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OpenwheelRob (Offline)
  #41 12/26/07 3:36 PM
Originally Posted by dkdorkboy:
Mike Brecht from ohio.
For sure! :thumb::thumb::thumb:
MWestfallfan54 (Offline)
  #42 12/26/07 4:00 PM
Well sorry Tim Clauson!
OpenwheelRob (Offline)
  #43 12/26/07 4:08 PM
Originally Posted by Tim Clauson:
Wrong Again Ryan Both Bacon and Sweet come from very modest family's who have just like your cousin busted their arse to get where they are. Brad Sweet as been probably one of the hardest working drivers in the country to get the opportunity he has received.

Tim Clauson
I guess that depends on what you call "hard working". I mean these kids are racing full time at 16-18 not what most would call hard work.

I'm sure what Ryan means, and correct me if I'm wrong is it would be nice to see a guy who punches the clock everyday and goes home and works on his car. He pays his bills, feeds the family, and races on what he has left and still finishes up front, because he loves it! Not because it's the next step in his dream of going to Nascar. Those are the guys most would like to see get these quality rides, I feel the same way.

It won't happen anytime soon though, this day in age is all about who you know, what you look like, how you speak, oh...and most importantly how much money you have. My first trip to the speedrome I asked one of the car owners how one goes about getting a ride. He said "Show up with a lot of trophies or a lot of money! and money works better". I've learned finding a ride is actually the easy part, finding the money is the toughest part of this whole deal.
MWestfallfan54 (Offline)
  #44 12/26/07 4:23 PM
thank you rob! that's exactly what I mean!
I appreciate you kind of proving my point! lol
Kirk Spridgeon (Offline)
  #45 12/26/07 5:06 PM
Thanks for ruining the thread, Ryan...

The USAC series are probably rewarding more deserving drivers than anytime in the past decade. The low point likely came in the early 2000s, when Lynn Reid "revived" Dave Darland's career in sprint cars and midgets in 2004 after Dave's dry spell.

These sour grapes posts on here are offensive to me, and I'm sure to those drivers who have worked and raced their asses off to get a shot in top-flight rides (Tracy, Levi, Darland, Bacon, Sweet, Coons, Gardner, Schuerenberg, Swanson, Cottle, etc.). And I think things are getting long as USAC continues to improve and guys can actually earn money racing in USAC, I think this trend will continue. A few kids are out there trying to make a go of it (not unlike any of those names mentioned above), and a few guys are becoming the cornerstones of USAC racing, raising the level of competition even higher each year!
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