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Nut'n but Dirt (Offline)
  #51 8/16/09 6:01 PM
It was a racing incident, get over it. Yes our car got hurt too, but every racer out there would have done the same thing. Every racer goes for the win if you're that close. Bland would have done the same thing had it been the other way around. Watch the video closer!
  #52 8/16/09 6:28 PM
Originally Posted by illinisprintfan:
An aggressive move that went bad, but not dirty driving.
No, I agree it wasn't dirty he was going for the win like anybody else would. It was just stupid
Likes: 38DD
wolfpack58 (Offline)
  #53 8/16/09 6:32 PM
After watching the video, here 2 states away(PA) that is just the kind of desire to get to the front that is gonna make me drive 8 the Burg this Saturday nite.Hell,! BP wasn't even close to Jeff till the car biked!!I don't drive one but it looks to me as a fan these cars are hard enough to control on 3 wheels, let alone 1.Sorry to see any equipment get tore up BUT totally a " racin" deal. See you at the Burg WOOF
Wallsracing (Offline)
  #54 8/16/09 6:56 PM
welcome aboard to the new bashers. with no sigs......come on here to bash....
Likes: Pat O'Connor Fan
Pat O'Connor Fan (Offline)
  #55 8/16/09 8:30 PM
I'm going to paraphrase one of Samuel Johnson's* quotes for those unknowns who choose to hide behind some sign-in name while blasting a driver, especially one with a good reputation:

Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than join IOW and use one's keyboard to remove all doubt.

*Samuel Johnson was an Englishman who was a poet, essayist, moralist, novelist, literary critic, biographer, editor and lexicographer.
allstar racer (Offline)
  #56 8/16/09 9:03 PM
Why dont you all just stop ******** about it! Its a Race and BP was just trying to RACE bland to the finish line!! End of story!
Hamby812 (Offline)
  #57 8/16/09 9:39 PM
Ok, I am a huge Jeff Bland fan!! I used to race and have seen this happen many times, did jeff get wrecked? Yes, was it on purpose? No. It was close racing was bp to far behind to pull it off maybe with the outcome of it no one really knows, but to any other Bland fans on here, it was a racing deal it sucks yes but hey at least he was leading when it happened, No need to bash on or give bp a hard time hes a successful and from what ive watched any other time a clean racecar driver. There was no intent in this just trying to win a race, a shame 2 cars got tore up and 2 drivers out of the race but **** happens. Try to represent your favorite drive a little better (bland fans) dont just bash on someone, maybe he was outta control but anyone person on this thread that has raced if they were in bp's shoes prolly woulda done the same thing. Congrats to Kyle, and I hope the bad luck for Jeff is over for the season hes had plenty about time for some good luck!!!
38DD (Offline)
  #58 8/16/09 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by allstar racer:
Why dont you all just stop ******** about it! Its a Race and BP was just trying to RACE bland to the finish line!! End of story!
No, he was just racing to turn 4, and let the marbles fall where they may.. Sorry, 4 time champ or whatever he is, I don't think it was intential but he made a mistake he needs to own up to it. Their was no way possible he would've made it thru that corner without any contact.. Grow up champ before you hurt yourself or someone else.
Bill Gardner (Offline)
  #59 8/16/09 10:33 PM
Geez! Have any of you ever heard of the ole saying
"we'll just have to agree to disagree"

and if that doesn't work... try some metamucil.

Mud Packer (Offline)
  #60 8/16/09 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Gardner:
Geez! Have any of you ever heard of the ole saying
"we'll just have to agree to disagree"

and if that doesn't work... try some metamucil.
I was thinking more like a Fleet Enema!


Be nice to people on the way up. You might need them on the way down. Jimmy Durante
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