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Quantrill (Offline)
  #21 7/27/11 7:48 AM
I saw nothing wrong with it. Face it religion does not have to be boring or just fire and brimstone. The people that have a problem with this obviously have not been to the south. You Yankees mite want to stay north of the mason dixon line. (that was a joke before anyone gets up tight)
4 Likes: buck2, jim goerge, leonhaupt, MWestfallfan54
TQ29m (Offline)
  #22 7/27/11 8:49 AM
I to found nothing wrong with it, I am not a JUDGE! Read all about it on WWW.THE Bob!

"Being old, isn't half as much fun, as getting there"! Ole Robert I!
3 Likes: jim goerge, leonhaupt, MWestfallfan54
LocalYokel (Offline)
  #23 7/27/11 9:11 AM
They shouldn't have invocations before races anyway. If you'd like to pray fine. But religion shouldn't be forced down anyones throats at an auto racing event.
Uhhh... have at it?
Posted via Mobile Device
2 Likes: captrat, MWestfallfan54
Gregg (Offline)
  #24 7/27/11 12:03 PM
I'd like to think that God has a sense of humor. That's why I didn't mind it at all. If I heard this more than three weeks in a row I think I would grow tired of it in a hurry.
3 Likes: jim goerge, leonhaupt, MWestfallfan54
TQ29m (Offline)
  #25 7/27/11 12:18 PM
I'd agree to that, it probably would get old, but then, who knows. I know God has a sense of humor, he has to read some of the comments that appear on here, and chuckle! Bob

"Being old, isn't half as much fun, as getting there"! Ole Robert I!
Likes: jim goerge
terrehautian (Offline)
  #26 7/27/11 4:30 PM
Originally Posted by Quantrill:
I saw nothing wrong with it. Face it religion does not have to be boring or just fire and brimstone. The people that have a problem with this obviously have not been to the south. You Yankees mite want to stay north of the mason dixon line. (that was a joke before anyone gets up tight)
When I was on a mission trip in New Orleans the first time, I went to the Wednesday service at a southern baptist church (also a primarily a black church also). It was awesome, never a slow moment and kept my attention throughout the whole service. Most churches (minus the one I goto at home) are slow and not very energetic.

3 Likes: jim goerge, leonhaupt, Tony Barhorst
Charles Nungester (Offline)
  #27 7/27/11 4:38 PM
Originally Posted by LocalYokel:
They shouldn't have invocations before races anyway. If you'd like to pray fine. But religion shouldn't be forced down anyones throats at an auto racing event.
Uhhh... have at it?
Posted via Mobile Device
Asking you to participate is a lot different than sitting you in a room and rebuking you by force. You can choose too or not to participate.

Some people think the mention of GOD will kill them but when they are down and out, mad, whatever they use it like a zealot.

I respect your right not to believe and participate. Why do you get to demand that THE MAJORITY cannot?

Charles Nungester
Likes: jim goerge
Stagger (Offline)
  #28 7/27/11 5:03 PM
Originally Posted by Charles Nungester:
Asking you to participate is a lot different than sitting you in a room and rebuking you by force. You can choose too or not to participate.

Some people think the mention of GOD will kill them but when they are down and out, mad, whatever they use it like a zealot.

I respect your right not to believe and participate. Why do you get to demand that THE MAJORITY cannot?
I always looked at praying to a God before a race as being pretty silly.
I see it as just sending good vibes for a clean race. If there is a God I don't think watching over a Sprint Car race is high priority.

If you see a person talking to a God through a hair dryer and that person said the hair dryer is talking back or even listening to the them???? You would seek mental help for that person.

Take away the hair dryer and you now have praying, but nobody thinks you are loony.

People that really believe in religion most likely have never read a good science book. So as far as the "Majority" maybe in the Midwest but not the rest of the world.
2 Likes: captrat, Charles Nungester
TQ29m (Offline)
  #29 7/27/11 5:15 PM
Somehow I had a feeling this wasn't going to have a happy ending! Bob!

"Being old, isn't half as much fun, as getting there"! Ole Robert I!
Charles Nungester (Offline)
  #30 7/27/11 5:26 PM
Why? They are entitled to their views.

Charles Nungester
Likes: Stagger
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