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410racer (Offline)
  #71 6/8/09 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by speed service:
Good JOB BP !!! And 600 I think your chain has fallen off... Chuy
Chuy, you say so much with so little effort......That is funny.....

Originally Posted by riskybrisky5:
All sprint car shows are tough to win I don't care if it is a 20 car field or a 50 car field. Into today's world there are always tough guys to beat. Billy is a heck of a shoe. He beat Kent Christian and Dickie Gaines both who are tough drivers. Both have beat the best Dickie has won USAC shows and the 30,000.00 at Oskie. Billy has won a USAC show. I have won big shows and local shows with small car counts. I don't want this to sound cocky but I have had nights that it was easier to win the big show with all the big name's than the local show with the so called no names. Last year I ran my but off to beat Doug Heck at Paragon and ran second to him at another race there. I have won a USAC show and two KISS shows there and had to race just as hard to beat him that night. If I remember right he beat JJ Yeley one night there for a local show as well. Just because they don't have a big name don't mean they can't race. Congrats Billy and keep up the good work.
I agree with Kevin. No matter where you go or what track it's at, or whatever class it might be, it's tough to win a race. PERIOD !!!!
I remember when Bill P. was kinda off the radar a few years ago. Hadn't raced in awhile but got a ride at one of DO's Racin' Fests and finished 4th, i think. Probably hadn't been in a car in what Billy? A year? He made the best of it and now is running up front and winning races. And now this guy has the balls to bad mouth you? Before you give him that "special hat", come across the pit lane saturday night with it. Myself or one my crew would gladly deposit a large, steamy pile of "you know what" in it to deliver. Then we'll have a cold beer and laugh about it...
I didn't get a chance last saturday nght but congrats on your win
Todd Kimmel (Offline)
  #72 6/8/09 10:33 AM
600minisprint I dont know what your problem is with Billy and I am sure I will get bashed for what I am getting ready to say, but I ran 5th at Putnamville after falling to 9th thanks to the nasty slider that Troy Link put on Billy. Billy did a heck of job not crashing Troy, himself, or me. I had a front row seat to the battle for the win between Dickie and Kent. All I was able to see was Billy putting on one hell of a show to win that race! No races are handed to you in this sport even if it is a local show! Last year there were a few USAC guys that showed up at Putnamville like Kruseman and his 4 cars, Burdette, Windom, and Truckers and they all ran in the back. If I remember right 2 of Krusemans cars didnt make the show. Point is Putnamville is not the easy track you think it is. When you go to Putnamville you better have your cowboys boots and spurs because when it comes to running the curb and through the ruts you gotta beat us locals that know every inch of that track. If you wanna bash people like me, Billy, Kent, and Dickie then I suggest you find the money to get a sprint car and come show us how great you are! If it comes down to money let me tell you this. My team races on a week to week basis. So dont tell me you dont have the money because half the teams out there racing today dont have the money to be doing this. Billy is a great racecar driver and I have learned a lot about sprint car racing from him. You give him a ride in one of the KKR or TSR cars I can guarentee he will win USAC races!

The point of this long message is PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS! Sack up and grow some and come race with the real racers. And if that doesnt suit you then Ill pull out the micro and you can race against me, Lauderbaugh, Stealy, Peters, and Kirkman. From 2002 through now those guys have ruled the micro world. If your better then those guys let us know!

Todd Kimmel
  #73 6/8/09 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Racer12:
Still can't tell us your name?
Here's what the great 600 Minisprint has listed:
I have a 1 year old daughter im 25 and i live 1/4 mile from Kokomo speedway HAHAHA...
Kokomo IN DUH!!
its been a dream of mine to race 410 sprints i start in a 600 next year GRP is Got a frame in proges
Mechanic/Body Tech
Mobile Phone
Facebook User ID
Seth Shipman

Might want to give him a call Billy and have a chat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eagle14 (Offline)
  #74 6/8/09 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by racers1020:
here's what the great 600 minisprint has listed:
i have a 1 year old daughter im 25 and i live 1/4 mile from kokomo speedway hahaha...
kokomo in duh!!
its been a dream of mine to race 410 sprints i start in a 600 next year grp is got a frame in proges
mechanic/body tech
mobile phone
facebook user id
seth shipman

might want to give him a call billy and have a chat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  #75 6/8/09 11:21 AM
Oh and don't forget this little tidbit also:

i live right across the speedway in the appartments

From the Kokomo Thread.
purvis (Offline)
  #76 6/8/09 12:05 PM
Great job Billy, I always enjoy watching you put on a heck of a show everywhere you go. As for 600, here are some of his quotes on this page and then one congratulating Chris Gurley for his FRONT ROW victory at Kokomo on Sunday. Oops, did you maybe step on your **** when you congratulated Chris? Also, congratulations to Chris Gurley on a well deserved and impressive victory at Kokomo.

