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  #51 11/12/09 3:14 PM
This is like a Jerry Springer show for sure, I think we can make this a Reality TV show on ABC, and call it “Beating a Dead Horse”…. Think that will be a good one…

Rules are rules, I forget who said this in the post, but it is what it is… You’re lucky you’re not in the NFL, they get fined for wearing the wrong thing on Sundays, or celebrating after a TD… You think that’s fair? I don’t, but hey there are rules…

Look you have a race car in the garage, shed, or wherever you have it, you are NOT going to let it just sit there all year long because you don’t like a rule…. You will go race it, why? Because if you are truly a racer you should just race and follow the rules, and enjoy yourself.. If some of you would put as much effort into your cars as you do on this site you wouldn’t have to worry about anything…

On the weight note, both of our cars are almost 1000lbs with both my little (not so much) brothers in their cars, on stock 1000cc motor with gas... Both cars, when all together ran fine every night… When it comes down to it, if I can’t get the thing to freaking handle or the driver to drive, then a freaking V8 won’t even help out..

You know what’s funny, I’m thinking about all the nights we race, (MMSA, AMSA) and always the number one thing I tell my bro’s before they go to the grid is this “stay out of trouble and finish the race” because half the time when 20 cars start, only 10 finish… So out of those 10 that don’t finish or however many there is on that night, I always wonder if they have a ton of money dumped in their car just to run a hand full of laps? And Not Finish…. OH, and I think how much each driver weights… That’s always a though… Always??? Ha…

COLIN25, come park next to us buddy, we have big yellow trailer, coffee, arguments (I usually win against the brothers, I’m bigger than them) , jokes and everything… We will make you feel welcome, without a doubt…

PHILLY, your family is good peoples too… And you are right about Larry and Scotty… Just hope that TJ hits a growth spurt for next year!!!


Ps, whoever is grammar queen on here please grade me on my post for grammar issues… Thanks!!
2 Likes: Phylo82, somebodysmam
suzuki756 (Offline)
  #52 11/12/09 8:37 PM
i can let my car sit i have done it in other racing i have done, i don't care i have another car in my shop now that cost a hell of alot more then the 2 mini sprints sitting next to it, i am just saying maybe the min weight should of been alittle more the other weights i think are fair if the min was up alittle,but i like to race it all about fun anyways no one will make money racing minisprints thats a fact.
maybe next year it will be one class and not 3
Phylo82 (Offline)
  #53 11/12/09 9:05 PM
Originally Posted by WBR6655:
PHILLY, your family is good peoples too… And you are right about Larry and Scotty… Just hope that TJ hits a growth spurt for next year!!!
Thanks Patrick, I hope your mom is doing well.

TJ is going to turn into a fat tub of goooo if he doesn't stop eating and sitting around on the couch playing Modern Warfare II on XBOX.

Phil Heil
#13e Maxim Sprint
Owner, Crew Chief, Pit Crew, Hauler, Check Writer, Grunt
  #54 11/13/09 9:47 AM
Suzuki756, i hear what your saying.. Not picking on you by any means, and your right, if you are here to make money with the Mini Sprint racing it's not going to happen..

Phil, see that's the start of the growth spurt!!! Well not the Xbox, but the eating!! Mom is great, thanks for asking!

IanB (Offline)
  #55 11/13/09 10:03 AM
Hey there guys

I guess the ultimate test of a rules package for minisprints is how fun , competitive and cost effective the racing ends up.

If last year is anything to go by Im sure it will be excellent.

Last year was my first year of racing in any class and I was blessed enough to meet some great people and share some really good times.
It was a lot of fun and Id like to thank Merril and SHeila, Jerry and Mert and all the folks of the amsa.

