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FishBurger (Offline)
  #41 6/30/11 7:57 AM
Name is Marv Fish and I was born, raised, and likely will die in LawrenceBurg. Yeah, I know it's kinda lame but I felt pressured to come up with something so I could get on IOW.
7 Likes: davidm, I Miss Manzy, Isaac Chapple Racing, jim goerge, Mud Packer, RacinBabe, SprintManDave
Wallsracing (Offline)
  #42 6/30/11 8:01 AM
Originally Posted by LPSCrewman:
HAHA!! Every week I push truck at Paragon except for the few nights I work Fire Crew at LPS. Was at LPS last night with Fire.
fun job i did it for bout 12 yrs
Seadog (Offline)
  #43 6/30/11 8:10 AM
Cap'n Crunch cereal made it's first apperance on supermarket shelves in the 60's while I was in high school. Since my last name sounded somewhat like the Capatin's trusty mate Seadog, all of my classmates just started calling me that. It stuck with me for 45+ years now.
3 Likes: FishBurger, Isaac Chapple Racing, Mud Packer
short track scott (Offline)
  #44 6/30/11 8:11 AM
Originally Posted by SHORTBUS:
two places at one you got me cornfused
I guess Bill explained his nickname, in a round about sort of way...

I took mine from always being asked (mostly in the nascab circles) what my favorite track is. Really flames them up when you don't say Daytona or Talladegger...

Scott is what my parents called me when they weren't !
Likes: Mud Packer
onthegas7j (Offline)
  #45 6/30/11 8:12 AM
theres only one way to live your life: on the gas.... 7j is my racin number when i get chances to climb in a car here n there
The Old Coyote (Offline)
  #46 6/30/11 8:17 AM
It's my age and who I was raised by!:2:

Real Race Cars Don't Have Fenders!
Likes: Isaac Chapple Racing
openwheelKT (Offline)
  #47 6/30/11 8:24 AM
I like all forms of openwheel racing (not much of a fender racing fan) and my initials.
Wrench Turner (Offline)
  #48 6/30/11 8:24 AM
Well, I turn wrenches on my my brothers superstock at LPS just about every Saturday. So I thought the name was fitting. lol He even put my IOW handle on the sail panel this year. I got a pretty good laugh out of that when I first saw the car this year after it had been lettered.
LittleRube (Offline)
  #49 6/30/11 8:31 AM
Dyno Don called me a rube since I was from Anderson
Posted using Mobile Device
5 Likes: FishBurger, mowerman, Mud Packer, RacinBabe, SprintManDave
mowerman (Offline)
  #50 6/30/11 8:51 AM
Had a outdoor equipment shop in california , thus mowerman .
5 Likes: DeeP, FishBurger, Mud Packer, RacinBabe, SprintManDave
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