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TeamCGR (Offline)
  #1 5/25/12 11:46 AM
I really wanted to share this picture from last night at Terre Haute. I think it shows just how powerful our Sport is when it comes to building Life Long Friendships.

We stress over so many things; Life, Work, Bills, Family, Racing, etc., etc. But when Racing can bring a group of folks together from all over the Country that would have never met otherwise, it makes everything so worthwhile. These are lifelong friends and I think it really shows how great our Sport can be.

L to R: Brian Cripe (Indiana) Iceman (NY) Rodney Reynolds (IN) Mickey Meyer (Arizona) Fran Hogue (New Jersey) and Grandpa Bill Salansky (PA). Coleman used to race for Mickey at Racing Associates in Arizona and, used to race against Fran Hogue's Brother Tim in the ASCS back here in the Northeast.

By the looks on their faces, you would think this is from Victory Lane. It isn't. Yes, we had a good run on this night; a top 5. But this picture would have looked the same even if it was a DNF. Just good buddies getting together for a cool pic.

I love this sport...

28 Likes: AustinSprinter, billwill, BrandonT30, cowboyhar69, davidm, Downey44, I Miss Manzy, jerrydt, jim goerge, Jimmydiesel, JON'S MOM, Jrp4554, K9Racer, Koonzee, martz32, MEAT, Motormasher, Mud Packer, Obie, okienonwingfan, Pat O'Connor Fan, pepprdig, PJ Wright, racegal, Red Hat, Seadog, SPRINTCAR
davidm (Offline)
  #2 5/25/12 11:53 AM
Racing folks are the best! Thanks for sharing the pic!
Likes: TeamCGR
Mud Packer (Offline)
  #3 5/25/12 12:03 PM
Thanks for sharing. Memories that last a lifetime just like relationships.


Be nice to people on the way up. You might need them on the way down. Jimmy Durante
2 Likes: I Miss Manzy, TeamCGR
Bill Gardner (Offline)
  #4 5/25/12 12:07 PM
Pete, I admire the way you look at life and this sport!!

Far to many people get caught up in things that really don't matter a whole lot.

Thanks for sharing!

6 Likes: cowboyhar69, I Miss Manzy, Jimmydiesel, K9Racer, MWestfallfan54, TeamCGR
AustinSprinter (Offline)
  #5 5/25/12 12:13 PM
Thanks Pete for sharin'!! answered question if the "Mick" was out there rollin'/wrenchin'!!....besto luck in quals/race today in "Hoosier Hundred"!!...and to all..............
3 Likes: I Miss Manzy, RadRacer, TeamCGR
okienonwingfan (Offline)
  #6 5/25/12 3:23 PM

I have to agree. It is kinda funny I have people on my facebook page that never met in my life and probably will never meet with them in real life. However, becasue they are racing folk we can joke with each other have a high ole time.
Likes: TeamCGR
smith19 (Offline)
  #7 5/25/12 4:16 PM
remember when fran ran with urc.

2 Likes: Jimmydiesel, TeamCGR
Motormasher (Offline)
  #8 5/25/12 4:53 PM
Yeah....that's what really great about open wheel racing.....I never seen it it in Late Models were I got started

Posted via Mobile Device
Likes: TeamCGR
Downey44 (Offline)
  #9 5/25/12 5:08 PM
People that don't understand racing have no clue the bonds and friendships that are made. I, as we all have, have extended family from all over this great country of ours. It's called my racing family! I'm sure that all are like I am, and have things in our pasts that we would love to go back and change . My racing family does not or never will find itself on that list. Wishing all a safe and fun year at whatever track or kind of racing you decide to enjoy!
Likes: TeamCGR
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