Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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kevin05 (Offline)
  #1 9/27/10 10:50 AM
I'm looking at getting rid of all my Asphalt Modified stuff and going back to dirt. I'd really like to run a NW Sprint (MTS) but I don't have the extra people, and with starting over a lot of extra cash. My question is, in this day and time can a person go sprint car racing without a huge crew (probably just two of us) and without a 4 wheeler?
Or should I just go back to dirt mods with starters, and transmissions?
The WIzard
ACP (Offline)
  #2 9/27/10 12:43 PM
If ya want it bad enough, anything can be done. The sprint car family is a good bunch of people. With that being said, most all of the time, you can ask another team next to you if they could help you out with pushes from the 4 wheeler. Or you can always park close the the push off lane and usually the push truck drivers are more than willing to help you out. We've ran the last 2 years that way. As far as the crew, it can be done with 2 people. JMO
Likes: kevin05
Pitstooge (Offline)
  #3 10/5/10 6:41 AM
We've been racing the last 10 or so years with only 2 of us going. Personally, I find a 4-wheeler mandatory. We go to many tracks where we have to push against the stagger to the push-off lane, and with 1 person pushing, it can be quite a chore, if not near impossible. With us being notoriously late getting to the track, we NEVER get a spot near the push-off lane......

Hope this helps!
sprint28 (Offline)
  #4 10/5/10 10:27 AM
You sure can do it with 2 people until this year there was alot of times I went to the track by myself but most people are willing to give u a hand if they have extra help so don't let the lack of help hold u back
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5psprinter (Offline)
  #5 10/16/10 8:51 PM
We have taken two cars with three people and one for wheeler many nights. Two drivers and one mechanic/pusher
who is very tired at the end of the night.
  #6 10/26/10 9:17 PM
I've gone racing with only my dad or girlfriend to help many times, with no 4-wheeler, with no trouble. Obviously depends on the layout of the pits where you are going to be racing, but if you plan ahead a bit you should be fine, and if you do get in a position where you need help, somebody will be willing to lend a hand. We're so used to it now that now that we can fit a 4wheeler on the trailer, we've taken it along and never unloaded it more than once this year.
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