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2/16/23, 10:25 AM   #68
Re: Is the system broken?
Duane Hancock
Duane Hancock is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 341

Dang flag boy stir the pot by asking a simple question, how dare you? Yes Hoosier should make $$$, yes they give back to series and tracks BUT idk about all series but our free tires got cut in half last season and we have 57 cars average per night between the 2 series, 410 and 305 and they upped the prices and cut the free tires in half due to production. SO.... yes they should make $$$ but upping the sprint car tires how they have over this winter and keeping it on the down low, when this new tire was suppose to cut cost and last longer and be more consistent, something seems a little off. We just had our championship team fold shop and 2 other local teams sell out over the winter, with the current forecast of pricing, as someone said earlier, if you don't wanna pay it don't race, well don't speak something you don't want to happen because its starting to happen on the local level. For those that aren't concerned my guess is you have never been part of a team or owned a car and those that think if you dont wanna pay it dont race, well dont ***** when only 10 to 12 cars show up on a local show.