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IndyBound (Offline)
  #31 4/7/10 8:39 AM
Originally Posted by Charles Nungester:
I don't get the Shane Bashing. In fact I can relate as a dependent on a drug. (Cigarettes) Yeah, Whatever! But the fact is, I suffered mass depression as a teen and cigarettes stopped that completely. I should follow Shanes lead and get the help I need to stop the drug use, Which will probably be another DRUG (Prozac or something)

You ever meet a true Bi Polar person having a episode? They are like on super speed with their mind running a thousand thoughts a minute. Completely engulfed in fear and followed by mass depressive states. I know, I have a couple relatives and had several neighbors that have it. And they often turn to alcohol or drugs to curb the extremeness of their symptoms.

I met him and thought he was a stand up guy, His coming out and stating the facts and admitting he has nobody to blame but himself is right on with me. In Fact, I take him as a model to get the help I need.

Im sure Outsider has never done nothing wrong or even told a little white lie. If there's no forgiveness in your heart, I honestly, don't want to know ya.

Chuck, Thank you for describing what someone that is Bi Polar goes through. One of my best friends in Arizona's adult son is Bi Polar over the past ten years I have watched his disease destroy his marriage, destroy most of his relationships with his family and put him on a self destructive collison course. Unlike Shane he was unable to admit he had a problem. I give Shane alot of credit for turning his life around and wish him the best of luck in the future, both with his racing and his personal life.

As for outsider, I pray to God your child never makes a mistake since you are incapable of forgiveness.

2 Likes: interpreter66, Mud Packer
  #32 4/7/10 9:38 AM
You know, I'd like to think I live in a world where forgiveness to those who own up to their mistakes, make the necessary changes to bettering themselve, and speak openly against the decisions they've made is embraced rather than looked down upon. Maybe you're missing the point here Outsider, no one is saying you or your child should look up to Shane or anyone for the past decisions or the paths they chose previously, but more so the progress and improvements they've made toward the future.

I'll be the first to say when Shane came to USAC, and got the opportunities he was given I had negative thoughts. I was jealous that someone who'd done the things he'd been involved with was given a chance here while others who had walked a straight clean path were struggling to find any one to share these generousities. I was single minded as you are being and I truely regret ever being that way.

I spent time last season as a teammate to Shane. I feel privileaged to even say him and I are friends. He's a great person, racer, and motivator. He KNOWS the mistakes he's made, and he is open to talk to anyone about it, it's his past, and that's where it stays. I think before you get on here and really lay into Shane or the people whom support him, maybe you need to meet him, and see who it is you're laying shame against.

I know for a fact you won't feel the same way after meeting, having a conversation, and realizing truely the good person you're speaking about here in such a negative way.

Shane Hmiel's Friend

Jonathan Vennard
4 Likes: IndyBound, interpreter66, mowerman, TQ29m
48modracer (Offline)
  #33 4/7/10 10:56 AM
Glad to see Shane on wind tunnel answer with such honesty. It takes a certian kind of person to admit that they wasted an opportunity like he had.

On that note, whatever happened to Aaron Fike?
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