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tamale wagon (Offline)
  #11 12/29/11 9:21 AM
do we need to print very thing we're thinking? Kasey and many others need to use the inner voice more...
3 Likes: JordanBlanton, Motormasher, PJ Wright
illinisprintfan (Offline)
  #12 12/29/11 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by tamale wagon:
do we need to print very thing we're thinking? Kasey and many others need to use the inner voice more...
Exactly. I don't follow Twitter, and only recently reluctantly joined facebook, but I am amazed what people will put out there for public consumption. As I get older, I have started to get a filter between my brain and mouth that keeps me out of trouble.(most of the time) I will need to make sure I have one between my brain and typing fingers too.
2 Likes: PJ Wright, SpfldMile
Mud Packer (Offline)
  #13 12/29/11 11:57 AM
Twitter and Facebook seem to me to be a total waste of time. Instead of idiotic sharing of totally useless thoughts and conversations, take some time to spend with a child who needs help with school. How about donating that time to help the elderly, the sick or the homeless. What about doing something positive for the American Cancer Society, Paralyzed Veterans of America, American Heart Association, American Red Cross, March of Dimes, Easter Seal, etc, etc. How about voluteering that time at a children's hospital, where the need is always great.

I am sure you could come up with all sorts of other much more worthy options to spend that time. Look around, there is always someone who needs help. I am sure most of you have different views of this that I.


Be nice to people on the way up. You might need them on the way down. Jimmy Durante
6 Likes: I Miss Manzy, IndyBound, nowingsjeff, PJ Wright, ronmil, Seadog
racer-x (Offline)
  #14 12/29/11 1:26 PM
Originally Posted by Mud Packer:
Twitter and Facebook seem to me to be a total waste of time. Instead of idiotic sharing of totally useless thoughts and conversations, take some time to spend with a child who needs help with school. How about donating that time to help the elderly, the sick or the homeless. What about doing something positive for the American Cancer Society, Paralyzed Veterans of America, American Heart Association, American Red Cross, March of Dimes, Easter Seal, etc, etc. How about voluteering that time at a children's hospital, where the need is always great.

I am sure you could come up with all sorts of other much more worthy options to spend that time. Look around, there is always someone who needs help. I am sure most of you have different views of this that I.
Great reply Mud Packer and it is always good to take time to help those in need .. I dont have Facebook or twitter either .. I was watching a utube video the other day and a kid replied "how come every generation has a great memory of the good old days and all my memories are of looking at a computor screen"?
hoosierdaddy (Offline)
  #15 12/29/11 1:27 PM
I don't understand why "famous" people "tweet" anyways? I myself have a twitter account but i only "follow" sprint car racing related things because...(for those of you who don't use it) you can get a lot of good quick information and race results via twitter. I've been on my way home from many a race and know who won or who blew a motor from 7 states away before I leave the parking lot of my local track. But, for people of the NASCRAP fame, it makes no sense to me for them to post random thoughts about things like breast feeding anyways? If they want to tell their "followers" about upcoming race statures, I'm all for it. But i don't care that the cheese on your burger @ the AA truck stop in Nebraska tasted funny. WHat a waste! peace!
2 Likes: Brewer 14, SPRINTCAR
indybail (Offline)
  #16 12/29/11 1:58 PM
So much for Kasey's "Got Milk" endorsement.
4 Likes: randy j, ronmil, smith19, Z-man
wbr (Offline)
  #17 12/29/11 2:08 PM
I see offensive people in public all the time and most have their breasts covered.

Posted via Mobile Device
3 Likes: dirtnonwingfan, hoosierdaddy, ronmil
  #18 12/29/11 2:09 PM
Originally Posted by hoosierdaddy:
I don't understand why "famous" people "tweet" anyways? I myself have a twitter account but i only "follow" sprint car racing related things because...(for those of you who don't use it) you can get a lot of good quick information and race results via twitter. I've been on my way home from many a race and know who won or who blew a motor from 7 states away before I leave the parking lot of my local track. But, for people of the NASCRAP fame, it makes no sense to me for them to post random thoughts about things like breast feeding anyways? If they want to tell their "followers" about upcoming race statures, I'm all for it. But i don't care that the cheese on your burger @ the AA truck stop in Nebraska tasted funny. WHat a waste! peace!
Open mouth, insert foot, tweet
smyffa (Offline)
  #19 12/29/11 2:23 PM
maybe she should have pulled her pants down so no one would have noticed her breast .....
Jerry Shaw (Offline)
  #20 12/29/11 3:50 PM
I think famous people have to think twice about what they put out there for public consumption. Especially famous people that rely on sponsors (and their customers), to be able to do what they do. I doubt that there are any NASCAR drivers that have any bigger part of their fanbase that are females, than does Kasey Kahne. Making a comment about whether women should breast feed in public is one thing. Reasonable women often disagree on that subject and make a good case, either way. So, that's not a huge deal, there. But, calling the other tweeter a "dumb b****" is another thing, altogether. That's going to be one that he wished had back and could do different, if he had it to do all over again. In fact, he's already tried, by removing the tweet. But, it doesn't do any good to shut the gate, after the cows are already out of the barn.


A man is about as big as the things that make him angry.

Winston Churchill
2 Likes: dirtnonwingfan, JordanBlanton
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