Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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Jack Dupp (Offline)
  #11 6/24/11 5:01 PM
As a dirt track official for many years, I worked for owners and promoters who were on both sides of this debate. The rule of "Stop on the track, go to the back" made life easier for everyone officiating. It was definitive and easy to defend. Making judgement calls on "stopping to avoid" and "taking out" another car required much more attention and was cause to more controversy. It was worth the effort to the greater majority of our group of track officials to closely scrutinize the racing and make the tough calls. We were always uncomfortable with a rule that seemed to promote "driving through a wreck".

Before I step off my soapbox, may I remind the fans and racers that track officials are people just like you who love racing and make human mistakes. Racers who are former race officials generally have a much more forgiving attitude when they disagree with an on track "call".
Likes: racer65
loveracing (Offline)
  #12 6/24/11 5:08 PM
Need to look at the whole picture. If the car in front of you stops for the red just past the wreck, so now you are avoiding a wreck in progress and trying to avoid the one in front of you. J Parks
oldfan49 (Offline)
  #13 6/24/11 7:43 PM
NSCA used to have a rule that if you got your car out of gear and the motor was running when an official got to you they deemed your were under control of your car and you got your spot back. If the motor was not running you went to the rear.
OpenwheelRob (Offline)
  #14 6/25/11 1:32 PM
Pretty much everything I've ever raced it's been if you stop on the track for any reason you go to the tail, also I've always raced with a 2 spin rule. As mentioned before it will bite everyone eventually. Whether you're avoiding a wreck or involded in a the wreck you stop you go to the tail as long as it's consistent no problem. As someone else said I do everything possible to avoid hitting anything/anyone. If I feel I can slow down and continue safely then I will, if I need to 'lock em up and spin' I will. Just my 2 cents.
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