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davidm (Offline)
  #11 10/29/17 12:39 PM
Charles I hope you get better and keep going in the directions you've just started. It's been just over 18 years since I quite smoking, it was not easy and I fell off the wagon a time or two for a few days about 10 years ago. I loss my dad when he was just 44. He was a 2 to 3 pack a day smoker and it took a heavy tool. It was not easy to quit, but it was one of the best things I ever did for myself. Will keep you in my prayers!
3 Likes: BrentTFunk, Charles Nungester, i love dirt track racing
dkdorkboy (Offline)
  #12 10/29/17 12:50 PM
Chuck ,take care of yourself and get well.See you at Field next summer.

Ancient wise man say man who get into race for free never see bad race.
Likes: Charles Nungester
dirtnonwingfan (Offline)
  #13 10/29/17 12:55 PM
Keep it up, Charles. You have a lot of races and a lot of living still to do. You can do it.

Frank Daigh
Likes: Charles Nungester
i love dirt track racing (Offline)
  #14 10/29/17 1:02 PM
Our racing family's are sending you our prayers and support. Hang in there buddy you can make it happen. Looking forward to seeing you at the burg in April. Thanks.
Likes: Charles Nungester
revjimk (Offline)
  #15 10/29/17 1:09 PM
Hang in there & don't get discouraged Charles! From what I hear & read, its tough to quit smoking, but you can do it, & you'll be glad.
Likes: Charles Nungester
Al Pierce (Offline)
  #16 10/29/17 1:39 PM
You can do this Charles. It's your chance to be a quitter and brag about it!! Been there, done that 30 some years ago. Not easy but well worth it. By spring you'll have it whipped.
3 Likes: Charles Nungester, mc/rider, WinglessLovers
Aces&Eights (Offline)
  #17 10/29/17 3:17 PM
Get well soon, I'm so glad you're making the most of your second chance.
2 Likes: Charles Nungester, WinglessLovers
JstAbvVMC (Offline)
  #18 10/29/17 3:56 PM
Hello Charles,

I have never met you, but after reading your posts on IOW over the years, I feel as we have been friends forever. I'm a CA resident, but I'm sure we have been at the same track many times. My son lives in IN and has worked for Bryan Clauson and Michael Dutcher, so I'm sure we have breathed the same alcohol fumes over the years..... I hope you get well soon, and to use a racing analogy, you were about to get lapped, but the yellow came out and you got to tag the rear rather go a LAP DOWN. Now adjust those shocks, tighten those belts and pull a new tearoff and lets finish this race, the one we call life. Always remember there are a lot of folks in those stands (and behind the keyboards) that want to see you "racing up front" again...... Best of luck, Charles..... Desi
7 Likes: Charles Nungester, davidm, i love dirt track racing, mc/rider, PIT CART, wallbanger II, Xflagman
FishBurger (Offline)
  #19 10/29/17 4:35 PM
Proud of you my friend. Been worried about you for some time. You're over the chemical addiction. Now, it's about breaking the habit. Not easy, but must be done. I've been off the cigs for 28 years. Didn't have sense enough to quit for my HEALTH, but when the price jumped from $12.50 per carton to $15.00 I quit for my WEALTH. Keep doing what your doing and we'll see you in the spring.
3 Likes: Charles Nungester, davidm, i love dirt track racing
ronmil (Offline)
  #20 10/29/17 5:00 PM
Glad to hear you have adopted a healthy life style and you are seeing benefits as a result! Hope to see the new and improved version of you at the races in 2018!

Ron Miller
Likes: Charles Nungester
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