Kindest regards, IanB
  #56 11/13/09 5:04 PM
I have no vested interest in this topic, as I live on the east coast and am moving up from minis to 360's next year. (hopefully) Just to dispell a couple of facts on here, the ZX12's do not blow up quicker than the 1000's. If anything, they last longer because they are beefier inside and turn less rpm's. (11,400) Yes, they are a little harder to come by these days becuase they are not produced anymore, but I have my 2 up for sale and Shane Rosson told me he has 3 of them sitting at his place ready to go. I am sure there are more out on the web if somebody took the time and looked for them. Also when you get down to it, you will pay the same if not more for a new ZX10 on alky.

I spoke with JT at length over the past few months about the rules, and he seems like a very nice man as far as I can tell. I think he has made the rules more complicated then they need to be, but that is just my opinion. In my book, the CLS guys have it right. Take a look at their simple rules package, and the fact that every engine package won at least one race with them this year. (ZX12, ZX10, R1, and GSXR) When we were running full time here in the Northeast with CNYMS, we had a variety of different engine combinations winning races. Our rules were very simple as well. 925lbs. for a stock 1000cc, 975lbs. for anything over 1000cc up to 1205cc. And no, the ZX12 did not dominate. Except for when a guy named Harvey drove one, but that doesn't count. He wins in everything! LOL

Also another thing about the gas versus alky debate: Alky produces more hp, burns cleaner, is safer, and actually cheaper to run than gas. (at least here in the Northeast) Race gas will run you anywhere from $8-12 per gallon, whereas I pay about $4 per gallon of alky. The extra cost for the alcohol conversion will save money and engine failure expense in the long run.

From my point of view, the new rules have basically taken the bigger guys out of the mix. If you weigh over 200lbs., you will most likely be at a disadvantage. To me, that was the great thing about having 1000's and ZX12's running together. A kid weighing 140lbs. soaking wet with a stock 1000 and a "bigger" guy weighing 210-220(like myself) with a ZX12 would be on the same playing field. Increasing the weights only makes for a potential safety hazard with guys bolting on lead wherever they can. The ZX12 has a "built-in" handicap of weighing 35-40lbs. heavier than everything else.

The class is supposed to by a 1200cc minisprint class, so to ban a STOCK 1200cc motor to me is assinine. Especially when you are still letting the guys with "worked-up" 1200's compete. The only person that benefits is the engine builder doing the extra motor work. Ohh, wait...isn't that?????? Nevermind.

I am actually envious that you have such a great turnout of cars. If we had that back here, I probably wouldn't be selling out. Good luck in 2010, guys.
Bradleyracing86 (Offline)
  #57 11/15/09 6:08 PM
I was thinking there was one or two guys who has zx12's... thats rough for them, or will they grandfather?
Harry Jones 14
  #58 11/16/09 9:38 AM
congratulations to the top 10 point winners in the A.M.S.A. ASSOCIATION each and every one of them was very good drivers. Beau Stewart was the highest point winner, Rod Henning 2nd, Ryan Boughton 3rd.Sam Ashworth 4th and was also the Rookie of the year.Drew Pollock was 5th, Scott Fasse 6th, Kevin Roberts Sr. 7th, Merrill Calvert 8th, Kevin Roberts Jr. was 9th and Seth Wilkerson was the 10th place winner. CONGRATULATION for a job will done.
Sorry guys I got Drew and Scott mixed up. Scott Fasse was the 5th place winner and Drew Pollock came in 6th place. Sorry about that.
  #59 11/16/09 5:47 PM
970lbs should be 950lbs, 1040lbs should be 1010lbs, Tire rule is fine but no cutting or grooving,little harsh...all and all not bad just minor improvements to be done to the new rules... Regardless there will always be drama like this, and eventually it wont be any more fun going to the race track..
Bradleyracing86 (Offline)
  #60 11/16/09 8:57 PM
Finding out through some motor guys that there is alot you can still do to a 1000cc and make the 900lb rule, as long as its stock bore and stroke, runs on gas and isnt equiped with a stroker crank......Anybody know who sells the best box?
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