves for selling american made goods but that is no longer the case. I choose not to shop there for my own personal reasons and if everybody would do a little research on the company I am sure there would be alot less of us shopping there. They did screw the Rubbermaid made company with their demands on what they will pay for goods and not just them, it is all of the companies who they buy from. That is the main reason most American companies can't do business with them. Not wanting to start anything here just trying to maybe make people do some research before they shop there.

3/1/09, 3:14 PM   #26
Re: Wal-mart
thebus79h is offline
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You would be surprised how many places deal in consignment. Most of your major retailers do right now, as they don't want to take the risk of buying 10,000 units of something that won't sell. The manufacturers of these places are taking the risk in getting them into the stores. The store that I work at, Epson, and Brother products are all on consignment, meaning we don't pay for them until they sell. This actually works out to your advantage, because you can get the same quality product for cheaper, and everybody makes money, and everybody is happy.

Yes, the economy is in the crapper. No, it's not Walmarts fault for that. Walmart is doing what every smart company does in this time, they cut costs, and do what they can to save money. The company I work for is doing this, and we're going to be there when the economy does turn around. The companies like Circuit City that didn't do these things, well... you see where they are at. The consumer has done it to themselves, we want everything cheaper, for the same quality. Well, when we're paying a Chevy plant worker 30 dollars an hour to put bolts in a bucket, you're not going to get it cheaper. That persons wage is put into every single car that one of those bolts go into. Do the math. Labor charges to build a car for Chevy and one for Toyota are totally different. Why are "foreign" cars cheaper? Becasue the labor is cheaper, and you know what, they're better quality. Like sprinter said, time are changing, and I buy "american" whenever I can, but the problem is they are few and far between.

I'm not defending Walmart by any means, and they should pay their bill that they owe the business you run, but before I slander them, I would have to see their case for not paying. I work in retail, and I know for a fact, that there is two bills at the store I used to work at before transferring that haven't been paid, because the services weren't done in the manner that they should have been, so it's being fought.
3/1/09, 3:33 PM   #27
Re: Wal-mart
skids59 is offline
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I feel Wal-Mart may be one of the main reasons we are looking at many of our products being produced outside the USA. They are very demanding on price which leads to companies looking for cheaper labor, in turn, moving production out of the USA. Profitability is fine; to a point. That point is when it becomes GREED. Imho greed is why we are where we are today. Too many companies in for the quick buck with not much" over the long haul " strategies. Sadly the workin' stiff doesn't have enough of a voice in the work place. I do my dead level best to buy all I can that is produced in this country. In the current state of affairs it is impossible to buy all USA produced items, Wish we could. Jeff Skidmore
3/1/09, 3:48 PM   #28
Re: Wal-mart
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How about this story, I bought groceries at Wal-Mart up until about 2 years ago. Not everything just probably 2/3. They had this turkey breast that came in a chunk that I sliced myself it was really good quality and was advertised at 4.49lb

The original sticker from the manufacturer was on the package and it was suppose to be sold at 5.49lb Wal-Mart would then place their sticker and say it was 4.49 and sell it at what looked like $1 off per pound. One day I happened to look at the cash register receipt. I noticed that I paid nearly the same price as what the manufacturer said. Not much less

Grabbed the calculator. The manufacturer said that the weight was 1.41lbs @5.49 = $7.74 The Wal-Mart sticker didn't have the weight but it printed the weight on the register receipt 1.57lbs @4.49 this was equal to 4.99 a pound because I took it back to Wal-Mart a few days later and they weighed it on their scales and it weighed 1.41. They manager didn't even argue with me he gave me a refund for the difference on the 2 that I bought. Only a couple bucks but it was about how they screwed me. I showed how I was being charged 4.99 and that they jacked the weight up of the product to deceive people. A couple weeks later I went in to the store and nothing had changed, I bought one and before I left the store checked the receipt had it weighed and got another refund. They are screwing millions of people every single day. I sent a letter to the Attorney General of Indiana proving this and heard absolutely nothing. Wal-Mart the low price leader sticking it up your a$$ every day. Imagine how many times a day they are taking advantage of people who probably would never check this.
3/1/09, 5:08 PM   #29
Re: Wal-mart
fishnman is offline
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Not to offend, but what may be B.S. to some may be gospel to others. Everyone has an opinion. No need to go into details, just watch the documentary " Wal-mart- the high cost of living" and draw your own opinion. Pretty detailed in how business is conducted, and even dabbles in where reported Wal-mart charitable contributions come from. Approx. 2hrs in length.
And agreed, in todays world it is difficult to by anything not overseas, I just try my absolute best to always buy American, and if the product can't be found with a "Made in the USA" sticker, either regretably purchase or do without.
It is time I get off this garage sale bought old computer, call the folks on that damned old push button desk phone( the rotary dial can't be used anymore), drive that 20+ year old pick-up down to the garage and continue to work on my replacement vehicle, a 58' chevy truck on a 78' blazer chassis, complete with the fresh .030 over 283 motor. ( I wonder where my vehicles were made?):
3/1/09, 6:05 PM   #30
Re: Wal-mart
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Originally Posted by chad View Post
Wal Mart is the largest importer of chinese made goods in the country. I do remember a time when they used to pride themselves for selling american made goods but that is no longer the case. I choose not to shop there for my own personal reasons and if everybody would do a little research on the company I am sure there would be alot less of us shopping there. They did screw the Rubbermaid made company with their demands on what they will pay for goods and not just them, it is all of the companies who they buy from. That is the main reason most American companies can't do business with them. Not wanting to start anything here just trying to maybe make people do some research before they shop there.

The reason there is so little at Wal Mart that says made in America is because (and here's a NEWS FLASH) so little is made in America. We live in a global economy and people in other countries will work for less than most American workers will. Unions have helped in breaking the banks for companies but they are not alone in that blame. CEO's, CFO's and company presidents have done as much if not more to push companies out of the US labor market. For instance Caterpillar has announced plans to move engine assembly to Texas from Illinois because Texas has no unions like the UAW and they can pay people less per hour and give them less benefits to do the same job people in Illinois did. That's just one example. Although on a personal note, I would move out of Illinois as well. Horrible state to be associated with in any form.

I shopped at Wal Mart today and am not embarassed or affraid to say it. I will continue to shop their. I don't make big money like most paper pushers sitting at a desk for 30 hours a week, I actually work and earn my paycheck, every penny of it. If Wal Mart provides me what I need at a fair price I'll buy it, if not then I will go to another store. Hell, what store was behind helping to raise funds to build the World War II monument in Washington? What store wants people to bring in the pictures of thier loved ones who have served in the United States Military? What store allows charities to be in front of their store and raise money for their causes? Wal Mart does all of that. Target doesn't. Target has actually had people arrested for that. That is the main reason I will never support Target.

The Wal Mart near me is actually being protested by people for not being "Fair to Local Workers" during their store remodeling. Guess what? Wal Mart hired 55 local people for this porject. The ones protesting are actually laid off Union workers from such places at Caterpillar, Keystone, Pipe fitters, and the local operators union. They are upset that local union workers weren't hired. Funny thing is several of these protesters have been insde shopping at the Wal Mart they are protesting.

Oh yeah, what did I purchase at Wal Mart: Quaker State motor oil.
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