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Bluteam (Offline)
  #1 10/11/07 2:15 AM
So now I have a grand total of four races under my belt as the owner of a sprint car team. I'm also a self admitted lazy person when it comes to decision making on chassis adjustments. Just about the time I was getting comfortable being able to tell my quarter midget drivers what they needed in the setup department, one of them was big enough to tell me "no", and the other just laughed at me no matter what I did.

Having never driven, my story would be that I didn't want to mess up anything for the drivers because of my lack of understanding. So I went with the policy of letting them make the decisions. Tell me what to do, and I can do it. Ask me why the car does what it does, and I'll try and make you believe I know, but the truth was/is, I really enjoyed it when the driver would simply say "don't touch it" or "I don't need tires." I only argued one time about the tire issue, and used a visual aid by showing the driver the cords that were showing through on the tire - and then I pretty much insisted that he let me mount up a new set. Reluctantly, he agreed.

So we're off on this new adventure in sprint cars where everything is bigger, faster, and yes, more expensive - though running a Light AA program in QMA is not for the faint of heart. Of the many questions I asked before we headed out, tire rules was near the top. "Do you have a tire rule?" I would ask.

Now I will admit, that attending our first race and being able to run the inventory we already had was nice. All I had to do was figure out stagger, compounds, and whether or not I was making the right choice in brands compared to what others were running. Truth be told, (but please don't tell the driver this) the only thing I actually did was figure out stagger, and I managed to really screw that up in the heat race. I didn't even look at the compounds or the brand. I was so overwhelmed, he's lucky they were on the right sides. I did try to put a new right rear tire (that's the bigger one) on for the main event, but the driver said no, and as it turned out, I had on the right brand/compound/stagger anyway, so all was well. It should be noted that I did point out to his mother/co-owner the fact that this decision to fore go a new tire for the main event was actually a cost saving move on my part.

Fast forward to the next venue, where the series promoter tells the teams what brand and compound they have to run on both rear tires, and my life just got really simple. This is a setup procedure right up my alley. I can read a stagger tape. Mount up a couple of different sized left rears, and presto, I have time to watch an energetic Australian crew chief going crazy has he sifts through "the swamp" (whatever that is) looking for a different compound to run in their open tire series running the same night. I believe his comment went something like "this is a @#$%^&* nightmare" - but with the Australian accent, I will admit it was hard to tell if he was being serious.

Aside from the fact that I had to account for a fairly hefty tire bill the first night to purchase the spec tires, and mounting tires in 100+ degree heat is no fun at all, I found it much easier the second and third nights knowing that I had one less decision to mess up on. I didn't have to go in the swamp, and thats a good thing, because I don't even know what's in the swamp that could end up biting me. I didn't have to explain to the driver that we had the wrong compound, not that it would have mattered to him, but it was kind of cool to puff my chest out and tell everyone how I was able to make the right choice about something I know very little about.

Which gets me to my point. I must be missing something in this tire thing. Not to diminish the plight of the guy who has been collecting tires for years and has every brand and compound known in the modern day, (and a few from days gone by also), but what is the problem with a series specifying a compound for the rear tires? I don't, won't, can't debate a brand of tire being spec'd - that has it's own issues. But once the brand has been determined, why would there be a problem with a compound - especially if it's a harder compound?

As the topic states - I know I'm missing something. But I like it when things are kept simple.

Fell free to educate me, because information is knowledge. I can't be offended, mostly because I would have to know what I'm talking about in order to try and instill my knowledge, of which I have none, in others on this subject.

A friend once told me - use the KISS method.

Keep It Simple Stupid.

Occasionally I listen.

Green to Checkers,

Ted Hartman

Have a nice day. KACHOW!