Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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tqracer20n (Offline)
  #1 5/18/16 8:06 PM
Ok so I just got my new chain. Wanting to know how to get the chain set are you using certain hieght on set up blocks? Or is the car on the ground and you determi a from the how many links to take out. I ha a the Fox block tenioner deal

Thanks in advance
Nieft motorsports
Chris Baue (Offline)
  #2 5/19/16 6:43 AM
There's a book that's been out for a long time called mini sprint chassis technology written by Steve Smith. It would have the answers to all of your questions bud. Highly recommended.
Likes: DAD
Backitin (Offline)
  #3 5/19/16 10:56 AM
Are we selling books or trying to help the guy get out on the track ?
I personally use a completely different setup so I cant help you out but I'm sure someone on here will jump in.
2 Likes: DAD, har59
DAD (Offline)
  #4 5/19/16 12:32 PM
Chain adjustment is a personal thing. Everybody has a different way of doing things. Factors that enter in to setting chain are Chassis type>>Rear suspension design>>placement of front counter sprocket (Varies from engine to engine) and the use of chain tensioner or not. Maybe if you specified your chassis type and engine type and year you are using. someone with the same set up might jump on.

As far as the book Bob I would recommend it to anyone getting into this particular class of racing, it is a bit old but except for some suspension changes the info is very relevant to anyone getting into this racing class.

Mr Smith does not give me a commission on sales and I very seldom do anything for free, but I know that I have personally given away several of his books to teams I have believed to need help. I also still keep a copy on hand for my brain farts.

Honest Dad himself

TQ You will also need a good heavy duty (Motion Pro) chain breaker and rivet spinner to work on your chain. Most motorcycle shops can get you one. Also over the years I have learned not to use or depend on master links (they come undone at the most in opportune times.) If you will be spending most of your time at one track one chain is enough, if you will be touring you will probably want 2 other chains of different lengths to make gear changing easier.
tqracer20n (Offline)
  #5 5/19/16 12:32 PM
Well I have an idea I just trying to see if there would be something I would be missing thanks. Yeah I know that books about Chris it's kinda of a genral deal I didn't know if anybody south a Bailey or erc would have something. He's not trying to sell a book just trying to help
Chris Baue (Offline)
  #6 5/19/16 1:23 PM
Originally Posted by Backitin:
Are we selling books or trying to help the guy get out on the track ?
I personally use a completely different setup so I cant help you out but I'm sure someone on here will jump in.
Excuse me sir, but whats the problem behind reading books? He and I are personal friends and we've helped each other for several years on a variety of race cars and vehicles.... Nobody had "jumped in" to answer his question and since I didn't know the answer myself, and since he's posted numerous questions on here about his mini sprint I suggested a book that I know has a lot of useful info to "help the guy get out on the track".
tqracer20n (Offline)
  #7 5/19/16 2:16 PM
Chris and dad are very right when I started running sprint cars years ago we I had the Stevie Smith book and was very hopefully I learned alot. I have raced 600 and I had a stallard with the maxi drive and an eagle with the slider motor mounts and between the 2 there was differences in the chain set up. Yeah i got as chain braeker it's a bit of a have to have deal lol. Thank you Chris for reponding something from someone is better than nothing
  #8 5/19/16 2:17 PM
Originally Posted by Backitin:
Are we selling books or trying to help the guy get out on the track ?
I personally use a completely different setup so I cant help you out but I'm sure someone on here will jump in.
That seems a little it the actual layout of the words and the instruction a book provides that bother you or the destruction of the rain forest and the habitat of natures creatures?
Likes: Geoff Kaiser
DAD (Offline)
  #9 5/19/16 2:43 PM

The car appears to be a Bailey or ERC>>>The ERC is basically a copy of the Bailey. Best bet contact Floyd Bailey (615) 822-7041 or Hoosier Speed 812-345-3946. Ask the guy that builds them.

Honest Dad himself
tqracer20n (Offline)
  #10 5/19/16 4:46 PM
Yes it's an erc. I plan on just puting it back on the ground get it as close as possible the tenioner from speed parts is adjustable so I'll fine tune it with that it's about like stallard maxi drive you got it close than there was a gear that went to the middle of the chain for tenion. The whole idea with the question was to hear from guys who had an erc or Bailey since there about the same it's like if you have a hemi you can go to anywhere to get info but if your looking for certain type of info that are for those cars alone than you go to a hemi guy

Thanks for all who gave time to respone but in the future if you are going to say you have away to do it than not say how but slam a guy who is offering something to try to help you should Probly not post sorry
Likes: DAD
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