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tjtomthumb (Offline)
  #1 8/30/08 10:14 AM
First, sorry for this being so long, but I hope you take the time to read this. It is really nice what some drivers took the time to do.

Last night at Gas City I69 Speedway, during the intermission and while they were reworking the track for the features, there was this little boy, I'm gonna guess maybe 4 or 5 years old that was down by the pit gate near where they push off the sprint cars. You could tell he was so excited and just having such a good time. It was one of those things that just kinda gets your attention.

He was standing there, I should say standing, jumping up & down, pointing, smiling, really just a 4 or 5 year old just having one heck of a good time taking everything in, and he had this small pad and ink pen in his little hand. Now folks, his little hands were so small, and the pad he had was almost a hand full for him, lol and he kept holding his pen and pad up in the air, again more jumping up and down, pointing and getting so excited, he could see all those drivers standing out there by the track watching the track prep and deciding what set-up to run etc, but there were 3 problems, he was so small over there on the spectator side amoungst the adults, the drivers had their backs to him looking at the track and there was this big tall catch fence between him and all those drivers. lol It was so cute to watch him, all excited, so close to so many autographs, but yet so far away.

Well, it was one of those times that you just had to do something to help the little fella. He was so excited. So I walked over and asked him, "Would you like to have a driver's autograph?" He started jumping up and down holding out his little pad and his pen saying yes. lol It was so cute to see. So I told him and the lady he was with I'd try to get a driver for him. There just happened to be 2 drivers over on the push-off lane talking and I hollered over to them and told them there was a young fan wanting an autograph. They said sure and right away walked around through the pit gate and signed his little pad and was visiting with him when Jerry Spencer went walking out towards the track to check things out for their set-up. I hollered over to Jerry, "Hey, Jerry do me a favor, try to send me a couple drivers over to give this young fan an autograph." Jerry say, why a couple? I'll send them all! He went over and told all the drivers and, yes, all those drivers took the time before they went to prepare their cars for the feature came over by the pit gate, lined up, and all signed the little fella's pad and did a brief visit with him! I bet he had the autograph of way over half the drivers in the feature and some of the mod and stock car guys that went through!

I want to thank all of you drivers for taking the time to make the little fella's trip to the races one he will never forget. The last I saw of him he was going down towards the concession area jumping up and down, spinning around in circles, so excited and happy and holding his little pad out as he went past people to show them what he had and having the time of his life!

It was just so neat to see all you drivers take the time to make this young fan so happy. Again, Thank You all, you know who you are for taking the time out of the most important time of the night when you needed to be preparing you cars to take the time to make a young fan a very happy young fan!! :thumb
Tim Watson (Offline)
  #2 8/30/08 10:42 AM
Great story. Those are the things that boy will remember and i'm sure he will be a race fan for the rest of his life.
21sprint (Offline)
  #3 8/30/08 10:45 AM
Are you sure the kid was a 5 year old,or maybe it was lil Petey from Missouri,lol
just kidding,but it could have been him
Bronco Billy Molkenbur (Offline)
  #4 8/30/08 10:54 AM
Very cool story...and now we have another lifelong fan!
ThrottleHead (Offline)
  #5 8/30/08 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Tim Watson:
Great story. Those are the things that boy will remember and i'm sure he will be a race fan for the rest of his life.
I was going to say the same thing. I bet this kid will like ALL of those drivers who signed his notebook!

I have always maintained if a driver takes the time to sign an autograph.... talk to the youngster...... let them sit in the racecar.... you will have a lifelong fan. I know of 2 fans Shane Cottle will have forever!
hoosierfan (Offline)
  #6 8/30/08 3:11 PM
I remember being that kid when I was younger. And I also know a couple little kids that will be Cottle fans for the same reason.
Jerry Spencer (Offline)
  #7 8/30/08 5:11 PM
All I did was tell the drivers that if they get a chance a little boy with a red hat on wanted an autograph, every driver there immediately stopped what they were doing and went to talk to the race fan. The drivers are the good guys in this deal.

Jerry #66j
Dwight Clock (Offline)
  #8 8/30/08 7:48 PM
Originally Posted by Bronco Billy Molkenbur:
Very cool story...and now we have another lifelong fan!
pletchfan (Offline)
  #9 8/30/08 7:56 PM
What a precious story. I remember many nights when Terry would sign autographs and chat with the younger fans, they would climb in the car or get to scrap some of the mud off and they were on cloud nine. GOOD JOB DRIVERS:thumb:thumb
  #10 8/31/08 8:15 AM
Originally Posted by pletchfan:
What a precious story. I remember many nights when Terry would sign autographs and chat with the younger fans, they would climb in the car or get to scrap some of the mud off and they were on cloud nine. GOOD JOB DRIVERS:thumb:thumb
I also say thank you for the lady noticing the young man was actually wanting this attention. Children deserve so much more. Thank you drivers for doing this small deed and making this young man's night. He will appreciate this for life.

Jeff Sweat
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