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fish (Offline)
  #11 5/2/11 3:56 PM
Originally Posted by racer-x:

Funny. That's exactly what I thought when I heard the news.
bfranks17 (Offline)
  #12 5/2/11 4:22 PM
lets just hope it ends it all soon
petey (Offline)
  #13 5/2/11 4:27 PM
Very well said Jerry. I've already read much politicizing on the web today. Bush this, Obama that; we all can argue later but now we really need to thank the troops that pulled this off. And yes the way they disposed of his body was the right thing. Dump him in the drink where no one can find him.
2 Likes: Danny Burton, skids59
SpfldMile (Offline)
  #14 5/2/11 4:53 PM
I can't say it any better than Jerry did. I will say that I don't celebrate someone being killed, but this guy is different. I wish I could have pulled the trigger. Thank you to the military, the intelligence community, the president, and everyone involved.

For those about to rock, we salute you.
Jerry Shaw (Offline)
  #15 5/2/11 5:08 PM
They buried him at sea. Right now he's in the afterlife realizing there's been a big misunderstanding. "No, Osama, we said 72 URCHINS. Not virgins."


A man is about as big as the things that make him angry.

Winston Churchill
2 Likes: skids59, SPRINTCAR
mscs20 (Offline)
  #16 5/2/11 6:10 PM
There is a picture of that worthless POS after they shot him on:

Proud to provide it to anyone who wants to see it.

Steve Thomas
US NAVY-Retired 21 years!
Tim Watson (Offline)
  #17 5/2/11 6:49 PM
The best thing was that this mission was pulled off in good weather and it didn't get rained out.
illiNOISE (Offline)
  #18 5/2/11 6:52 PM
Originally Posted by racer-x:
I am looking forward to interviews of the brave people who killed him.
I wouldn't imagine they'll be allowed to discuss details of the raid, so we may never know exactly who made the kill shot.

Even Roman Chariots ran non-wing, and on dirt. Hail Caesar!
Puppy (Offline)
  #19 5/2/11 7:47 PM
Best news in awhile!
REH24 (Offline)
  #20 5/2/11 8:00 PM
What a happy day for Americans and the World. Best interview of the day was when one fellow being interviewed stated " Bin Laden finally found out that there were not 40 virgin women waiting for him". I just don't understand why the USA had to pollute the sea with that piece of trash, isn't there laws about water pollution over there like here? Best way to get rid of him would have been to throw his body in with some wild boars. The only picture I would like see would the expression on his face when he heard the click of the weapon that did him in, a real eye opener.

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