Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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Okie Greg (Offline)
  #61 2/1/09 1:33 AM
Jimmy Jones
smith19 (Offline)
  #62 2/1/09 1:43 AM
from motor to chassis i'd go with gary stanton and charlie fisher....
Motormasher (Offline)
  #63 2/1/09 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by cecil98:
whoever turns the wrenches at FOXCO when Stanbrough is driving!
Absolutly!!! Perfectly said Cecil, who could argue with that?

My personal favorites are Karl Kinser, Dick Briscoe and Darrel Tale. These 3 not only are crew chiefs but actually ran/run the teams financially.
brc (Offline)
  #64 2/4/09 8:41 PM
Flavio Briatore

Simply because he gets to have the most fun of anyone ,involved in all of motorsports.
Technically Flav has wrenched a few times at the Speedway.
Let's see, Flav discovered that one hit wonder MS?
I seen Flav about 6-7 years ago at IRP/ORP walking the pits, on the F1 race weekend
Wonder how he would do wrenching a 4-bar buckboard design car? Maybe one day we will see Flav wrenching at a bullring, Ya reckon?
On the short list ,I think KK may be one above Flav,though,,:respect:

Take Care,
mrmoose (Offline)
  #65 2/5/09 3:37 PM
billy albini..............his record speaks for itself.
TeamCGR (Offline)
  #66 2/5/09 5:37 PM
Scooter Ellis should be considered one of the leaders when it comes to working with Young Drivers. He worked with Cole Whitt for 3 years and won races and 4 weeks into our relationship with Scooter, he and Coleman won at Lawrenceburg in one of those pesky JEI cars. Scooter's background in Baseball as a Manager and Player lends itself to coaching these kids. Plus, he has done a great job through his Rental Program helping a bunch of kids from around the Country to become competitive in these Midgets almost immediately. Tanner Mullins and Austin Wheatley did a great job at the Chili Bowl this year under Scooter's guidance. Give a shout out to Scooter...

bignasty (Offline)
  #67 2/5/09 6:21 PM
Rollie Hemling, Larry Howard, Wilke's, John Bickford, Bob East
Charles Nungester (Online)
  #68 2/5/09 8:37 PM

Charles Nungester
racerguy6n (Offline)
  #69 2/5/09 9:08 PM
I've got to go with Patrick Poor! Remember the name, you heard it here first!!!
gemt3657 (Offline)
  #70 2/8/09 1:29 AM
I say my Dad Bob Lowe..Yeah he may not work on Sprint car and we may not have won any features YET with me driving in the mini sprints but we have won some heats races...I also know that my dad has had drivers like Tim Spinler and Jason Setser drive the mini sprint they did very well!!!! I think my dad is the BEST....He always go out of his way to put me first...he listens to me sometimes and other time I just sit and listen to what he has to say and maybe sometimes I dont always listen but he has always done the best for me and gives me the best car possible...and the number one thing..Is he is my crew chief and he believes in ME!!! I hope one of these day I can have the knowledge just like he does! He works hard for what we have!
I will also have to say that Cripe is very good at what he does and he has helped us out alot with different set ups and we have learned a lot from him.
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