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Kirk Spridgeon (Offline)
  #11 3/30/09 5:43 PM
Originally Posted by ShaneMugavin57:
I am old school and I beleive if Loyet crossed the line first he is your winner. I also beleive if Kuhn feels he deserves an ass whoopin then so be it. Lets face it neither one leaves in that bad a shape 1st and 2nd.

Some of my favorite videos on the web are with loyet because of his driving style. I just hope he isn't suprised or crying when he is sitting outside some race track in the weeds on his lid.
I agree with you, Shane. I disagreed with it at the time, especially with the way I saw it happen. I've seen much, much worse. From what I was told by quite a few POWRi competitors, though, Loyet had been given warnings in the past for his driving. In that case, I don't disagree with the call....

Honestly, I've seen that same situation play out PLENTY of times at the Chili Bowl and quite a few other little tracks. I just wish there were allowed to be repercussions outside of those made by series officials....a few have had it coming for a long time but no one ever seems to do anything but complain to everyone else!
6157 (Offline)
  #12 3/30/09 6:07 PM
Fighting is great.

If you have the mental acuity of a 7 year old.

And people wonder why short-track racing has the image it does.
AERO410SCJA (Offline)
  #13 3/30/09 6:38 PM
I've never seen fighting in any other sport:confused:
Tim Watson (Offline)
  #14 3/30/09 6:46 PM
Like Shane said and Spridge agreed to i also believe the car that crossed the line first should be the winner. Sometimes a slide job is the only way to pass on any given lap. Why doesn't anybody try this if they are leading a race on the last lap, if you sense a car is about to pass you with a slider why not run the last 2 corners around the bottom and make the guy pass you on the high side? Make the car wide and try to block the car trying to pass you. I'm not a driver, just trying to make a point.
coondog (Offline)
  #15 3/30/09 7:22 PM
I agree with Spridge. The history of the driver can make a big difference in a call. Sometimes organizations make calls that they normally wouldnt make if a driver has been a problem in the past.
Charles Nungester (Online)
  #16 3/30/09 7:27 PM
Do it the new fashioned way. The person who crosses the line first wins. PERIOD! The Boxing ring is in the infield. The victory celebration or Contestation is given there. The legitamate contester can show up for a three round bout. If he wins, He wins. If the winner of the race wins. He gets both purses!

Chuck, kinda joking but some things are way too iffy for a body to make a decision.

Originally Posted by Tim Clauson:
We were discussing the ramifications of Officials deciding the outcomes of these races both pro and con and a question came up, What if the exact same scenario (Loyette V Kuhn) happens on lap 1, 10, 20, or 38, of 40 lap race?

How far back in the race do you make this "Judgement" call.

Personally I feel these sanctioning bodies and officials are walking a slippery slope in deciding the outcome of races by making "Judgement" calls.

I lived the quarter midget way of "judging" a race and sadly (at least in my mind) I see this creeping (in some cases stampeding) into the professional arena and just like Saturday night the same situation can be scene (depending on vantage points) in several different ways.

I guess more then just this one circumstance I wonder what the thoughts are concerning this trend as a whole by both the competitors, Officials and Fans.

Tim Clauson

Charles Nungester
Charles Nungester (Online)
  #17 3/30/09 7:36 PM
Originally Posted by 6157:
Fighting is great.

If you have the mental acuity of a 7 year old.

And people wonder why short-track racing has the image it does.

Oh the old hockey mentality. Take the fighting out and watch your attendance plummett. Yeah the action is on the track, whatever extra activities is a bonus.

I think that option should be there for a deleberate bonehead move. The person who's going to dish it out, Better be ready to take it too and realize the next race against said person is next friday night when your likely to be BULLDOZED yourself.

Charles Nungester
Supermod (Offline)
  #18 3/30/09 7:42 PM
I feel like the the guy that crosses the line first is the winner, no ifs, ands or buts. However, if a guy runs over somebody to win, and (this is important) officials have previously warned this guy about just such tactics, then hit him where it really hurts - in the pocket book. Give him the trophy and tell him to enjoy it, cause that's all he is getting.


Bob Mays
  #19 3/30/09 7:54 PM
First off, I wasn't there, but was told about it from an eye witness.
As a fan, I gotta agree with Shane and Sprindge here. Both of these guys are very intense behind the wheel, but IMO from many past viewings, this outcome was probably a little overdue.
And Bob, the billfold deal probably wouldn't be a serious deterent in Saturday's episode....
  #20 3/30/09 8:32 PM
Whatever happened to the rolled up black flag and pointing at someone as a warning? Or since there are radios now, giving someone a warning verbally for being too aggressive(early on in the race). Early on in a race the officials, as I see it, still have the right to penalize a driver a certain number of positions under a caution. Then, if the problem persists, WAVE the black flag. Last time I checked the black flag was not designed specifically for a smoking car. Once they are parked the lesson should be learned, you would think anyway.

Originally Posted by 6157:
If no calls are made then it's anarchy; a free for all and you have a pit area full of wrecked race cars at the end of the night.

If it happens during the race, you apply the appropriate penalty. There's no reason you cannot apply the same penalty at lap 7, as you can at lap 30. The only difference is, at lap 7, you have 23 laps to overcome that penalty. You do not have that advantage at lap 30. And I'm fine with that, as the end of the race should not be protection from a penalty for rough driving.

Unless you have 24 officials, some calls will go un-made but as long as the calls that are made are right and bare some influence on drivers thinking about making moves like that in the future that is the best you can ask for from officials.

Tim, I have to wonder what was your reaction when Brian was taken out of a transfer spot at Perris in the Midget and the driver who dumped him, got the transfer spot? I was appalled a call was not made in that situation.
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