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Jonr (Offline)
  #11 3/26/13 7:34 PM
I am a huge Stewat fan, but this makes no sense.

Tony should have been fined for his actions after the race. He ran into a car on pit road, tried to get into a fight on pit road, and then had a crazed rant to a reporter.

BTW. I thought Joey should have been fined for his bone head move on the last lap and then stating that Denny "got what he deserved" Every once in a while, you need to punish stupidity and Joey's comment was about as stupid as it gets.
BrentTFunk (Offline)
  #12 3/26/13 8:08 PM
I think NASCAR needed all this as bad as the racing has been. No one would be talking this week. I did not see Daytona except the last 15 laps or California, but Phoenix and Vegas were bad.
2 Likes: duel, PIT CART
Action Tracker (Offline)
  #13 3/26/13 8:14 PM
NASCAR will continue to have these problems until they take action against blocking. The lead car needs to choose a line and hold it. It's up to the trailers to figure out how to pass. Never could figure out why this is commonly understood in open wheel and commonly ignored with the taxi cabs. Credit goes to Indy Car series for consistent rules on this topic.
2 Likes: rclaridge, rdzsprint
PatrickMead#13 (Offline)
  #14 3/26/13 8:23 PM
They either need to take the mirrors out and or have one way raceceivers to the officials only.

Posted via Mobile Device
2 Likes: BrentTFunk, skids59
c47 (Offline)
  #15 3/26/13 9:04 PM
im gonna ASSUME the reason tony didnt get fined for what he said was cause it wasnt dissin nascar.
and in the words of the immortal AJ and semi immortal terry mc carl....."what do you think happened....he hit my godda** car"......both on LIVE TV and not a word was said....and i can remember tony at indy on live TV saying something to the effect that "we run good all day and end up like chit".....again, nothing more said.
the sad part is that if you have never been in a racecar and had something anger you, you could never understand the adrenalin that is racing thru you and the amount of anger it produces.
im glad i was able to see races where men were men and lawyers didnt scare everyone into submission.
Likes: duel
REH24 (Offline)
  #16 3/26/13 9:22 PM
Originally Posted by PIT CART:
Maybe they shouldn't put a camera and microphone in his face. JMO

Posted via Mobile Device

Maybe some of these drivers should learn they are professionals. Evidently Stewart forgot everything he learned in his Angry Management classes.


"Don't let your life determine your attitude, let your attitude determine your life"

“Sight has to do with what we can see, but vision has to do with what we can be.”
davidm (Offline)
  #17 3/26/13 9:29 PM
To quote a little bit of ELP.

" Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends
We're so glad you could attend
Come inside! Come inside!"
Likes: smith19
Hamby812 (Offline)
  #18 3/27/13 5:51 AM
As far as watching Nascar, I catch the first 10 or so laps and the last 10. Thats the only time they actually "race". Logano's block was not dirty, he had no intentions on wrecking anyone on the restart Stewart was angry about. If any one person on this site can honestly say in that exact situation that they would have let Tony(and who knows how many others) go by, you should find a new website and hobby to follow. When he doored Hamlin that was Logano's fault, he had no chance of staying off of him when he got back in the gas that early, but as someone else mentioned Hamlin didn't wreck until Logano was almost all the by him and he turned left into Logano's RR. It's very unfortunate that Denny got hurt and I hope he makes a full recovery and gets back in the seat at some point in the very near future. But who are we kidding, Stewart made a bonehead move going after Joey, I mean he finished 22nd, he had no shot of winning anyway. Joey made a bonehead remark in saying Denny got what he deserved. The end.
  #19 3/27/13 6:53 AM

As old friend Sammy Packard once said, "of NASCAR races, you watch the first lap and you watch the last lap and you've seen it all."
scottyCbus (Offline)
  #20 3/27/13 7:46 AM
Sorry guys but I see nothing wrong with anything that any of them did! Reporters ask stupid questions and get a rise out of those guys when they go off and thats there job. Tony going after Joey nothing wrong with that if somebody blocked me I would be pissed as well and he's lucky Tony didn't just run his butt over!! Because I would have. And Joey and Denny rubbing and beating and banging thats racing but you saw what the cost is. They neither one won the race. Denny ended up out for 6 weeks or more. Like we all know its all about ratings and Nascar ratings have been down so now that guys are duking it out a little they are ok with it and so am I! But as most of us know as well as we call it Napcar or Nascrap the only thing thats really good about watching the races on TV is the end of the race anyway and what might happen after! So really guys lets put an end to talking about and lets talk about some sprint car racing. Oh dang it the same stuff happens in that racing to. But at least the racing is more exciting! Bring on the No Way Out 40!!
2 Likes: boomer, robert gatten
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