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TeamCGR (Offline)
  #1 8/29/09 12:16 PM
Greetings friends,

Once again I would like to open with a big Thank You to everyone for their continued support, best wishes and Prayers for Coleman. The reach is now World Wide. It is truly amazing.

Coleman ran through another battery of tests on Thursday at the Midwest Eye Care Institute. There is a Term for what Coleman is suffering. It is called "Purtchers traumatic retinopathy". As explained to dummies like me, it has to do with the pressure on his chest that occurred during those multiple flips. The Retinal Specialist at MECI feels very confident of a full recovery. That is obviously good news for this Family.

Coleman spent time this week in our new shop performing an "Autopsy" with Crew Chief Brian Cripe on his pretty beat up #14 Warrior. We all have a special feeling for this car. Yes, it is beyond repair but we have all embraced this car and all the equipment in it like a Guardian Angel. It saved Coleman's Life, without question. That wreck was a "doozy".

Coleman is en route back to New York today to spend some time with his Family. He will be able to recuperate while sleeping in his own bed at Home and visiting with Family and Friends from NY. Coleman will also travel to North Carolina to visit his Brother Grant at Campbell University where he is honing his Golfing Skills in the Professional Golf Management curriculum. Although it is unexpected rest time we are embracing it as Family time that is invaluable.

Coleman will return to Indy in Mid September for more tests to check the progress of healing. The most important thing in our life right now is Coleman's health.

Once again, Thank You for your continued support and Prayers. This Family appreciates it.

Pete G.
14 Likes: billwill7, Charles Nungester, dberrio, Dirtfan, dirtnonwingfan, JBallou, mowerman, mtek56, Pat O'Connor Fan, PJ Wright, sprinter25, sprntr, usa1bowtie
FishBurger (Offline)
  #2 8/29/09 12:31 PM
Sounds very good. Thank you for keeping us updated. You may count upon us to continue our support and prayers that future updates will continue to be progressively positive.
Likes: TeamCGR
Mud Packer (Offline)
  #3 8/29/09 1:22 PM

So glad to hear the encouraging report on Coleman. It always seems better when you sleep in your own bed. May he get some much needed rest and help speed along his recovery. Remember that quality family time is also important in the healing process. I also realize the many, many wonderful people around the world who embrace Coleman and his family during these extremely difficult times. These saints solidify my believe that there are far more caring and special people, who in a time of crisis, are there for you and your family. I will continue to pray for his recovery and look forward to more encouraging updates. Keep the faith Pete.


Be nice to people on the way up. You might need them on the way down. Jimmy Durante
Likes: TeamCGR
Hughes Racing
  #4 8/29/09 2:06 PM

I just want to say "Thank You" for taking the time from your busy day with your family to keep us posted on Coleman. I know this means a lot to us Racing Family.

Thank You again and we look forward seeing Coleman back out whenever he is good and ready and when he is cleared to go.

The Hughes Family
Sprint Car#76
Likes: TeamCGR
  #5 8/29/09 5:25 PM

Thanks for letting me and my family spend some time with your son before he headed home.He has been a very polite young man.I see alot of his grandfathers and his father in him.I will miss him in the shop for the next couple weeks.This time away will help him get through his healing process.Well gotta go we are cooking the steaks on the grill tonight.Tell everybody I said hi.Oh yea forgot to mention a big thanks to your wife and her mother in lawr for all the help in the shop.

Brian Cripe

Crew Cheif for CGR Racing

Likes: TeamCGR
pletchfan (Offline)
  #6 8/29/09 8:35 PM
Thanks SO much for the update on Coleman. GOD IS GOOD!!! We will continue to pray and expect that the next report will be even better than this one.
Likes: TeamCGR
sprinter25 (Offline)
  #7 8/29/09 8:51 PM

Thanks for sharing the update on Coleman....all of us on IOW appreciate the fact that you're taking the time to keep us up to date...And the news from the Doctors seems to be positive, so that's good, too. Time is one thing that you seem to have a lot of when you're young, so this "break" in Coleman's racing is probably a good thing. I hope that he enjoys his time at home and while visiting his brother in North Carolina....

And don't you wish that Coleman had taken up golf, like his brother? I'm sure that your wallet would feel healthier!!!

I'll continue to pray for all of you....
Likes: TeamCGR
Dirtfan (Offline)
  #8 8/29/09 11:46 PM
Pete,Thanks for the update,keep us informed as you can, best wishes to not only Coleman, but to all of the Gulick family.

Dan Hetser

"Today is a Gift, Tomorrow is not Promised"
Likes: TeamCGR
hudcone (Offline)
  #9 8/30/09 3:22 AM
Keeping Coleman in our prayers. Good to hear that he is improving, thanks Pete for keeping us updated. Look forward to racing against him again soon.

Hud & Morgan
Likes: TeamCGR
IndyBound (Offline)
  #10 9/1/09 9:36 AM
Pete, Coleman remains in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for the update, glad to hear Coleman is recuperating at home and is expected to make a full recovery. Hope he enjoys his visit with Grant. Thought of your family as I was traveling thru the southern tier this weekend.

Someone in this thread mentioned you probably wish Coleman had also choose the pro golf path, while I will agree injuries sufferred while golfing would never match what Coleman's injuries have been pro golf comes with it's own trials and tribulations.

We have a pro golfer in the family who has been struggling on the PGA Nationwide Tour the past several years trying to requailfy for his PGA Tour card, so I have seen the highs and lows that come with both professions. My personal belief has always been that a racer has a better chance of controlling his own personal destiny than a pro golfer does. I wish both Grant and Coleman all the best in the paths they take in their lifes.

Hope Coleman's next report in mid September continues his path to a full recovery.

Prayers are with your family,

Likes: TeamCGR
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