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agar (Offline)
  #21 6/7/09 11:56 AM
number of cars and Purse Money was the issue not Quality of teams
kingmod5 (Offline)
  #22 6/7/09 1:04 PM
Congrats to Billy. Winning isn't easy no matter where you go.

Also want to give out a congrats to Ryan Hamilton driving for Jerry Powell. Ryan has had some bad luck past couple of years with his own equipment. Glad to see him running well for Jerry. It is only a matter of time until they get there program ironed out and get that first victory.
  #23 6/7/09 1:22 PM
The skies are looking clear for Kokomo today, Sun Jun 7 from 1400-2200 only 30% chance of showers or T-storms. If I were a bettin' lady, I'd put my money on you for Harf night feature win.

Have fun!

  #24 6/7/09 3:01 PM
Bloomington has the odd night when they have less than 20 cars. So if someone, say Brady Short because he is a damn good driver like Billy Puterbaugh, so if Brady beats Christian,Hollingsworth, and Gaines, then somehow because there where less than 20 cars; then it wasn't a good win? C'mon now. We all know that is B.S. and an insult to the guys he beat.

Just because it's Putnamville and people don't like D.A.; that doesn't mean there isn't some good cars there.

Billy also put on a pretty convincing show at Kokomo last week and that was against the toughest competition in the state on that night as it was a KISS show, so like it or not; Puterbaugh has nothing to prove to anyone. At least in my opinion.

Don't get me wrong; I am all about racing against the best, but I also understand the expenses and logistics of running a team and making a sound financial decision on when and where to race on a given night.

I think for anyone; driver or fan, to want to say that a win didn't mean that much because of who WASN'T there is pretty rediculous. If it was a case of Steve Kinser going to some hole of a track and just beating the guys to a pulp all the time, then I could see what the point is. Even Steve would find it tough going to come to any of the Indiana tracks on any given Sat. and beat up on the competition. Not saying he wouldn't/couldn't win, just saying it wouldn't be easy.
rhamilton91 (Offline)
  #25 6/7/09 4:28 PM
hey guys i gotta tell ya Billy earned that win he put one hell of a move on Gaines and Kent and I were putting pressure on them as well as each other. And there were alot of nice cars there no matter how you look at it, its never easy congrats to Billy on the win. Would also like to say thanks to Scott Baue for all the help getting Jerrys car workin for us thanks Leaders Edge.
600minisprint (Offline)
  #26 6/7/09 4:48 PM
It also helps drive that start on the pole to that win
  #27 6/7/09 5:22 PM
Thanks Ryan, but it's the loose nut behind the wheel the ultimately decides if the car is going to do well or not.

As far as saying starting on the pole is a good way to get a win, well I have to agree with you. Just like it helps to be tall to play basketball at the professional level and it helps to be good looking to be a cover model, and it helps to be wealthy from the start of life and it helps to be born with all of your senses in tact; but none of those things gurantee eventual success.

To do anything well in life and to do it well for an extended period of time; that is hard work and that is sacrifice and that is the definition of a competitor. No matter what advantage you start with, you ultimately have to make sure that you keep that advantage as well as develop that advantage.

If it is the track that some people don't like, then say: "Hey; nice job for winning, I'm just not a fan of that track" or if it is the Driver you don't like, then instead of trying to take away from them, just keep it to yourself.

Not everyone is a fan of everybody and that is part of what makes the world go 'round; but to try and downgrade someone else's well-deserved accomplishments because of personal prejudices and dislikes just makes people look small and petty.

I don't care if you are 12,20,50 or 100. If someone earns something by doing it the right way and with hard work, then as a true competitor you have to respect that. You don't have to like it, but you have to repect it because if you can't; then you yourself will never feel true accomplishment in your personal successes.

Basically; what I am trying to say is: If you don't like it, that's cool; Just don't be a Dick about it.

Whichever anyone wants to choose; that is my opinion of it.
600minisprint (Offline)
  #28 6/7/09 5:27 PM
sry to affend anyone but i have been to ALOT of races that people start on the pole and win races quite often.. i like the drivers that don start up there and win there the ones that are the better racers i think....
TCreech31 (Offline)
  #29 6/7/09 5:31 PM
number of cars and purse money and issue whats diff everyone should know about that
600minisprint (Offline)
  #30 6/7/09 7:42 PM
Billy where dd you start???
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