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smbpreformance (Offline)
  #1 6/7/08 9:44 PM
Well I have been planning all week to stay awake and watch the IRL race from Texas tonight because it always proves to be an exciting race the whole time wondering why the are starting so late. I just checked the IRL web site to see what the plan was when the Busch race runs over. Clicking on the streaming video to watch the pre-race I relized that the race is already going on and ESPN 2 is planning on tape delaying it.

So instead of watching a top teir series at one of their most exciting races we are forced to watch a couple kids and some also rans in a second teir series
  #2 6/7/08 9:51 PM
The race is on a 30 minute tape delay....big deal......Lets just be thankful that the 2 series are together....the racing this year has been outstanding!!!!! After a year or two of the series being unified, I think we all will be seeing a lot more respect from TV land....Looking forward to a GREAT race tonight...

The schedule was set for TV over 6 months ago...when there was 2 series and only 17 at that time ESPN was doing the IRL a big favor putting them on tape delay right after the NNS..trying to get more people to watch it to boost fan support....but all of us fans have seen what a HUGE difference this year has been compared to the previous after toughing this year out I believe things will soon be turned around...well lets hope anyway
smbpreformance (Offline)
  #3 6/7/08 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by Racin4Fun:
The race is on a 30 minute tape delay....big deal......Lets just be thankful that the 2 series are together....the racing this year has been outstanding!!!!! After a year or two of the series being unified, I think we all will be seeing a lot more respect from TV land....Looking forward to a GREAT race tonight...
According to the weekend schedule the race started at 8:30

And with this race running late it is hard to get new fans when they can not watch the races because they are not shown when promiced or flipped around channels until womens golf finishes or shown so late no-one is going to stay up to watch the end
  #4 6/7/08 10:03 PM
8:30 Texas time
9:30 Indiana time
smbpreformance (Offline)
  #5 6/7/08 10:10 PM
OK so I guess it is local time.
  #6 6/7/08 10:15 PM
It should be a great reports that the wind is howling down there..with gusts over 35mph....said that Robbie Kneivel about busted his (#($*%&#*##* trying to do his jump on the front stretch...barely landed it with a whole bunch of tail slappers but he made it......
smbpreformance (Offline)
  #7 6/7/08 10:24 PM
So we get live Adio and tape delayed video?
smbpreformance (Offline)
  #8 6/7/08 10:24 PM
aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh there they go no the mouths match the words and the pictures
  #9 6/7/08 10:25 PM
ok ..........I am watching pre race with the live audio feed of the race talking about pit stops.....come on ESPN you are better than that..
  #10 6/7/08 10:27 PM
well sean.....i guess you and I are the only 2 that care about this race....but man that was a joke......hopefully now we can enjoy the race
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