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4/1/09, 7:16 PM   #72
Re: Three Quarter Midgets
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Originally Posted by racinmoma View Post
:greenflag: Your right the UMRA has a lot of tradition. Back in 1996 this club had 60 cars show up weekly. Now diminished to less than 30 cars. This year will be at about 20 if they're lucky. So for a group going in the right direction :loser: you must not be going to the same races I’ve been at. My opinion is that the UMRA let a team run it into the ground. I have seen this team run off 2 chief stewart because there were penalized for breaking the rules. One of them was one of terry's friends or so he thought. This guy would give you the shirt off his back "O" he did when terry blew up his motor he let him borrow his to get him through the season".

So for your golden anniversary..:applaud:.. You can do a story on a bottle feed champion. Oggie will be named MVP for having the most assist, but it was a close race .:thumb:.. Kevin was right on his hills, but bowed out when he found out it was between him and a Goff, he let him win also. Maybe we can get guest speaker like :angry-smiley-007:Sester, Ambross, Burge, Feirman, Martz, Arrington, Hankins and anyone that has been wronged by the GREAT UMRA. so sorry if I might shed some light on what a great group has be doing for 50 year so they must be doing it right so no one should challenge them.

hopefully we can get some stories about how you have been wronged :icon_smile_blackeyeby the GREAT UMRA thank you very much for your time lets go racing where ever it may be and please be safe doing this.:checkered::applaud:
I am certainly glad that all of these people you listed have the UMRA to blame for their mistakes and for not getting their way. God forbid one of these crybabies take responsibility for his own actions. Brett Hankins got mad because he thought a person in authority should break a rule for him and that person actually having a backbone and not showing favoritism didn't. Dale Byrge got mad because not everyone bowed down to Kenny, Collin Ambrose got mad because someone got more points than his dad and that was his only claim to fame. Martz got mad because he got caught up in a rookie mistake, (like he has never made a driving mistake). I do not know what happened to Feirman and Arrington, but I haven't noticed that they have been missed. If you are talking about Jason Setser all he knew was stick his foot in it and he won because he ran over everyone else. As for the 20 car count yes UMRA car counts are lower on pavement than on dirt but you must have been there late on a dirt night when it was over to think that UMRA is only drawing 20cars. Terry Goff has won 13 championships are you saying that for 13 years and all these different board members and presidents and officials it has been one big conspiracy for the Goffs. You probably still think Elvis is alive. I don't always agree with some of what Oogie does either but Terry is a champion because he works hard and he is talented. Unlike you I will refrain from name calling go have fun for the few races your MTQRL manage to pay for and then find some way to occupy your time when they fall apart.