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RacinJason (Offline)
  #71 1/25/08 7:07 PM
Originally Posted by wobbler:
I suggest you look at the Leatt Brace , it exceeds the SFI rating for Had and Neck restraints and offers protection for the head and neck in all directions!
They have models that were initially designed for use while riding motor cycles!

The Leatt Brace is NOT approved. Why would you want to look into it? You CANNOT use it with Badger, USAC, etc...

Bluteam (Offline)
  #72 1/25/08 9:40 PM
Originally Posted by NJDMONEY:
You said everything fit perfectly, explain to me how it does. I still can't picture someone wearing a HANS and a neck collar at the same time. I know other drivers have tried it before but I still can't see it.

The concept is the neck collar still allows the neck to snap around and it also creates "space" to prevent the HANS from limiting the movement of the neck which means the driver takes the brunt of the head snapping around. This all goes against what a HANS is designed to do: limiting head movement in all directions.

As far as the rocks thing, run a rock guard and mesh cage nets, I guess. That'll keep most of the rocks out anyway

Thanks for your reply. I guess I'm not comprehending how the neck collar interferes with the HANS. We actually stumbled into using it. The driver strapped into a full containment seat, with everything on, and HANS adjusted as recommended. I asked him how it felt, and he said he felt naked. We double and triple checked that the HANS tethers were installed correct, and that the HANS was the correct size and model for what we were doing. After litterally a couple of hours of this, he asked if he could put the neck collar on too. We did, and it fit perfectly without changing anything on the HANS, how he sat in the seat, or how he was belted in. When he tried that, he said it felt more comfortable - even more so than just a neck collar alone. Said he felt "contained".

Now I will say - he is small. 115 pounds and a chicken neck like his mom. I would guess that affords him the opportunity to use both devices easier than a bigger, more developed driver. But in no way is the neck collar interfering with the HANS as we can see. I would assume some people might have some interference in the back of the neck, and loosen the tethers to accomodate. But because of his stature, there was no need for us to do that.

Maybe I'm still misunderstanding, but I just don't see it - in our case. I don't have any good closeups of him in the car, but you can get some understanding by clicking on his web site and looking at the pictures.

Thanks for the reply. As I said - just want to understand.

Racer12 (Offline)
  #73 1/25/08 11:45 PM
Ted at Blueteam,

I would sugggest you contact HANS directly and ask them the same questions you have proposed here. Sprintcar64 is the only person who provided factual knowledge on this post. Coming from someone who has worked for a safety equipment company, I have contacted HANS myself with questions so I could provide the proper info to my customers. They will be more than willing to answer any questions you may have. And as a suggestion I would take any opinions posted on here from anyone who can't sign with their real name with a grain of salt. (especially when it comes to safety, we are talking about someones life here) Just my two cents worth.

Bob Shutt
  #74 1/26/08 12:33 AM
Does anybody know much about the new impact belts designed with the hans in mind? for those that don't know it has in theory 2 belts. one is the normal belt that goes over your shoulder the hans sits ON TOP of this belt then there is another belt that secures the hans.
RacinJason (Offline)
  #75 1/26/08 1:08 AM
Originally Posted by Ryan23:
Does anybody know much about the new impact belts designed with the hans in mind? for those that don't know it has in theory 2 belts. one is the normal belt that goes over your shoulder the hans sits ON TOP of this belt then there is another belt that secures the hans.
I called Impact about that a few months ago. They said there was no product like that available. They said they had been looking into testing and designing but it was not something that was going to be made for sure. They made it sound like it was on paper but that was it. Again, that was a few months ago. I'd be curious the progress also.

Gaines #1 Fan
  #76 1/26/08 1:37 PM
:angry-smiley-007: :sleep:
KRJoyce1 (Offline)
  #77 1/26/08 9:51 PM
Originally Posted by Racer12:
Ted at Blueteam,

I would sugggest you contact HANS directly and ask them the same questions you have proposed here. Sprintcar64 is the only person who provided factual knowledge on this post. Coming from someone who has worked for a safety equipment company, I have contacted HANS myself with questions so I could provide the proper info to my customers. They will be more than willing to answer any questions you may have. And as a suggestion I would take any opinions posted on here from anyone who can't sign with their real name with a grain of salt. (especially when it comes to safety, we are talking about someones life here) Just my two cents worth.

Bob Shutt
Just to clear up one thing you mentioned. The knowledge and info I have posted on this topic are factual, as is the FAQ Info on my web site. Those came straight from Hans and cover many issues brought up here. I have been working with Jim Downing and Dr. Hubbard on the production design of the Hans prior to the sudden demand following the 2001 Daytona 500. Those original mass production devices were made in Indy from late 2000-2004/5. I have witnessed many dummies being hammered at many different angles in many types of car configs. as well. So the info I have accumulated over the years in this area can be trusted.

I may be a newer dealer, but I have been around this product for years and it was with the encouragement of Mr. Downing that made me decide to be dealer for them in this area

Anyone that has questions or concerns is welcome to email me anytime, and if I don't know the full answer, I will get it directly from Jim or Dr. Bob personally, and reply. Don't rely on posted opinions for an answer. Like Mr. Shutt noted. Go directly to the source.

Yes, I agree a lot of opinions posted are coming without full knowledge, and are not accurate as well. However, I and my company do have the safety of our customers and any Hans user or future Hans user as a #1 priority.

Thank you,
Ken Joyce
KRJ Race Products
KRJoyce1 (Offline)
  #78 1/26/08 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by Ryan23:
Does anybody know much about the new impact belts designed with the hans in mind? for those that don't know it has in theory 2 belts. one is the normal belt that goes over your shoulder the hans sits ON TOP of this belt then there is another belt that secures the hans.
Schroth Racing makes the Over/Under or "Double Shoulder Belts" you are referring to. They have been making these for a couple years now. If you are interested in more info, please e-mail or pm me. Below is a link for this belt system. You can also see other products on their sight as well.

  #79 1/26/08 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by smbpreformance:
That I know they do.........I heard a story a couple years back that they day they implemented the rule was a practice day at one of the tracks and a certain driver that likes to play by his own rules and grind into the NASCAR authority pulled on his fire suit put the HANS device on his shoulders and threw his helmet in the car and hopped in and drove it on to pit road to practice (Fully knowing they would not let him on the track without putting the helmet on). An official stopped him and told him he could not go out without a helmet and the official was informed by the driver that the rulebook states you must wear a fire suit, shoes, gloves, and a restraint and also must HAVE a helmet so after the driver showed that he was wearing the safety equipment and had his helmet (in the car beside him) he wanted to go on the track and take some laps...........Well the car was not allowed to take any laps that day and the driver was called to the "Big Red Truck" for his actions...:emote20::kookoo2:
You just got to love people that find a way to buck the system. He he played by the rules as they were in the book.

That is funny.
Racer12 (Offline)
  #80 1/28/08 12:43 AM

My post was not aimed at you but towards individuals who post about a serious topics like this and do not sign there name. If you are going to try to inject some of your knowledge on something and you want to be taken seriously, sign your name. (which you do) Hopefully no offense taken.

Bob Shutt
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