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12/8/11, 8:37 PM   #1
Electric midget?!?!?!? Any info?
darnall is offline
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I saw a photo on facebook today posted by a friend of one of my FB friends...the pic was of an electric powered midget...from what little I could see in the pic it appeared to be a pretty modern standard midget chassis with red bodywork (hood was off) and lots of stuff I have never seen in a racecar crammed between the framerails..I assume the pic had been taken at the IMIS tradeshow but not sure about that.........

DO any of my fellow IOW members know anything at all about it? ANYTHING?...who built it, where does it live, how was it made, has it been on a racetrack, etc etc....

Do any of you have any more pics that you could post on here?

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE feed my hunger for knowledge about this project. A couple years ago I saw en electric powered S-10 pickup-dragcar on the show PASSTIME and I was amazed at how fast it went down the dragstrip so the midget really has me curious.

Thanks in advance for any pics or info that may be posted here.
12/8/11, 9:27 PM   #2
Bradleyracing86 is offline
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Looked kinda neat, but I'm guessing it's purty heavy..

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12/8/11, 9:33 PM   #3
Re: Electric midget?!?!?!? Any info?
Spi-nex is offline
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All that midget is, is an RC car you can ride in...
12/8/11, 9:33 PM   #4
Midget18 is offline
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A company here in Indianapolis is working on it with a sanctioning group.... I will have to ask around to see if more information can be given
Last edited by Midget18; 12/8/11 at 9:41 PM.
12/8/11, 9:51 PM   #5
groove grabber
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Just installed motor, no testing yet, appears to be in competition with the focus as is believed to be in 165 hp range, 250 torque depending on number and size of batteries

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12/9/11, 11:22 AM   #6
Re: Electric midget?!?!?!? Any info?
TQ29m is offline
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Darnall, let me just say this, there are people, who have been approached, about putting an electric motor in their car, the motor referred to was I believe, in the neighborhood of 120-140hp, 12in in diameter, and weighed 90lbs, I think it was the same motor that was used in the bike that was built on OCC. The battery pac was also being worked on, and would give enough power, for almost a night of racing, on one charge, and really wasn't all that big, or heavy, and with a quick charger, should be able to last the night. Bob!
"Being old, isn't half as much fun, as getting there"! Ole Robert I!
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12/9/11, 2:42 PM   #7
Re: Electric midget?!?!?!? Any info?
DAD is offline
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That sounds great I can dig out my old RC radios and race from the stands. I know I can out drive most of these kids I just don't have the drive I used to. Did I tell you I was the Korean "KOSCOM" RC champ back in 1972.
12/9/11, 6:41 PM   #8
Re: Electric midget?!?!?!? Any info?
D.O. is offline
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12/9/11, 6:48 PM   #9
Re: Electric midget?!?!?!? Any info?
Revolution Racing
Revolution Racing is offline

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OK, wait a minute. I develop an elecrtonic management system for an internal combustion engine and I can't get these guys to return my phone calls. So then they bring out an electronic ENGINE.

Gotta love this game!
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12/9/11, 6:56 PM   #10
Re: Electric midget?!?!?!? Any info?
Bad Dad 54
Bad Dad 54 is offline
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There was an article years ago in a magazine about a battery powered midget, can't remember what Magazine.
Racing is gonna be about as exciting as turning a light switch on w/ these things - pass
Reply Indiana Open Wheel > Indiana Open Wheel Forum > Electric midget?!?!?!? Any info?

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