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Andrew S. Quinn (Offline)
  #61 11/12/22 7:31 PM
No I've never actually met you formally,but one night you pulled into Kokomo which had rained out,when you were going from Colorado to Connecticut. I was there with Bob and Monica Clauson,Pat and Jim and their 3 dogs,and 2 guys that happened by in a camper,one of them from Australia and the other from New Zealand.
We were making the best of the rainout swapping stories etc etc.

Think we ordered pizza 3 times that night ! Pretty fun night for a rainout, and we helped our new international friends with more races to go to which they didnt know about.

Originally Posted by revjimk:
Did Funk introduce us a few years back at Lil 500?
Yea, Lebanon Valley is a very good facility, but the racing has been boring every time I went, for Allstars. Local Modified fans told me it the same with Mods. They did indeed pack in the crowds, I like the way they sell concessions, & those Upstate Noo Yawkas really like to gamble...last time I went 50/50 was over $7,000, more than 1st place winner got!
I don't know about any other New Englanders moving to Hoosier Land, but you probably knew the late great Don Sherrill, who moved there from Missouri...
2 Likes: BrentTFunk, Ilovedirttrackracing
Terry Porter (Offline)
  #62 11/12/22 7:55 PM
Originally Posted by Andrew S. Quinn:
I cant remember if we talked about this when I saw you at Lawrenceburg this past year......

P.S I think Spike told me Johnny Rutherford drove his sprint car too. I still have Christmas cards from Spike of him dressed up playing Santa...
We did talk about this at the Burg. Like you said, funny how things work out. Half of the racing people I know is because we were simply hanging out in a parking lot and someone would wander up and start talking.

As for JR, I'm honestly not sure about driving one of Spikes cars, but I do believe he used Spikes garage when he went to MN for the state fair. We were all surprised to see Lone Star JR walk into the service we held for Spike, said he had seen the obituary in the paper and wanted to come pay his respects. He hung around afterwards and told a few stories; really nice guy!
4 Likes: Andrew S. Quinn, BrentTFunk, Ilovedirttrackracing, luckybuc97
yeleyfan76 (Offline)
  #63 11/12/22 10:38 PM
The first time for winged racing was at Flemington speedway, 75 or 76 and Jay Meyers won.

The first non wing race was the Leland McSpadden clinic at Susky in 92. He absolutely showed everyone in the east how to race a non wing sprint car that nite. What a class act he was that nite too. I feel real fortunate to have met him again and reconnect 3 years later at Manzanita.
5 Likes: BrentTFunk, chrismattlin, flagboy55, JJMooney, TNRustler
Rhody (Offline)
  #64 11/12/22 11:49 PM
First sprint car race- WoO at Heartland Park Topeka KS, 1999. My then girlfriend and I were on our way home from a cross country road trip after my college graduation. Heard about the race for 3 hours on the radio, got into town at race time so we went to the track. I didn't know what was actually racing until we got to the ticket booth. That race didn't hook me through. I got the bug at the 2000 Selinsgrove opener. First NW race was the Mopar Million.
I'm still partial to wings but I'll take either plus midgets over anything else.
4 Likes: BrentTFunk, chrismattlin, flagboy55, JJMooney
flagboy55 (Online)
  #65 11/13/22 11:25 AM
As my celebration of another lap around the sun is less than a month away, putting me into the officially old category, my memory is just worn out at this point. But through the fog of time I would say my first sprint car race would’ve been ‘67 or 8. It would’ve been an IMCA race in or around Charleston Illinois. I don’t remember details other than Dad pointing out the great Gordon Woolly. I don’t swear to my memory being accurate, but the way I do remember it, it was awesome. I did enough research to find Gordon was racing sprint cars in that time period so I’ll go with that. Charleston Illinois is even more important to my families racing heritage, as it’s the “where it began” for us. My Grandfather and his two brothers built and operated what was Coles County Speedway there which ran midgets every week with some of the great’s of the sport racing there like Lloyd Ruby and others. However the sprint car race I remember was not at the track Grampa built which is kinda a shame. It was already gone by the time I came along
5 Likes: BrentTFunk, chrismattlin, Grocery Guy, JJMooney, oppweld
flagboy55 (Online)
  #66 11/13/22 11:35 AM
And by the way Stevensville. Thanks for your civic duty as I also voted. I was schooled however this year as I’ve been awakened to the fact that ballots are more important than vote’s. But that’s probably a topic for another thread. But I agree with your vote here, it’s great to see where some of us got bit!
2 Likes: chrismattlin, The Old Coyote
JJMooney (Offline)
  #67 11/13/22 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by revjimk:
Until 5 yrs. ago, I was still in Colorado & would plan my migration back East every summer to coincide with good racing.
Shot in the dark here, but on one of your trips through the midwest from Colorado, did you happen to be at Oskaloosa for the very first Front Row Challenge in '96? I remember sitting in the parking lot before the races talking to some guy from Colorado. I have this feeling it was probably you. That was a long time ago though. It was during my "wing phase".
revjimk (Offline)
  #68 11/13/22 2:40 PM
Originally Posted by JJMooney:
Shot in the dark here, but on one of your trips through the midwest from Colorado, did you happen to be at Oskaloosa for the very first Front Row Challenge in '96? I remember sitting in the parking lot before the races talking to some guy from Colorado. I have this feeling it was probably you. That was a long time ago though. It was during my "wing phase".
Nope, I didn't start going to sprint car races until 2010.
Like I said in my post, I went to dirt track jalopy/modified races in the early 60s in Virginia, moved to Ct. where here are NO dirt tracks, then took a 40 year hiatus, until I read about sprint car racing in Pa. while I was passing thru....
Likes: BrentTFunk
revjimk (Offline)
  #69 11/13/22 2:44 PM
Originally Posted by Andrew S. Quinn:
No I've never actually met you formally,but one night you pulled into Kokomo which had rained out,when you were going from Colorado to Connecticut. I was there with Bob and Monica Clauson,Pat and Jim and their 3 dogs,and 2 guys that happened by in a camper,one of them from Australia and the other from New Zealand.
We were making the best of the rainout swapping stories etc etc.

Think we ordered pizza 3 times that night ! Pretty fun night for a rainout, and we helped our new international friends with more races to go to which they didnt know about.
Wow,you have a good memory, to recall meeting some random stranger!
I remember that drive, I think I left from just East of KC that morning & was driving like hell to make Kokomo on time.... if my memory serves me well, wasn't the sun shining but track too muddy to race?
Likes: BrentTFunk
racegal (Offline)
  #70 11/13/22 2:44 PM
Kokomo Speedway! The baddest bullring in the world!!

DD FAN-atic!! Susan St. Catherine
God bless America and our troops
5 Likes: BrentTFunk, Charles Nungester, Grocery Guy, Ilovedirttrackracing, JJMooney
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