Thread: Lps
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8/19/12, 12:06 PM   #30
Wallsracing is offline
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Originally Posted by Rpracing1 View Post
We made our first visit to Lincoln Park Speedway saturday night. Here is our observations.
1. Track easy to find. PA system easy to understand.
2. Program started close to advertised time.
3. Program run thru efficiently and in a timely manner.
4. First thought is that 3 support classes are too many.
5. Hole in turn 3 bit several cars.
6. Despite rubbering up, track held together pretty well was fairly racey.
7. Bury the tires in the corners,
8. Wish you could bring your own beer in. Decent rest rooms.
9. Cajun peanuts are an exellent idea.
10.Tenderloin sandwich get a thumbs up.
11. Easy in and easy out of track.

Race Review............

Congrats goes out to Kyle Cummins and Crew. Kyle had the restarts down pat and rode the cushion like a champion. Ballou's bonzai move on last corner was well planned and a valient effort. Cummins used the crossover move to perfection. Stash bro had a good solid run as usual, but this showed that he is beatable on any given night. Excellent MSCS field of cars. Cool to see Kurt Gross back in action, and to make the feature was probably a plus. Man, has Holtsclaw found a new powerplant or what. He is looking very impressive of late. All in all a very enjoyable evening. Unfortunately, looked like Cummins crew will have to use race winnings to but a new 4-wheeler. That sucks. As it is a 2 hour 15 minute trip to Bloomington or LPS, I think that B-Ton just got bumped down a spot on my travel list due to conditions of last several trips to B-Ton. Be back again.
They had a foot high birm as of last week this was the first week for tires laying loose idk think we had 3 yellows for the

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