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hoosier sprinter (Offline)
  #41 9/18/15 7:17 PM
Originally Posted by Charles Nungester:
This was like a month ago and we talked it out. Not only that, Roy pretty much said who he was.

Please bash the other two who said basically the same thing. We were only trying to help, Pointing out that it wasn't a 60s chassis when he was convinced it was.. But Oh well. I hope he finds out what he needs. Makes what he wants out of it and has a hell of a good time with it.

Climb off your high horse. Learn how to spell, and mind your own business.
Mind My own business? Learn out to spell? That never stopped you, thats for sure. Looks like somebody doesnt like being called out for being a rude smartass. By the way, what exactly made it your business charles?
Charles Nungester (Offline)
  #42 9/18/15 8:39 PM
Originally Posted by hoosier sprinter:
Mind My own business? Learn out to spell? That never stopped you, thats for sure. Looks like somebody doesnt like being called out for being a rude smartass. By the way, what exactly made it your business charles?
He asked, Roy, Others and I all confirmed to him it wasn't a 60s car, Simply due to the construction and tubing

There was no rudeness, there was no smartassery. We got a little upset that he insisted it was, And we settled that awhile ago. People are still trying to help him and that's good

Then You come on calling me out when at least three others said the same as I. Yeah, Pot calling kettle on the Smart Ass thing. Everyone knows me, Knows I'll help em any way I can. Buy a racer a pit pass, A fan in need a ticket when I can, A card if Sick or a Prayer if needed.............. But No, Im a Smart Ass. If that's the way you see it, So be it.

Theres a ton of nice people on this board. Im thankful to know many of them. Hope you are one too. Sorry if my post to someone else gave you the wrong impression.

Charles Nungester
3 Likes: EPSpeed, i love dirt track racing, mc/rider
lllosingit2 (Offline)
  #43 9/22/15 7:15 PM
Originally Posted by Charles Nungester:
He asked, Roy, Others and I all confirmed to him it wasn't a 60s car, Simply due to the construction and tubing

There was no rudeness, there was no smartassery. We got a little upset that he insisted it was, And we settled that awhile ago. People are still trying to help him and that's good

Then You come on calling me out when at least three others said the same as I. Yeah, Pot calling kettle on the Smart Ass thing. Everyone knows me, Knows I'll help em any way I can. Buy a racer a pit pass, A fan in need a ticket when I can, A card if Sick or a Prayer if needed.............. But No, Im a Smart Ass. If that's the way you see it, So be it.

Theres a ton of nice people on this board. Im thankful to know many of them. Hope you are one too. Sorry if my post to someone else gave you the wrong impression.
Not to stir to pot but where did I insist that it was a 60's car? I didn't, I said I was told several reasons why it could be this year and that year and not by just one or two people on the internet. I was told by quite a few that they were sure it was this or that year and pointed out why they thought so I also showed pictures to Bob Thompson and he said that he couldn't tell without seeing it in person and that it wasn't 60's.... Maybe 70's. Even now I have had several people say it's a Nance because they either had one or drove one and yet I have other people saying there's no way it's a Nance chassis. So even if I knew who racer5 was I would still have taken what he said and looked into it further rather than take his word for it. If several people who have been around these cars for years can't agree then it's hard to just rely on one person reply. I'm still leaning toward it being a Nance because it's the only pictures I've found that even look remotely close.
As far as the cars history, I don't care about it's worth in dollars. I've been a fan for decades wouldn't want to destroy a car if it had any historical value. I don't know Trostle myself but have met him a few times and might see if he will take a look at it since he's local to me.
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