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Pat O'Connor Fan (Offline)
  #1 9/7/09 5:14 PM
I was watching (go ahead, beat me up, but Hey! Mr. Happy is out there in person.) NHRA on TV. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence, or a memory, knows how John lays down against his teammates when the situation "calls for it".
He set a new benchmark for laying down today!
ByronMack (Offline)
  #2 9/7/09 5:26 PM
Originally Posted by Pat O'Connor Fan:
I was watching (go ahead, beat me up, but Hey! Mr. Happy is out there in person.) NHRA on TV. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence, or a memory, knows how John lays down against his teammates when the situation "calls for it".
He set a new benchmark for laying down today!
And once again, NHRA doesn't do a thing. What a joke.
Posted via Mobile Device
Speedracer (Offline)
  #3 9/7/09 5:30 PM
bballr4567 (Offline)
  #4 9/7/09 7:21 PM
If you watch the arial replay of the run the car actually goes towards the center line first and then it starts heading towards the wall. He simply overcorrected on when the car made the move towards the center and the car took off towards the wall. It happens. Shoot, I think that Hight has a

The commentator was way out of line to say that he did it on purpose and just was way out of his mind to say that on air.

Im not taking sides just giving a different perspective of the incident of which 99% of people are going to say he was in the wrong just because they heard the guy on the TV say it.

Also, how can you call the winningest driver in NHRA history a phony? Im not a fan of him but that is just a pretty bold statement.
ByronMack (Offline)
  #5 9/7/09 7:26 PM
Originally Posted by bballr4567:
If you watch the arial replay of the run the car actually goes towards the center line first and then it starts heading towards the wall. He simply overcorrected on when the car made the move towards the center and the car took off towards the wall. It happens. Shoot, I think that Hight has a

The commentator was way out of line to say that he did it on purpose and just was way out of his mind to say that on air.

Im not taking sides just giving a different perspective of the incident of which 99% of people are going to say he was in the wrong just because they heard the guy on the TV say it.

Also, how can you call the winningest driver in NHRA history a phony? Im not a fan of him but that is just a pretty bold statement.
The thing was though, the guy on tv called before it happened. Force pretty much admitted to it after the run when he said he only did what his sponsers pay him to do,get cars into the "chase" or whatever nhra calls there final championship run off.
Posted via Mobile Device
bballr4567 (Offline)
  #6 9/7/09 7:33 PM
There is nothing else to do. Its just a weird situation where it comes down to what people think happened.
Pat O'Connor Fan (Offline)
  #7 9/7/09 8:14 PM
But one's reputation follows you. If your team has a rep for pulling this BS, every time another remotely questionable situation occurs, you are going to be thought guilty. You reap what you sew.
As he stated in the interview after he and Tony P. were separated, "It is my race team and I can do what I want with it". Pretty much says it all.
Motormasher (Offline)
  #8 9/7/09 8:38 PM
Well what happened? I don't understand?
awnunn (Offline)
  #9 9/7/09 8:47 PM
Force did what any person on this board would have done in the same situation. I like his line to Tony P. after all the shouting was done. " My little girl just beat your a$$". LOL Classic
  #10 9/7/09 10:08 PM
Like Warren Johnson said the other day, it's nothing special anymore it's just another drag race thanks to the NHRA. Personally I barely watch it anymore and never tivo it because of the "chase" crap and BS like Force is always pulling, you would have NEVER seen one of the true greats like Big Daddy or the Snake do that. On a neat note, was there Thursday and saw Big Daddy wheeling one of the new Challengers in competition, would have loved a t-shirt but the NHRA wouldn't let him sell any on the grounds, guess they can't get a cut!
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