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5/27/10, 10:06 AM   #125
Re: R.I.P Jesse "The Rocket" Hockett
TeamCGR is offline
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We got to know Jesse over the last couple of years since we raced with him on numerous occasions around the country. It was 2 years ago that is most memorable for us. We were racing the TNT Tour when Jesse had run out of Tear Offs. No one had any to fit his style Helmet. He walked into our trailer with his Helmet and I recognized that style immediately. Coleman had worn that type of Helmet the year before and I had a pile of Racing Optic Tear Off's. I couldn't get them to him quick enough. It was a really muddy night so Jesse came back again, almost apologetic. I said, "Are you kidding me"? I handed him the stack and said, "Any time Rocket". From that point on, he seemed to always find Coleman or me and make sure we knew if we needed anything...

Perhaps one of the biggest compliments Coleman ever received came from Jesse's Mother. After spending some time together on the road during TNT, Jesse's Mom told Jill, Coleman's mom, that "Coleman reminds me so much of Jesse at that age; quiet and polite". Now that's a compliment.

Coleman is a pretty reserved guy; hence the nickname Iceman. But when I spoke with him last night about the incident, it was very emotional. He had just lost one of the guys that he loved to race with and one that he looked up to as much as anyone.

It is a sad day for all of us. But a true tribute is this: Look at the response Jesse is getting from around the World. I think all of us could only hope we had this much impact on someones life. It is amazing.

Our hearts hurt today for the Hockett's. But we are so grateful that we got to know Jesse. Thanks Rocket..