Thread: Bloomington
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4/11/08, 11:52 PM   #8
Re: Bloomington
Jerry Shaw
Jerry Shaw is offline
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Very strong performance by Brady Short, tonight. He raced to the front and really had no peers, once he got there. There are two additions to the sprint mix, this year that I think a lot of people are going to enjoy. First off, much like Short and Bland before him, Jesse Cramer is a quick study and will be someone that will earn a lot of respect, in very little time. And secondly, perhaps the highlight of the evening was watching Shain Matthews pass most of the field. Twice! The second time with no brakes. It was a little Clayton-esque.

A very nice crowd was on hand, tonight, to see another really good Bloomington show.

A man is about as big as the things that make him angry.

Winston Churchill