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flyer (Offline)
  #1 12/30/09 9:48 PM
Will MSCS be running the same format as last year? The pill draw system they use now sucks. It seems to make it almost impossible to overcome a bad draw, especially at some tracks. Why not use passing works well in ASCS, and levels the playing field more than the draw. JMHO
Great Scott (Offline)
  #2 12/30/09 10:07 PM
Isn't it similar or the same as several weekly (Putnamville, Gas City, Bloomington, etc...) programs use. If it so bad why did "only" 65 sprint cars show up for the Bloomington MSCS race in September? I can imagine that sometimes you draw a good pill and sometimes you draw a pill that puts you in the back of a heat. That makes for some good racing for the fans.
i love dirt track racing (Offline)
  #3 12/30/09 10:28 PM
only if they stick around after they pull out the lucky pill
Likes: TNRustler
spicoli (Offline)
  #4 12/30/09 10:57 PM
"Impossible to overcome a bad draw"????

You mean, like actually having to RACE and PASS somebody???


Do what others did this past year, get a bad draw, load up and go home.
2 Likes: Dirtfan, Rpracing1
racin jason (Offline)
  #5 12/31/09 12:00 AM
The ole PILL DRAW............... There are good and bad to both sides of it.

As an announcer the most dominating performance I have ever seen was Daron Clayton starting 18th in an MSCS A Main at Tri-State Speedway a couple of years back and cracking the top 10 by lap 10 only to spin out and go to the tail. And with 15 laps left in the race he came from 20th to win the race.

For a car owner and a driver i understand the frustration of drawing a high 90 number and knowing you will have to start at the back. Ultimately these are the chances you take by going to a race and trust me there are ALOT of chances every car owner, driver, and crews take each night as they roll into the pits. It is what makes our sport so exciting.

I understand the concept of passing points as well. It gives a guy that starts in the back and passes a few cars a shot straight into the A. But at the same time if a guy starts a heat in 2nd and finishes 2nd in a stacked heat he may have to go to the B.

Believe me when I say the MSCS officials have discussed this and other topics in meetings over the Winter. Please stay tuned to for upcoming press releases about Rules and the Schedule.

As always feel free to contact me anytime with questions, comments, or concerns.

Racin Jason Adams
4 Likes: Dirtfan, dirtnonwingfan, Great Scott, Rpracing1
Sprint63122 (Offline)
  #6 12/31/09 12:52 AM
There is nothing wrong with mscs system it has worked out great and has for the one night last year there was a supposed problem with it will just say Damion proved them all wrong so strap in and race boys.If you want to run more heat races and put on a better show for the fans then they can run it ascs style like osky has done from the start.
Hamby812 (Offline)
  #7 12/31/09 2:27 AM
Is it really any diffrent than gettin a late draw in qualifying when the track is black slick??? I raced for 9 years and qualifed maybe 15 times and all were at big races. It didnt impact the outcome that much. If your good youll find a way thru if your not then well i guess maybe u shouldnt be there in the 1st place. I ran the Tulsa shootout in go-karts a few times and that is by far the biggest go-kart race I ran and there were more karts there than any other go-kart race ive been to. And unless im mistaken that was a pill draw format with around 100 karts in my class. Ran it 3 times worst finish was 7th my 1st year there. I never started higher than 6th in a heat and never ran a B-main either. Simply put the draw shouldnt have a major effect on your evening(granted **** happens). Simply put the cream always rises to the top.
Likes: Rpracing1
Pat O'Connor Fan (Offline)
  #8 12/31/09 2:40 AM
Originally Posted by Sprint63122:
There is nothing wrong with mscs system....................If you want to run more heat races and put on a better show for the fans then they can run it ascs style like osky has done from the start.
If there is nothing wrong with the MSCS system, why do you then state that the ASCS style puts on a better show for the fans?
Likes: mowerman
AERO410SCJA (Offline)
  #9 12/31/09 6:38 PM
I'm fine with the pill draw just change the way you pay lapped cars.
sp6967 (Offline)
  #10 1/1/10 7:08 PM
why not qualify.
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