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4/30/08, 4:57 PM   #11
Re: Right now the focus is Nascar but the BAN RACING movement is underway
Redbone is offline

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Everyone beat me to the small print.
4/30/08, 5:02 PM   #12
Re: Right now the focus is Nascar but the BAN RACING movement is underway
Charles Nungester
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It starts about 5 minutes into this segment and last about 15-20 minutes. His name is Patrick Long and he sells enviromentally friendly furniture.

This is the third hour of the show which the guy did interviews and demanded we take action against Nascar. The host brought up why don't we just ban all sports as 30,000 fans drive to Football and Baseball games ect.

It's real and whats sad is there are enough in congress that buy into every special interest and eco groups.

What you need to do is call your congress and tell them to do whats best for the country and not any one ISSUE!
Charles Nungester
4/30/08, 5:02 PM   #13
Re: Right now the focus is Nascar but the BAN RACING movement is underway
harms52 is offline

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Sorry Charles, that was a not a reply, it was the small print at the end of the rant. If you read the full link, someone named Ed Biles goes off on him and he (John Galt) replies to tell Ed to read the same small paragraph at the bottom of the rant. It's sarcasm! The guy who wrote it even says he is a NAPCAR fan!
4/30/08, 5:04 PM   #14
Re: Right now the focus is Nascar but the BAN RACING movement is underway
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Originally Posted by Charles Nungester View Post

From this blog and a guy at STOPNASCAR@HOTMAIL.COM I KID YOU NOT!

By John Galt

April 28, 2008

The culmination of another superstar weekend of NASCAR racing at Talladega, AL, one of their “Super speedways” which dot the U.S. landscape, makes me realize what a waste of precious resources we witness each week when these vehicles make left turns for three hours, consuming nature’s gift and providing nothing more than a PBR inspired buzz for the millions of fans who watch it. Thankfully no animals were killed, nor were any drivers or spectators, so from a safety standpoint the improvements in this “sport” are the only benefit I can see and the idea of putting helmets and HANS devices into the new economy cars on the market might be something to analyze. The display, otherwise, was a horrid show which destroys valuable natural resources which could be used to keep the lower class Americans in affordable gasoline for quite some time and be of great assistance for the poor children of the nation.

Per NASCAR statistics, all of the cars consume about 6000 gallons of fuel during the race. This does not include diesel fuel consumed by the numerous rigs the racing teams drive nor the media circus which follows the teams around the circuit. Add in the waste of aviation fuel for helicopters and blimps which circle the event from above and you can deduce that hundreds of thousands of dollars of our valuable resources are wasted so Bubba can get a buzz on and watch a bunch of rednecks make left turns all day. The fuel consumed by the racing vehicles is also high in lead content which when burned in a confined area like many of these race tracks, might explain the deteriorating ability of some drivers to enunciate properly when interviewed after the race. If you think about the average household which earns less than $50,000 per year, they probably consume about 40 gallons of gasoline on average per week. While that number might seem high, if you add in the transportation to and from work for two adults and the various trips around the community for the children, it’s not that extreme. So based on that, each NASCAR event could provide gasoline, if the racing fuel were refined differently, for up to 150 weeks for that one household! That means almost 3 families would have 1 years worth of fuel and prevent the children from having to walk, hitchhike or take dangerous school buses to and from their public education Mecca. Think of the savings! Think of the children!

Also the skills of the truck drivers would be better utilized to haul food and clothing to keep costs down for our poor and middle class by better allocating the diesel fuel in this nation for things that matter. This would reduce our dependence on Mexican trucking companies to haul goods cross country and keep America strong. The aviation fuel would be better utilized for our military and of course hospital emergency helicopters which are in need for lower fuel costs to keep hospital bills down for the children when they are seriously injured. Thus grounding this aerial circus we see every Saturday and Sunday for the Busch Series and Sprint Cup races would immediately provide an economic benefit for the children.

Another consideration that everyone should understand is the increased dependency on government hearing aid programs as a result of the hostile environment inside a NASCAR event. They use no mufflers or sound reducing technology which with repeated exposure, especially in the infield and seats closer to the track. If this continues, the expansion of the Medicare/Medicaid roles to accommodate the drivers and fans could be a huge burden on our society. Adding to the hazardous nightmare is the lack of catalytic converters and pollution control devices which pollute the atmosphere and enhance global warming effects over the various tracks. The limitations of the ability for many plants to grow in such an area of polluted air only contributes to the rapid decline of our world’s atmosphere and the polar bears inability to swim to safety and areas where food is readily available. Alas, this sad state of affairs is neglected by the average NASCAR fan, as their only concern is swilling beer, spitting tobacco, and of course keeping their female partners enslaved as bare footed baby factories inside their homes. America must act and act fast to force NASCAR to modify their cars and the racing environment, if not outright banning the sport, for the good of our health care system, endangered birds and the children.