Originally Posted by 600minisprint:
LOL!!! im done no one gets my point
Originally Posted by 600minisprint:
It also helps drive that start on the pole to that win
Originally Posted by 600minisprint:
sry to affend anyone but i have been to ALOT of races that people start on the pole and win races quite often.. i like the drivers that don start up there and win there the ones that are the better racers i think....
Originally Posted by 600minisprint:
Billy where dd you start???
Originally Posted by 600minisprint:
Where did Billy start ?? SAT night
Originally Posted by 600minisprint:
unless he starts on the front row....yes he is .
Originally Posted by 600minisprint:
Where has he StartedALL his wins????? enough said..........
Originally Posted by 600minisprint:
Hahahahahaha ahead kiss he was on the pole and other series he dont race anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by 600minisprint:
lol good job billy keep runnin them local easy shows
Originally Posted by 600minisprint:
Gooooooooooooooooooo chris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ThrottleHead (Offline)
  #77 6/8/09 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Gardner:
BILLY PUTERBAUGH is a track champion, he's a winner and he is fast in a 410 sprint car...

People that get on a message board and question the above statement... simply have no clue.

Sometimes the truth is not for the emotionally weak.

Good job Billy!
Agreed! Congrats BP!

---------- Post added at 12:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 PM ----------

Originally Posted by 4wheelsinthekoosh:
Alright 600minisprint you have managed to piss me off now. If that was your goal congrats. But i will treat you like the fan that boos me at kokomo when i win. LIKE A TEAROFF. Now that everyone has seen you talk on this message board will realize that you are a ******. At putnamville i start outside front row but if you would have been there you would have seen that i got a bad slider from troy link and dropped back to 4th. And passed dickie and kent for the legit win. So i dont want to miss quote THE ROCK here but "Check yourself into the smackdown hotel right off of jabroni drive and know your role blvd. IFFFFFFFFF yaaaaaaaaa smeeellllllllllll what the PUTT PUTT is cookin. All you are doing is giving me more motovation to do better. So thank you. Cause i like proving people like you wrong. Cause when it comes time for you to come and get your free hat next sunday i will make sure you get a special one.

PS. I would like to say thank you to all the people that have given me congrats on here. Thank you.
A pissed off driver with an a$$ton of motivation..... with a driver as talented as Billy, this kind of motivation is BAD news for the competition.

Give 'em hell!
Danny Burton (Offline)
  #78 6/8/09 1:04 PM
When I get the chance to introduce myself to Mr. Puterbaugh, first thing I'll say is my name...just sayin'...

Quiet, numbskulls. I'm broadcasting.
nonwing (Offline)
  #79 6/8/09 2:12 PM
I hope you guys don't mind, but I'm going to change the subject to a degree and not get involved with this silly pissing match. Billy did a great job and the race between him, Dickie and Kent was awesome.

What I want to say is that for the first time in a long time I was able to get out of the house and go see Shane Hollingsworth race in the white 34 car. It was great to see some old friends like Kent Christian and see some really good racing. I think Kent and I have known each other since we were 8 or 9 years old. And, I think Kent is as competitive now as he has ever been.

Shane, by draw, had to start 13th or so and it was a lot of fun watching him come through the field. Every once in awhile I would glance up front and found Billy, Dickie and Kent putting on a great show for the lead. Shane was able to get up to fourth, but he and Kent got together and Shane spun. Nobody's fault really, Kent was trying to find a spot to run and Shane had already set him up to go low into three. Shane went to the tail and worked his way back up to 6th I think in seven laps. Not a bad run for the Hoosier Hundred winner of 2009. Not the way he wanted things to go, but he had a good run. I thought the competition was tough. Kent, Billy and Dickie have won their fair share of big races and to watch them go at it for the win, while keeping track of Shane was a great show.

Almost all of the teams there had really good equipment. There was only a few that struggled with what they had, but for the most part stayed out of the way of the leaders. I was never a big fan of P-ville, but I will say that on this night, the guys were running 3 wide at times and there was plenty of passing. It was nothing like the P-ville of old, where you had to run the curb. The track was very racy on this night.

In the end, it was great to get out and see some great friends. I got to sit with Shane's dad and we were able to get caught up on things. He was kind enough to explain who was in what car. I've been out of it for so long, I really didn't know half of the field. As I left, I was limping along with a smile on my face, when Bobby Shutt stopped me say hello. ya know, racing people have always been good to me and I miss the sport a lot. Hopefully, I can get to more races this summer. My health is pretty good right now. The chemo treatment is keeping the cancer contained and the side affects are not too bad.

As I close, BP don't let the people on here get to you. You know that the people who have raced with you know
that your tough to beat and I thought you beat some really good guys Saturday. You have the respect of your peers and that's what really counts.

George Wilkins
PJ Wright (Offline)
  #80 6/8/09 2:24 PM
Originally Posted by nonwing:

As I close, BP don't let the people on here get to you. You know that the people who have raced with you know
that your tough to beat and I thought you beat some really good guys Saturday. You have the respect of your peers and that's what really counts.

George Wilkins
Now THAT's what I call the bottom line. A racer should never have to justify where they race. That decision belongs to those that have sweat and/or money tied up in the car.
On a side note, this has got to be the longest ever thread about LPS that didn't mention Dave Allison. Opps! My bad!
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