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Shawn (Offline)
  #81 8/26/08 4:05 PM
I don't need any new specs, but thanks. I was able to read the topic and stay on it. So, if you'd like to keep bringing up the "New Series VS UMRA", then take it to the other topic. Also, how about signing your posts, since you believe so much in what you say?

If you'd like to talk about Tate, or how he's doing, then I'll listen. I, for one, am glad he's doing alright. Later...
martz32 (Offline)
  #82 8/26/08 9:45 PM
I would like to thank everyone for your thoughts and concerns in regards to my incident on Saturday at Anderson. I went to the doctor today due to some dizziness which he said was likely a symptom from a concussion. I feel very fortunate to have not suffered any major injuries after taking such a hard lick.

I also want to thank my car owner, Roger Ramsey, for all he has done to help me continue racing. I have been blessed to have driven for some great car owners, and Roger is definitely one of them. I would not trade the friendships I have made with the Ramsey family for anything.

In the immediate future, I am going to take a little time off and begin searching for an opportunity to get back up on the wheel and go win some races.

Again, thanks for your concerns.

TqMidget41&84 (Offline)
  #83 8/26/08 9:48 PM
Glad to hear you are doing well Tate, keep in touch........
Posted via Mobile Device
tjtomthumb (Offline)
  #84 8/26/08 10:08 PM
Thanks for the update, we're glad to hear you're doing ok Tate. We wish you the best of luck. :thumb
yamaha (Offline)
  #85 8/27/08 7:47 AM
Glad you are ok Tate!
Barney (Offline)
  #86 8/27/08 10:16 AM
I have made with the Ramsey family for anything.

Even Trevor?:O:

Glad your OK Tate.
  #87 8/27/08 8:57 PM
Boomer, did not take out Tate intentionally, I was sitting up in the stands in turns 3-4 at Anderson.Tate passed Boomer for the lead going into turn 3, coming out a little high Boomer drove back to the inside in 4, the left side tires dropped onto the apron, which shot the car to the right.I respect Tate and consider him my friend,he is a great race car driver.This was truly a racing accident.Nothing more nothing less,Tate wanted the lead and Boomer wanted too keep it.As far as Terry an Oogie and Goff Racing they have ruffeled a few feathers in their day,but who hasn't,I do know this,when my team beats Terry or Oogie I know we have beaten two of the very best in the business.For those of you who say Terry used to have talent,Jump in a car this weekend and try to beat him.
I am thankful that both Tate and Boomer are ok.
tq11 (Offline)
  #88 8/27/08 10:31 PM
I think all of this is out of control. I do agree with this thread that Tate is very talented. I cant belive all the crap that this has brought out. My car blew a motor so I was in the stands right there were the crash happened and I dont think Brent will denie that it was his fault but I know he wouldnt do it intentionaly. He just wants to win just as bad as the next guy and they were fighting for the lead. I love both Tate and Brents drive to win. Im not shure if I would have been driving wheel to wheel with Tate I might have made the same mistake Brent did. So would every body say I did it to take Tate out, just cause i pit with the Goffs. COME ONE PEOPLE GROW UP!!! As far as all this stuff with the GOFF's. I might not always aree with stuff that they do, They have helped me sooooo much its not funny. Like it or not the Goffs are a big part of history and the future of the UMRA. And like sandman said If I ever do win a feature race I want to know I beat the best, weahter its TERRY,OGGIE,RONNY,TATE,KENNY. They are all awsome and I feel like racing them week in week out makes me a better driver. Well I have spoke my peace and I hope Tate and all these guys talking about going to this other club will reconsider, the UMRA is a great club. Tate If you dont I will be supportive of you wahtever you do.

jontheturboguy (Offline)
  #89 8/28/08 10:26 AM
Hope you heal quickly Tater.

  #90 8/28/08 10:34 AM
Well put Brandon and Sandman!

-Tyler Garrity
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