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midgetracer (Offline)
  #51 8/25/08 8:47 AM
Originally Posted by yamaha:
If I remember right didn't he push the 90 car and broke his shock, bent his nerf bar at mt.lawn. the he tried to go through the infield to pass terry.(which there is video of). Then he slammed terry after the race, then his dad gave terry the middle finger right in front of everyone. Im sure grandpa was proud!
Let's not talk about anyone giving anyone the middle finger. I think we all know who the experts are at that, don't we? Except for they don't get suspended for a race for giving people the middle finger, do they?
yamaha (Offline)
  #52 8/25/08 9:25 AM
Thats not why he got suspended I heard, if he just would have left that area he would have been fine, but no he had to just keep going. How about when tate martz kept hitting combs at gas city. See guys its not just the goffs. OPEN your eyes!
STP (Offline)
  #53 8/25/08 9:25 AM
As far as I'm concerned, that is in the past and will not be tolerated nor will rough driving. It's time to move onto the future.
STP (Offline)
  #54 8/25/08 9:27 AM
Originally Posted by yamaha:
Thats not why he got suspended I heard, if he just would have left that area he would have been fine, but no he had to just keep going. How about when tate martz kept hitting combs at gas city. See guys its not just the goffs. OPEN your eyes!
We've talked to Kenny's Dad and he's welcome to race with us.
SHORTBUS (Offline)
  #55 8/25/08 9:28 AM
yamaha (Offline)
  #56 8/25/08 9:34 AM
So the goffs should be allowed if your going to allow him
  #57 8/25/08 10:36 AM
I find it hard to believe that so many people think that this was an "intentional" crash. This is a 16 yr old KID, and a ROOKIE, that you all are talking about. Anyone in the stands that saw the accident can tell you that it was certainly not intentional. It is ridiculous that this has turned into a "goff bashing contest". So the solution is to start a new club apparently. Oh, and age limit starts at 14yrs old. Good ideas. The best idea yet would be to let the 14 yr olds RUN the club because they would certainly be more mature than most of you would ever be.
TqMidget41&84 (Offline)
  #58 8/25/08 10:39 AM
I don't believe anyone from the 55 crew has ever flipped off the crowd at shelbyville.....spun a car out in the pits at Salem.....thats just a few reasons why so many are ready for a fresh start in with a new club.
Posted via Mobile Device
yamaha (Offline)
  #59 8/25/08 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by FAN OF TQs:
I find it hard to believe that so many people think that this was an "intentional" crash. This is a 16 yr old KID, and a ROOKIE, that you all are talking about. Anyone in the stands that saw the accident can tell you that it was certainly not intentional. It is ridiculous that this has turned into a "goff bashing contest". So the solution is to start a new club apparently. Oh, and age limit starts at 14yrs old. Good ideas. The best idea yet would be to let the 14 yr olds RUN the club because they would certainly be more mature than most of you would ever be.
yamaha (Offline)
  #60 8/25/08 10:46 AM
Oh yeah thanks for reminding me. How about the 5 car pounding the 35s bumper into the tail tank because he just kept on hitting him and trying to take out the 26 on the restart. Boys and girls you can see alot from the stands when your not biased.
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