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Flatrightrear (Offline)
  #11 7/26/11 7:49 PM
Nothing is taken out of context. If anyone would have been killed or maimed in this race everyone would be saying how important a pre-race invocation is, how seriously it should be taken and is not a time to be clowning around, which is what this guy was doing.
Likes: Need For Speed
JordanBlanton (Offline)
  #12 7/26/11 7:53 PM
If you think that what some random preacher from Lebanon, TN says to God before a racing event will have any bearing on where souls go should that event turn to tragedy, I would suggest a long, hard look at your own religious beliefs.

Right or wrong, he did it, and we're talking about it, which is precisely what the man intended.
8 Likes: Barney, buck2, Dannypollock24, erich45, jim goerge, MWestfallfan54, terrehautian
Dannypollock24 (Offline)
  #13 7/26/11 8:06 PM
Not my Department but found this interesting!

Carl Edwards thoughts about the prayer.

“I turned to Jack (Roush) after that. I said, ‘If anything happens, I want him to be at my funeral.’ That was one of the best invocations I have ever heard,” Edwards said.

As NASCAR says have at it boys!

Danny 24
2 Likes: buck2, jim goerge
terrehautian (Offline)
  #14 7/26/11 8:25 PM
Originally Posted by JordanBlanton:
If you think that what some random preacher from Lebanon, TN says to God before a racing event will have any bearing on where souls go should that event turn to tragedy, I would suggest a long, hard look at your own religious beliefs.

Right or wrong, he did it, and we're talking about it, which is precisely what the man intended.
I agree, it looks like his church is on the small side, which means they probably don't stream anything. I wouldn't mind "sitting in" on a service at home here in Indiana just to see what it is like. In any case, what really matters to me is not what he said. As if you are truely praying for the safety of the drivers and everyone, you are saying your own prayer and not just standing there listening to what the guy is saying. What stands out to me is that people are talking about it. If it gets one person to decide to check out Pastor Joe Nelms church or just a church in their area, it is a win.

I need to requote this from my original post.

Originally Posted by :
Later, in an interview Monday with Sirius Satellite Radio’s “Tradin’ Paint,” Nelms said he didn’t want to do “cookie-cutter prayers.”
“I want to get somebody’s attention, so that’s been our desire every time we’ve been up there, to try to make an impact on the fans and give them something they’ll remember, and maybe they’ll go home on a Friday night or a Saturday night and say, 'Maybe I ought to get up and go to church in the morning,'" Nelms said.
Christian radio DJ and Author says it pretty good.

Originally Posted by :
The problem here isn't what Pastor Joe Nelms said. The problem isn't with where he said it or how he said it. The problem is that we're analyzing this (me included) as if he said it for us. But prayers aren't for people's ears. Performances are. And the only person who can honestly say which one this was is Pastor Joe himself.
3 Likes: Dannypollock24, jim goerge
BrentTFunk (Offline)
  #15 7/26/11 8:35 PM
Originally Posted by terrehautian:
What stands out to me is that people are talking about it. If it gets one person to decide to check out Pastor Joe Nelms church or just a church in their area, it is a win.
What if he used strippers at his church? Or maybe some freaks from a side show? As long as it brings people in and makes tax free money, that is all that matters. Clowns like this are the reason I don't go to church. This is what makes me cynical about religion. I truly wish it didn't, but when these are the people in the forefront, it makes it hard for the good ones to be seen.
Sprintcarfanatic (Offline)
  #16 7/26/11 8:37 PM
Everything nowadays is much more forgiving these days & I believe that is why the world is going down the toilet. I never had kids because I didn't want them growing up & have to struggle. What is it going to be like when I'm gone. Not going to have to worry about it.
nathans1012 (Offline)
  #17 7/26/11 9:17 PM
Originally Posted by terrehautian:
And if this has been posted, I two searches with two different key words and nothing came up.

‪nashville invocation nationwide (2011 JUL 23)‬‏ - YouTube

Normally I would post NASCRAP stuff, but this is great.

Loved the Ricky Bobby References. The great part is that his prayer got people talking about church and not in a bad way.

Some after thought articles.

Pastor Defends Calling Wife 'Smokin' Hot' in Prayer Before NASCAR Race
By Colby Hochmuth

Read more:

Carl Edwards thoughts about the prayer.
That had to be the best part of the whole race broadcast!
Posted via Mobile Device
1121 (Offline)
  #18 7/26/11 9:19 PM
“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven" Luke 6:37
2 Likes: jim goerge
REH24 (Offline)
  #19 7/26/11 9:42 PM
Originally Posted by BrentTFunk:
What if he used strippers at his church? Or maybe some freaks from a side show? As long as it brings people in and makes tax free money, that is all that matters. Clowns like this are the reason I don't go to church. This is what makes me cynical about religion. I truly wish it didn't, but when these are the people in the forefront, it makes it hard for the good ones to be seen.
I wouldn't let Clowns keep me from church because if there is a here after, which I believe there is, I doubt that will be a good reason for you to enter. I agree there are a bunch of Clowns in anything, churches, associations, work places etc, next race you attend look around and I am sure you will find one but you still enjoy the races. The people who are in position as this preacher is in should be concern about his actions and speech because they are watched like hawks in doing something wrong. I as you "USED" to believe as you and stayed away from church because of this. I found out I missed a lot.

Joe Snyder (Offline)
  #20 7/26/11 10:29 PM
I believe the easy answer regarding if it was right or wrong is the old saying, "To each their own." Or something like that. Believe what and how you desire.

Religious debtaes rarely end in a good way. I'm a believer, but have very close friends who aren't, and thats ok.

I don't post much anymore as I'm not around racing as much..... but I'd rather get back to debating racing stuff. My age old topic I have debated on here many times...... Lets quit this drawing crap and get back to qualifying!

Someone start that topic and lets argue over that!

Or, lets debate which Nascar driver has the hottest wife! That would stay on topic right? Ha
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