Finally, there is the social impact. No, not the drunk husband coming home yelling at his wife and kids after the race because number 88 choked again. It is the waste of talent and resources within the vehicular construction itself. These engineers are brilliant and probably all drive cars that average 100 mpg in the city as they know all of the top secret engine manufacturing techniques which should be shared with the world to prevent the Armageddon we all fear is coming. If these engineers were forced to work within the private enterprise system for the auto makers and maybe even a special U.N. project, the threat of global war and radical terrorist activity would be greatly reduced as the oil resources would be extended for another fifty years as a result of their work. We must encourage NASCAR to not hoard these engineers and their mechanics and to share them immediately to prevent war and protect the children.

It is my sincere hope that each and every one of you pick up a pen, a phone, or email your representatives in the House and Senate and urge action now. It is time to ban NASCAR and the affiliated races. It is time to start conserving and allocating our resources. It is time to give the powers to the government to do what is necessary for the Ashy Storm-Petrel to survive and come off the Endangered Species List so it does not fly over lead laden airways nor choke on non-catalytic converter cleaned exhaust. It is time for all Americans to act.

The remarks above are from that blog and a group now getting petitions signed to have govt intervention.

Chuck, joining the Coalition to ban coalitions!
This part was left off of the above post: If you believe one word of what you just read above, you are a victim of “Liberalitis” the disease which impairs your ability to take a joke and enjoy the sarcastic side of life. This is not a serious op-ed but something to illustrate just how absurd the socialist movement might actually sink to get their point across. While the idea of banning NASCAR might appeal to the liberal elites of this nation, some of us still enjoy our bible clinging gun toting rights to enjoy cars making left turns for four hours every Sunday. And if these same Liberals/Socialists would just get out of the way, the free market could and would solve many of the issues outlined above in short order due to market demand. If you think this is absurd, picture this: The elites and socialists actually want to regulate food production and distribution, income redistribution, modify the Constitution, and of course all aspects of your freedoms all for the children and the “greater good.” If any of you think they can fix NASCAR, then you probably believe they can solve any food supply related issues also. Seek profession help immediately if that is the case.

I do not think this blog was meant in sincerity but more to show us that there are whacko's out there that think and believe this sh*t.
4/30/08, 5:04 PM   #15
Re: Right now the focus is Nascar but the BAN RACING movement is underway
Gregg is offline
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Is this a publicity stunt like the guy who had the Plummet Mall commercials on radio a while back.

If it's on 700WLW I'm sure Billy C. has it all under control. :angry-smiley-007:
4/30/08, 5:08 PM   #16
Re: Right now the focus is Nascar but the BAN RACING movement is underway
Charles Nungester
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Just listen to the podcast. i thought that small print was a hoax but why would this guy be going on a media blitz? Ten minutes into it.

The original post that I posted here without the lower part is the EMAIL this guy sent out to Enviro groups.

Thanks Cecil, At least someone else heard it.
Charles Nungester
4/30/08, 5:09 PM   #17
Re: Right now the focus is Nascar but the BAN RACING movement is underway
LocalYokel is offline
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It's really hard to believe that some of you are actually allowed outside in public, much less allowed to vote. It's satire ladies and gents!

...and further more if you think that NASCAR with backing from major US and foreign automakers, big oil companys, DuPont, Anheuser Busch, Proctor and Gamble, et, al. could be affected by people signing internet petitions and talkings on AM radio, perhaps you should just hide in your bunker till the liberal initiated apocalypse comes to fruition.

First it's our guns! Now they want to take away or NASCAR!! Could bass fishing be next?!?!:doh:
You better take care of me, Lord. If you don't you're gonna have me on your hands.
4/30/08, 5:10 PM   #18
Re: Right now the focus is Nascar but the BAN RACING movement is underway
wbr is offline
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I took it as a joke too.
There already is a country like the one being described above, its called "China"
4/30/08, 5:11 PM   #19
Re: Right now the focus is Nascar but the BAN RACING movement is underway
LocalYokel is offline
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Me thinks its time to send ol' Charles to the rubber room...
You better take care of me, Lord. If you don't you're gonna have me on your hands.
4/30/08, 5:18 PM   #20
Re: Right now the focus is Nascar but the BAN RACING movement is underway
Gregg Obst
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I believe they SHOULD ban NASCAR. Then use the money for better purposed like better clay, more comfortable bleachers and better lighting at 1/4 mile bullrings that only run wingless Sprints and Midgets :thumb

Heck, we could probably even setup a little photographer's lounge area with a roof to shield the photographers from the elements during rainstorms and strong direct sunlight :rolling
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