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  #1 6/30/08 9:03 AM
I was told last night at Kokomo that Norm Bailey (Miami County Speedway) had a heart attack and was flown life line to Indy. If anyone has any news on his condition please post. Please keep Norm and Julie in your prayers.

C Bullick
Dblchkrs (Offline)
  #2 6/30/08 9:27 AM
I stopped in to see Norm last night on the way home from Kokomo. He is resting comfortable and doing very well at St. Vincent Heart Center in Indy. A few days rest and adjustment of meds and he should be heading home.

Brian Hodde
Chief Starter
Lincoln Park Speedway
Bloomington Speedway
Kokomo Speedway
pletchfan (Offline)
  #3 6/30/08 9:54 AM
Originally Posted by Dblchkrs:
I stopped in to see Norm last night on the way home from Kokomo. He is resting comfortable and doing very well at St. Vincent Heart Center in Indy. A few days rest and adjustment of meds and he should be heading home.
I am really thrilled to see this post. The first one scared me to pieces. Julie used to help out on the sprint car often down through the years and we got to know her and Norm very well. I am really glad to see he is doing ok.

Julie, if you are reading this girl, you two are in our prayers. We love you both, tell Norm he has to get better, maybe we will send him a can of cashews and that will make him feel better. LOL Inside joke folks.
KohKoh (Offline)
  #4 6/30/08 11:22 AM
Julie & Norm, You are in our thoughts and prayers. Get Well soon!! If you need anything don't hesitate to call. Take Care.
George & Tammy Gamester
K9Racer (Offline)
  #5 6/30/08 2:07 PM
Ditto on the thoughts, prayers, and a speedy recovery.

T&A Racing (Offline)
  #6 6/30/08 2:16 PM
Hope Norm has a speedy recovery and hope Julie is keeping her head up.
service manager (Offline)
  #7 6/30/08 2:49 PM
Hey, Bryan this is Marc Ryan fron Kokomo how are you bud? See you are hard at work as well! Is this the same Norm that i think that has worked at gas city or not?
Dblchkrs (Offline)
  #8 6/30/08 3:09 PM
Originally Posted by service manager:
Hey, Bryan this is Marc Ryan fron Kokomo how are you bud? See you are hard at work as well! Is this the same Norm that i think that has worked at gas city or not?

Hey Buddy! This is the same Norm. He worked the infield for me at GC and is now one of the partners(Julie, his wife, Dwayne&Connie & others) that runs Miami County in Peru.

Brian Hodde
Chief Starter
Lincoln Park Speedway
Bloomington Speedway
Kokomo Speedway
Dblchkrs (Offline)
  #9 7/1/08 11:33 AM
Great News!! I spoke with Julie this morning. They were making final preparations for Norm to go home today. What a blessing things have gone soo well. Continue the recovery, but, take your time. Lets see how much patience Norm has. :doh: Good luck Julie

Brian Hodde
Chief Starter
Lincoln Park Speedway
Bloomington Speedway
Kokomo Speedway
racerfanx2 (Offline)
  #10 7/1/08 9:13 PM
This has been one of the scariest times in my life. We were in the ER when he had the heart attack. The time between his attack and beginning of treatment was maybe 5 seconds at the most. With such a quick response time and the fact his heart was only stopped for the briefest of time made the difference between life and death for him. The doctor told me if he had been anywhere besides there he would be gone.

We would like to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. The visits, phone calls and text messages kept us going. You don't really think about it until something happens to make you realize just how lucky you are to have such a great family.

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