Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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Rpracing1 (Offline)
  #21 8/12/14 12:39 PM
Just an added note to the safety issues, at B-ton this year during Sprintweek, there was a photographer at the entrance of turn one, probably 5 feet away from the cars entering down low into the corner (of course with a zoom lens about 3 feet long too???)............stupid......stupid.........stup just takes one time for a new rule to be put into place.......
monkeyboy (Offline)
  #22 8/12/14 2:29 PM
Is this congress? What's up with you guys wanting more rules. Keep your head on a swivel. When it comes down do it only one person is responsible for your safety.

All I need is a heavy track and heavy buzz!
Stephen Cording (Offline)
  #23 8/12/14 3:50 PM
Agree or Disagree? (This is not the question).

Sometimes it's just better to be Proactive then Reactive to save (Insurance) what you have and not remember what you once had.

UK USAC fan.
Likes: BrentTFunk
hungthrottlepodcast (Offline)
  #24 8/12/14 5:07 PM
I'm all for anything that makes the racers, team members, and fans safer.
STARS Racing (Offline)
  #25 8/12/14 5:19 PM
The Short Track Auto Racing Series (STARS), along with most sanctioning bodies across the country, will move forward to help with the safety of its drivers, fans and officials. The following is what we will implement this weekend at Kalamazoo Speedway. Stay In, Stay Safe.

Once a car has stopped on track, either because of an accident or mechanical failure, you must remove your steering wheel as an indication that there are no injuries, and then remain sitting in your car until a safety truck arrives next to your vehicle. The only reason to exit a race car before a safety truck arrives would be fire or the presence of liquids such as fuel water or oil. Under no circumstance are you to leave the area except to enter an ambulance or safety truck. If you wish to walk back to the pits you must be accompanied by a STARS official. Any advancement toward another competitor's moving race car, projecting equipment towards an on-track competitor, or any other action that jeopardizes the safety of officials or track personnel will result in a suspension or possible expulsion from all future STARS and STARS co-sanctioned events.
7 Likes: BrentTFunk, DaveP63, davidm, FEATHERDUSTER, jjracer636, Jonr, TQ29m
Charles Nungester (Offline)
  #26 8/12/14 6:00 PM
I'll let the tracks figure out what they plan to do. Im guessing a lot of Sanctions already have some kind of rule that covers it. I know USAC's was UNBUCKLE you cannot continue that race. Don't think it was for the entire event though.

My God, I went through Kroger this afternoon and two guys stocking the freezers were going on and on about how they think Tony tried to scare him. I said come on down to the Burg, See some real racin! And said I don't think Smoke even seen him and gave them a little insight as to the visuals of a winged sprint of seeing mostly forward and to the left and the side board hanging down.

Charles Nungester
TQ29m (Offline)
  #27 8/12/14 6:23 PM
Charles, you know how it pains me to agree with you, but you are correct, most of the rules I've been privy to, say exactly that, unbuckle, and you're done for that race, heat feature, doesn't matter, now if your belts come unhooked before the event starts, most will allow you to stop, and have their safety people tuck you back in, and continue, but it may involve a move to the rear. Bob! I would also have to agree with you on your assessment of the topic that so much effects us all, that RF corner of a wing car is indeed a no see zone.

"Being old, isn't half as much fun, as getting there"! Ole Robert I!
lazyifoto (Offline)
  #28 8/12/14 7:11 PM
If you get out of your car and charge another drivers car FOR ANY REASON you should be DQed - not paid and removed from the track property IMMEDIATELY!!!
Drivers have got out of their cars for years and had no problems.
suzuki756 (Offline)
  #29 8/12/14 9:22 PM
Maybe the fine money should go to a scholarship fund in his name
suzuki756 (Offline)
  #30 8/12/14 9:27 PM
Originally Posted by illinisprintfan:
Something else that hasn't really been discussed is the speed cars are going under caution. Yellow means SLOW DOWN. It doesn't mean half throttle, it doesn't mean continue your speed sliding through the corner, it doesn't mean maintain your speed until you see the reason for the caution. Week in and and week out you see all of those situations. Most tracks have caution lights at every corner and some down the straights. There is no excuse for a car to still be at a speed much higher than idle close to a lap after the caution flag is thrown. I realize you can't just slam on the brakes when the yellow comes out or you will get run over from behind, but you regularly see cars are still going too fast after going nearly a lap.
That's the big problem . When the yellow comes out most time if you lift you will get run over by the guys behind you
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