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STP (Offline)
  #51 8/26/08 5:16 PM
The league is not by invitation. It's going to be on an application basis. I welcome all to submit a registration form to be a part of it.
  #52 8/26/08 5:17 PM
Originally Posted by Race Fan:
I agree 100% (Nicely said)
Thank you!! It is nice to know I am not the only one that feels this way.
Race Fan (Offline)
  #53 8/26/08 5:37 PM
Originally Posted by STP:
The league is not by invitation. It's going to be on an application basis. I welcome all to submit a registration form to be a part of it.
And I would imagine that the "Green"car registration papers would be lost or rejected!!!
Sounds pretty wishy washy to me.Sounds like you are no better than you think the U.M.R.A. is.
JPM (Offline)
  #54 8/26/08 7:03 PM
After reading these 2 threads. i am of the belief that no matter where these people race for umra or the new deal you will still have the same results. after every race he did this or he did that. hope i am wrong but we shall see. :icon_smile_blackeye
yamaha (Offline)
  #55 8/27/08 7:41 AM
didn't terry ask tate if he needs any help with the car he would help. Isn't that right Tate?
Brewer 14 (Offline)
  #56 8/27/08 7:45 AM

Hope the TQ guys aren't going to let this die yet. It was getting pretty entertaining. Just wish I knew all the players. Some of you I recognize and some I don't.

Not to get off the topic but I would like to say hey to Joe Monroe. Can't remember what they were about but I was sure I saw you in some commercials recently. Was that you are were my eyes playing tricks?

Back to the topic, in my opinion I think competition is good for the sport. That includes competition for the club and not just the racers.

Let the games begin,,,,,,,,although it sounds like they already have.

J.L. Brewer
  #57 8/27/08 8:28 AM
Thanks J.L. for being man enough to sign your own name. It's easy to throw rocks from the shadows.

Like you, I have watched this with great interest. I can't think of a single person in UMRA that I do not like.

I fear more damage has been done to TQ racing -- not just UMRA -- in 48 hours than all the good that has been done in 48 years.

Selling race dates has always been one of the biggest challenges for the club president in the off season. Just how many race track promoters -- real race tracks and not those old county fairgrounds bullrings more appropriate for a horse-and-pony shoe than midget racing -- will be willing to book a TQ race -- UMRA or any other league -- after reading Indiana Open Wheel the last two days?

Many of the points made were valid. There's strong feelings on both sides. Truth is never on one side or the other, but rather always found in the middle ground. If you take Sandy Lowe's comments and Joe Monroe's and combine them, you have a pretty accurate picture of what happened in 1993

Find that middle ground. Don't destroy the thing you love.

Sandy, I disagree with you on one thing. The old UMRA did not die on June 19, 1993. It died in June of 1990 with your father. The void left by him opened the door to the idiotic ******** and power plays (including using a race car as a battering ram) that dominate the club today.

TQ Safety
  #58 8/27/08 8:41 AM
My husband and I are creating a new 3/4 midget dirttrack racing series that will hold races at local racetracks throughout Indiana and possibly surrounding states.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Jennifer and Mark you really need to reconsider this foolish thing you have in your mind. Now I know that are paths have crossed and a pouple of years ago we did not see eye to eye. But the position that I am in now is the most perfect fit for me. I am not quite sure what all happened at Anderson, BUT what I do know is that alot of equipment was destroyed, and the personal feelings got the best of some people. My main and ONLY job is the safety of the competitors. THATS IT. I witnesses the crash and my heart fell and I instantly got sick to my stomach. I thought we lost Tate. Now as to what happened. You can go up and down the stands and get THOUSANDS of "This is what I saw, or This is what happened" happens at every track. The bottom line is that some people see what they want to see. I did not make a penalty because I was more concerned about the 2 competitors and how I was going to handle the crash. After the race, Tate and Brent both thanked me for what I do. I agree we have problems with some race TEAMS. and I have total faith in Lee to handle them, Lee is the best Chief Steward we have or ever will have. He is fair and stern. I was standing at the trailer when your husband came back and "popped his top", but I also understand that he does this after every race. (dont know that to be fact) but Mark did not deny it. As some of these people have suggested, RUN FOR THE BOARD. As long as you both can keep your cool, I believe you can make a difference. Things are Democratic in our club. Be proactive not reactive. The way you have approached this is not. Like J.L. has said "let the games begin" But I do not think it will be pretty. The people that have joined your club already. Boy are you going to have your hands full. Good Luck inyour ventures. After all this is out in the open, I dont suppose the club will see any of you the rest of the season or for that matter again. :thumbsdown:
yamaha (Offline)
  #59 8/27/08 8:51 AM
I agree they ought to run for the board!
Brewer 14 (Offline)
  #60 8/27/08 9:08 AM
Tony and Yamaha (even though you changed your post),

Those attitudes are exactly what hurts the UMRA. If someone has a complaint and they voice that complaint they are ridiculed and ran down and crap like that is what makes people what to do something different.

The problem becomes that there cant be a difference of opinion and after everyone agrees to disagree they cant just go and race. When I ran I had disagreements with several of the guys and maybe had there been an alternative place to race I might have went there. But my disagreements never lasted long.

Sounds like all this has been building up for a while. Maybe a new series might help the UMRA get their closets cleaned out and do the competitors some good by giving them options of where to race.

Jim, I think what set Bob Lowe apart from the others is he ran the club as a dictator. He did it his way and if you did not like it you could go home. I think that is needed at times because as I am sure everyone will agree, racers like to ***** ALOT!:O:

J.L. Brewer

p.s. for the record I always thought the TQ's put on their best shows at the fairground bullrings. I hate to see so many of them have slipped away.
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