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kasey2020 (Offline)
  #11 4/9/11 8:59 AM
Sounds like they need to send their crew to some of the bullrings here in the Hoosier state to see how it's done! I was really hoping Tony would get a handle on that place and not let it fall apart, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. Sad!
Gee2 (Offline)
  #12 4/9/11 9:12 AM
It sucks for all of you that went last night, I am so glad I didnt go, it wont be run tonight, it just started raining in Indy and alot coming from the west.
Chris Nunn (Offline)
  #13 4/9/11 9:29 AM
Junk? You mean race cars? show respect

Chris Nunn
3 Likes: JCC, jjracer636, Tony Barhorst
65 Push Truck (Offline)
  #14 4/9/11 9:30 AM
Sad to here the news from Eldora. I don't know how much track prep went on before Friday, but I can tell you that Tommy Helfrich has probably put a few hundred laps down at Tri State Speedway this year working the track and they haven't had a show there yet. I live within a few miles of the track and he spends many night working the track. Keith Ford does a great job at Paragon, but totally different than Tommy. Keith works the track then leaves it alone for the night, usually unless unforseen event happens (rain). Tommy is always is messing with the track thru the night trying to make the best he can for the show. I will admit I have complained more than once about the "Haubstadt Tractor Show", but the show makes it worth my money and time, just like Paragon.

My thought was that the reason Tom, Keith, and others are so successful in making a great racing surface is they have been at the same place most of if not all of their lives. I know Tom spent his entire childhood making laps in a tractor or a racecar at TSS so he knows that place and every square inch of that facility and surface. Keith has been at Paragon about 40 some years if I'm not mistaken, plenty of experience with making it a great surface. I don't know who is in charge of track prep at Eldora, but give them a break. Everyone has been comparing the last couple of years to what Earl did in a lifetime devoted to a track, he assured the track was the best it could be with what he had and that was good enough most nights, and spectacular many nights. I don't know all the goings on behind the scenes at Eldora, but they have twice the amount of surface and facility to take care of that Haubstadt and Paragon have, so twice the chance to screw it up. Much like Terre Haute has been the last few years, many problems because of the changes in personnel/management, but it is getting better It just takes time, effort, and a little help from the weather. My hope is that Tony doesn't give up on Eldora, and more importantly the fans/drivers don't give up on Eldora, it would be such a tragedy.
2 Likes: dirtball, jjracer636
petey (Offline)
  #15 4/9/11 9:45 AM
Gotta say that anyone that was at the Memorial Day weekend race at Haubstadt last year remembers the monsoon of a storm that came through and totally drenched the place, and Tommy and crew still got the race in. I heard his boy Blake talked him into keeping the night going but that's dedication and effort right there.
4 Likes: ClaytonYeley, DWX 9929, jim goerge, rdzsprint
Russell Ficklin (Offline)
  #16 4/9/11 9:55 AM
Just a note from an old guy who has been going to Eldora since JR broke both of his arms...Have made my last trip over there...with gas, a ticket and concessions...spent around a hundred bucks and what I saw was horrible...only go to the USAC shows because I don't care for tintops and wings...there are too many great tracks here in Indiana to waste my time and money on that kind of a mess year after least mother nature finally solved the dust problem that they have never been able to solve! Hope SUPERDUKE can get to talk to Tony and try to explain a few things to him.
6 Likes: Charles Nungester, dirtball, Hubie, Modocer 57, Need For Speed, RichH
Modocer 57 (Offline)
  #17 4/9/11 10:16 AM
Only took about 50 years to learn this not the place for me to go anymore. Others will learn the hard way as I did.
Likes: Hubie
Seadog (Offline)
  #18 4/9/11 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by Modocer 57:
Only took about 50 years to learn this not the place for me to go anymore. Others will learn the hard way as I did.
You mean that the first class suites, reserved seats, scoreboard and Jumbotron didn't make the racing way better?:2:

I guess I don't understand how they get it right at the Prelude but not at the USAC races?

I am on the down side of attending races after 56 seasons. But I gave up on the Big E 3 or 4 years ago.

I can't drive at night so that cancels my ability to attend 95% of my beloved USAC races. But I don't miss the Eldora Speedway at all.

I say sell it back to Earl.
4 Likes: Hubie, jim goerge, Need For Speed, Pat O'Connor Fan
JCC (Offline)
  #19 4/9/11 10:41 AM
I will be there tonight for sure, 2 features in 1 nite hell ya! I was there last night and there were just as many passes in the heat races as the whole night at North Vernon. Didnt see a bunch of posts on here ******** on how horrible last weekends train races were. But if it would have been that dusty last night you guys would have been on here going crazy. Get over it! Its spring time racing in the midwest. Weather happens! If there wasnt a race a eldora in the spring you guys would be the same people on here ******** that there wasn't. Hope to see you guys there tonight when the best non wing drivers in the country get it on!
Likes: jjracer636
hoosier race fan (Offline)
  #20 4/9/11 10:42 AM
Speaking of advice for Eldora and their track prep, one of the members of this board posted a comment to a photo of them working on the track yesterday and said "KEEP SCRAPING AND THE DUST WILL BE FLYING." Good call. Maybe if they had scraped a little more, they would have completed the show last night before the fog.
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