Thread: RIP Terry Babb
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7/10/22, 1:10 PM   #7
Re: RIP Terry Babb
revjimk is offline
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Originally Posted by opnwhlmnd View Post
Not the news needed to hear this morning. I met Terry who knows how many years ago at Little Springfield and we became friends. He was very underrated as a driver of any kind of car he strapped into. I always called him sneaky fast.

Here is my favorite Terry story

If any of you knew his mom she always wanted to fight us other racers if we touched Terry's car on the track. She was a little lightening rod and very entertaining. If Terry and another car crashed she would be the first on the track in the other drivers face. Can't remember the year but at Jacksonville, Ill one night Terry, myself, and Robbie Standridge all three flipped down the back chute (pretty sure it was one of the others guys fault ). Robbie and I both landed upside down almost side by side we were even talking to each other hanging upside down. We hear this high pitched voice and there she is laying on the ground MFing both of us while we are hanging upside down. Later in the night Terry brings me a beer and says "Sorry about mom" LOL.

Rest easy my friend you will be missed and not forgotten.

Great story!