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sprinter54 (Offline)
  #1 5/14/08 9:14 PM
Hi all,

Just wanted to post real quick and let you all know the latest.....

Matt was to be seen by Occupational and Physical therapists today, but he had an awful time with the Occupational Therapist just getting out of bed and walking a few steps--the Physical Therapist didn't even attempt an evaluation afterward. The goal is to wean him from the morphine onto oral medications and get him able to at least walk to the bathroon before he can come home, but the lack of morphine almost killed him! He even said he's much rather flip a racecar than do this! They put him back on the morphine for the time being and are working to tweak the oral meds to an acceptable level.

His hip only bothers him when he moves, but his chest is a constant, nagging pain. He winces when he raises his arm to get a drink, etc. The explanation from the doctor was that though there is nothing broken or grossly out of place, every muscle and all the cartilage is more than likely severly bruised and due to the fact that he is breathing (which of course is a good thing!), there is no time for the chest to catch a break and heal as quickly as he'd like.

We VERY MUCH appreciate all the well wishes, which were one of very few bright spots in his day today! If it's possible to feel prayers, we certainly are. They have given us a sense of calm and Matt was able to get some much needed rest for a good part of the day.

We are counting our blessing, which include all of you and are very thankful that this accident was "minor". Matt is looking forward to getting to the track in the next few weeks to see everyone.

Thanks you all!
Mud Packer (Offline)
  #2 5/14/08 9:22 PM

Thank you for the update. I hope that Matt can get some needed rest and that the physical therapy starts going better. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.


Be nice to people on the way up. You might need them on the way down. Jimmy Durante
Dwight Clock (Offline)
  #3 5/14/08 9:26 PM
Sara, thank you so much for the update on Matt. He will remain in our daily prayer session here at the Grant County Rescue Mission throughout his recovery.
pletchfan (Offline)
  #4 5/14/08 10:08 PM
Sara, Thanks so much for thinking of us and giving us an update. The statement you made about being able to feel prayers, the answer to that one is YES definitely. We are all praying for Matt, you and the little one. I know this is a tough time but I serve a tough God. He will carry all of you through this one safely to the other side. He loves all of you and so does the racing community. Hang in there girl and keep us posted.
  #5 5/14/08 10:13 PM
  #6 5/15/08 10:11 AM
My sincere thoughts and prayer in a speedy and full recovery Matt, sorry so late and see you at the track doing what we do best!
Chaplain Dave (Offline)
  #7 5/15/08 1:43 PM

Thanks for the update and taking the time to keep us posted. Our payers will continue.

racinstacie (Offline)
  #8 5/15/08 10:24 PM
Get well soon Matt! We will miss you on the track! We pray for your speedy recovery!
tony sessions 17 (Offline)
  #9 5/16/08 9:24 AM
may God bless you and your family Matt with a speedy recovery!!!!
Halley and I will pray for you guys
nonwing (Offline)
  #10 5/16/08 10:25 AM
Sara, if you haven't already ask for a pain specialist at the hospital. They helped me a ton while I was at the IU med center in January.

If only the doctors treating him for his injuries are prescribing pain meds you need another doctor who specializes in managing pain. I'm not sure what hospital you are in, but they should have a team that involves the Anesthesiologist group.

I wish Matt a speedy recovery. If I can help in anyway please let me know.

George Wilkins
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