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Dirtfan (Offline)
  #71 12/15/08 3:56 PM
Originally Posted by Jerry Spencer:
17 without the wind, windchill is 2, ice everywhere with snow on the way. I love working out in this stuff. (Makes me feel alive)

Jerry #66j
Get yourself a warm one Jerry!

Dan Hetser

"Today is a Gift, Tomorrow is not Promised"
cmakin (Offline)
  #72 12/15/08 4:01 PM
In the 70's down here yesterday, in the 40's right now.

Be sure to visit 2024 Robert Ballou Calendars are available.
dirtnonwingfan (Offline)
  #73 12/15/08 5:13 PM
Hi Jerry,

It may actually be as bad as Kokomo in Springfield today. Temp is now 14 with wind chill at 0. Got some ice and a little snow on the ground too. Big change from 80+ in Everglades City, Florida 4-5 days ago. I would be tempted to move if it wasn't for that good, good sprint car and midget racing in Indiana and all the great people associated with it.

Try to keep warm.

Frank Daigh
sprntr (Offline)
  #74 12/15/08 9:02 PM
Originally Posted by illiNOISE:
The chill factor is only 4 above right now, but when I see what they're dealing with further north, well, I stop complaining.
Currently in Minneapolis: -4 with a -20 windchill

Overnight lows; -13 with a -25 windchill (wind is dropping after midnight)

Gotta love Minnesota winters!
illiNOISE (Offline)
  #75 12/15/08 9:29 PM
Originally Posted by sprntr:
Currently in Minneapolis: -4 with a -20 windchill

Overnight lows; -13 with a -25 windchill (wind is dropping after midnight)

Gotta love Minnesota winters!
And Fargo, ND is supposed to be almost 20 degrees colder in the morning.:eek::eek::eek:

How do people actually live there?!:confused:

Even Roman Chariots ran non-wing, and on dirt. Hail Caesar!
Melmo (Offline)
  #76 12/16/08 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Jerry Spencer:
Not a racing thread but wondering how is the weather where you are? Kokomo is getting pounded with snow, started around 4:45 this morning and is really putting it down. Hope everyone is enjoying the last day of the holiday weekend. :respect:

Jerry #66j
Jerry where do you live at? I'm looking out my window right now and no snow here!!!! All I see is Ice cycles and that's it!!! its 9:40am.
Jerry Spencer (Offline)
  #77 12/16/08 2:40 PM
Originally Posted by Melmo:
Jerry where do you live at? I'm looking out my window right now and no snow here!!!! All I see is Ice cycles and that's it!!! its 9:40am.

You are about two weeks late on the post you are Quoting Melmo, I posted this at the end of November. As of right now it is covering the ground with the white stuff and slicker than snot. (Tuesday Dec. 16th)

Jerry #66j
Melmo (Offline)
  #78 12/16/08 3:06 PM
Originally Posted by Jerry Spencer:
You are about two weeks late on the post you are Quoting Melmo, I posted this at the end of November. As of right now it is covering the ground with the white stuff and slicker than snot. (Tuesday Dec. 16th)

Jerry #66j
Oh sorry Jerry they shut our work down Friday and don't go back until second week of Jan. and I was just getting back into things!!! But I was taking my deer to Preu to get cut up and on the way home I thought to myself man its getting foggy but turns out its snowing and boy is it coming down out here now. Its 2:06pm!!!!
illiNOISE (Offline)
  #79 12/16/08 3:51 PM
It's 19 degrees, chill factor of 6, with freezing drizzle in Alton right now.

Even Roman Chariots ran non-wing, and on dirt. Hail Caesar!
bigwig_1basset (Offline)
  #80 12/16/08 5:43 PM
STILL snowing here, about 3 inches so far on top of the ice we got on Sunday.:censor:
13 degrees, with the wind chill 0
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