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Tim Clauson (Offline)
  #41 6/28/09 1:02 PM
Personally, I think the front straightaway antic can and will be forgiven over time in fact it will become a moment in time "I was at VCS when ....."

However if I was an official at any track in the country and I saw the 4m of John Memmer pull in I would refuse for the safety of my life to step foot on the speedway. If not for the quick feet of that official the results could of been horrific. I have seen officials hit on accident and that is bad enough but to have a driver purposely take aim at an individual standing on the track is inexcusable. Call it what you want, Idiotic, a bad moment, a hot head, whatever it was ******** in my mind and if he can't keep his composure and tries to hit an official over that what happens when he really has a reason to be pissed ??

Tim Clauson
9 Likes: 7xCoop, Bruce Harrison, Pat O'Connor Fan, racerfanx2, SMITHVILLE, sprintsrule, STP, TQ97, wbr
illiniopenwheel (Offline)
  #42 6/28/09 1:13 PM
I got one opinion on John Memmer. "YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!"
D.O. (Offline)
  #43 6/28/09 1:37 PM
Personally, I think the front straightaway antic can and will be forgiven over time in fact it will become a moment in time "I was at VCS when ....."

Yes Tim that is the stuff you leave the track with thinking " What a Dumb Azz" and talk about it and ends up being water cooler PR.

BUT - taking a shot at the offical in turn 3 is bad stuff. What if he had hit him and killed him? State Bail Bonding wouldn't be able to get him out.

Then the rumors from what happened in the pits afterwards requiring police cars shouldn't happen and is reason to be set down. I've heard everything from grabbing torsion bars to looking for a 9 mm. in the pits. Ask Colby Smith about gunfire at a track?

As far as MSCS and it's officals and rules, sure they could be better and make mistakes. BUT MSCS provides the racers a good payout and a title to claim. I don't care what the letters are USAC, NASCAR, WoO or F-1 they all have problems at times.
Likes: wbr
Metal66 (Offline)
  #44 6/28/09 1:48 PM
Originally Posted by D.O.:
Personally, I think the front straightaway antic can and will be forgiven over time in fact it will become a moment in time "I was at VCS when ....."

Yes Tim that is the stuff you leave the track with thinking " What a Dumb Azz" and talk about it and ends up being water cooler PR.

BUT - taking a shot at the offical in turn 3 is bad stuff. What if he had hit him and killed him? State Bail Bonding wouldn't be able to get him out.

Then the rumors from what happened in the pits afterwards requiring police cars shouldn't happen and is reason to be set down. I've heard everything from grabbing torsion bars to looking for a 9 mm. in the pits. Ask Colby Smith about gunfire at a track?

As far as MSCS and it's officals and rules, sure they could be better and make mistakes. BUT MSCS provides the racers a good payout and a title to claim. I don't care what the letters are USAC, NASCAR, WoO or F-1 they all have problems at times.
Very Well Said D.O.

Greg Hedge
Dirtfan (Offline)
  #45 6/28/09 1:51 PM
Hey D.O., although this is about the 4m incident did you happen to get any footage of the stock car idiot when he found out he didn't win and was scored 3rd after rough driving?He almost hit at least one person while pics were being taken and who knows what else happened in the pits. Hilljack? Contagious? Methanal fumes? Full Moon last night?
Kokomo bound

Dan Hetser

"Today is a Gift, Tomorrow is not Promised"
nonwingnit (Offline)
  #46 6/28/09 2:03 PM
i agree D.O. - what a lot of folks don't realize is the mscs people all have full time jobs and regular lives they do the work they do for the series on the side. I know some of them use their vacation days and time away from family to be there to work. They don't get paid a salary like usac or any of the others. I'll be the first to point out or question when I think they made a wrong call but for a driver to try to hit them is inexcusable.

Posted via Mobile Device
ThrottleHead (Offline)
  #47 6/28/09 2:12 PM
We have 2 posts that run the gammut.... you have Deans which is a great post and well said...

Originally Posted by Millsvideo:
I want to make something clear here before I say anything...I do not condone John's actions in the least here. He was completely in the wrong. And that's being kind. John and I had a nice chat after this incident last night, and he knows I don't agree with it. Still, I spoke to him one on one while sipping on a bottle of water that he gave me. John's a good kid, he obviously just lost control last night, and needs to think things through the next time.

However, I wish to point out that to a man, not one single person in this thread that hurled an insult or questioned the sanity of John Memmer had the respect enough to sign his name to his post. I have said it time and again on message boards just like this one for going on 15 years...It is absolutely sickening the way people sit and judge public personas while remaining totally anonymous on the Internet. You live your lives vicariously through your computer and question, berrate, pass judgement, and ridicule others all from the comfines of your home, without ever having the common decency to affix your name to something you write. Yeah, if I acted that cowardly, I might try to hide my name, too...Alas, I have a little more respect for myself, and my fellow race fans than to post hateful, angry tirades directed at others while hiding in the dark. And you folks can hate on me all you want for saying what needs to be said, but this behavior is just as unacceptable as that which you are condemning. You are not above reproach.

Besides, how would you like it if some fool had a video camera that followed you around and recorded, then posted on the Internet all the times you failed to be squeeky clean? Would you like anonymous people to question your actions on the Internet every time you had an iniquitous moment? Yeah, probably not. It must be so nice to be so damn perfect that you can so easily condemn others without even having to own your actions. Have some respect please, people. Show some common courtesy and try not to be so quick to persecute your fellow race enthusiasts. We are a dying breed and all in this together. Why do you have to hate on people so much? Why?

I will leave you with these sage words from the faithfully departed:

"I'm starting with the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to change his ways. And no message could have been any clearer...if you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make a change..." - Michael Jackson

Be good humans.

Dean Mills
Race fan, fellow flawed human being
And on to the most moronic one I have seen in a while... This one will have the part in question...

Originally Posted by D.O.:

Fans who didn't know who John Memmer was do now after that yank the crank for the stands.
Unless someone has taken the time to get to know John Memmer then they do not truly know who or how he is. His "yank the crank" does not define who he is. Have YOU taken the time to get to know Memmer, D.O.? I highly doubt it.... or else that nonsense would have not been said. Its people judging someone by what they see in a video clip who are truly pathetic. I said it about Truckers when they were needlessly bashed and will say it here.... GET TO KNOW SOMEONE FIRST BEFORE YOU ASSUME ANYTHING ABOUT THEM OR THEIR FAMILY.

Dean, your post is 100% right on as they almost always are. Thanks for saying that eloquently.

John..... who I do consider to be a FRIEND.... you screwed up buddy. I know you are a hot-head..... I know you are tightly wound beating your head against a wall to get that first win...... I see the frustration trying to win... but none of this excuses what you did. I sincerely hope you realize it and do whats necessary to mend the fences. I look forward to seeing you at the races again soon!

In closing... the Memmers ARE good people.... take the time to find out on your own. Not everyone will like them... thats just how it is... but until you have who are YOU to judge them in any capacity??? To say someones actions are unacceptable or foolish is one thing.... the personal attacks and cheap shots are sad and pathetic.

Flame away at me while you are at it..... I know certain individuals will do just that now.
Vukie (Offline)
  #48 6/28/09 2:34 PM
After watching the video, it was mild compared to the Ed Spencer stories that I've heard about his racing days in central PA.
nonwingnit (Offline)
  #49 6/28/09 2:42 PM
Originally Posted by ThrottleHead:
Unless someone has taken the time to get to know John Memmer then they do not truly know who or how he is. His "yank the crank" does not define who he is. Have YOU taken the time to get to know Memmer, D.O.? I highly doubt it.... or else that nonsense would have not been said. Its people judging someone by what they see in a video clip who are truly pathetic. I said it about Truckers when they were needlessly bashed and will say it here.... GET TO KNOW SOMEONE FIRST BEFORE YOU ASSUME ANYTHING ABOUT THEM OR THEIR FAMILY.

Dean, your post is 100% right on as they almost always are. Thanks for saying that eloquently.

John..... who I do consider to be a FRIEND.... you screwed up buddy. I know you are a hot-head..... I know you are tightly wound beating your head against a wall to get that first win...... I see the frustration trying to win... but none of this excuses what you did. I sincerely hope you realize it and do whats necessary to mend the fences. I look forward to seeing you at the races again soon!

In closing... the Memmers ARE good people.... take the time to find out on your own. Not everyone will like them... thats just how it is... but until you have who are YOU to judge them in any capacity??? To say someones actions are unacceptable or foolish is one thing.... the personal attacks and cheap shots are sad and pathetic.

Flame away at me while you are at it..... I know certain individuals will do just that now.
No flames throttle - I see where you're coming from. But maybe the memmers are GOOD people as you say - they just can't be good at the track perhaps? You have a post from sandy Lowe on the updates thread saying they have had problems with him. Vcs officials saying he has caused problems there this year causing an earlier suspension. His dad was the one on the 4 wheeler doing donuts on the back stretch in the video screaming at people in the pits - not discouraging his son when he pulled out a tortion bar on security and threatened to go get his 9mm.... Maybe they are GOOD...just racing brings out the worst? In which case they should take up golf maybe. They clearly (father and son) have a problem acting in a sensible manner not just last night but several times at different tracks and with different series.

I'm sure they're not terrible people - but they can't put on a display like that and not expect people to think otherwise. Perception is reality these days - regardless of the truth. And a lot of people just got the perception that the memmers will act crazy and threaten bodily harm if things don't go their way. Case in point - none of us *know* oj Simpson but most of us perceive he was guilty and we don't *know* Michael Jackson but most perceive him as a weirdo that possibly messed with kids bleached his skin and loved some plastic surgery.

I'm just saying maybe they are good - but its hard to overcome a first impression or second or third depending on the track they're at.

Posted via Mobile Device
2 Likes: racerfanx2, Trouble
Rpracing1 (Offline)
  #50 6/28/09 2:45 PM
Originally Posted by Metal66:
I remember a driver at Tri State Speedway several years ago(wont say name )but car number was 71m do this same thing as far as trying to hit official and not leaving the track.His antics got him banned from the track for that year.

Greg Hedge

I was there at this event several years ago.........The 71M tirade seemed at little bit more severe than what I have seen on this video of last night. That driver had to be stopped by push trucks if I remember correctly.....................Not condoning anything........but, dang, all of this cause his nutz itched............Life is too short to get all bound up by certain things...............

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