Sprint Car & Midget Racing Forum

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openwheelfan1 (Offline)
  #31 8/16/15 11:19 PM
We attend both winged sprint car events and non-winged sprint car events. Comparing the two is foolish. The only ways they are the same is in engine size and name. They require different set-ups, different driving styles, different gearing, etc. The two versions are just different! Both are exciting and fun to watch if you just watch the races and relish the beauty of the race cars at speed and appreciate the skill and talent it takes to do what you are watching.

We were at the Knoxville Nationals, and while no one passed Donny Schatz for the lead last night (seriously, how often this season has he been passed?!?) the race from 4th back to about 14th was amazing. There were 3-5 "hold your breath" slide jobs from that group about every lap.

We've been to non-winged races that have been dusty parades, and we've been to winged races that have been side by side slugfests and vice versa. Enjoy what you are watching when you are watching it!
6 Likes: illinifan, Jerry Shaw, Nate, PIT CART, SDHill89, VSneader2
CTtoPA (Offline)
  #32 8/17/15 1:13 AM
If you want to bash, let's be objective. How many $150k to win non-wing races are there? How many $50k to win? Heck, how many $20k to win? and I enjoy the non-wing racing much better usually!
Charles Nungester (Online)
  #33 8/17/15 11:47 AM
I don't think you could pay me to go to knoxville and watch. Same for the Kings Royal, HBO which no longer exist Or Drunk Royal as someone pointed out to me. I used to love the atmosphere and the insanity of the competition. Yeah, You knew it was big. And then people who are there for anything but the racing go and ruin it by slobbering all over you saying your driver is S**T.

Last one for me was 92. Seen about five WoO shows since and quit going to winged shows when Bert and his wife sold All Stars.

Think this is critisism or bashing, It isn't I've just come to love the purity of NW racing. The faster the more unstable, Winged is opposite.

Wanna see bashing? Go over to that other board where theres six pages of Rico is SATAN post for not starting the A.

Charles Nungester
Likes: oppweld
captrat (Offline)
  #34 8/17/15 2:39 PM
I too have quit attending the Nationals and most any winged race. The reason being is the same for why I do not attend Indy Car, NASCAR or other so-called top tier racing series: the technology particularly in tires and aerodynamics have greatly increased speed to the detriment of actual competition. NASCAR is continually looking for ways to quote "make racing more entertaining", which is market speak for how do we get someone to pass another car without a double file restart, or any of their other gimmicks. IMHO when you combine the technology elephant in the room along with our penchant to value marketing hype over actual substance, and a growing number of fans who feel the event is more important than the actual competition you have a witch's brew that does not serve sprint car racing well. I long for the days when terms like "rubber down" and "disturbed air" were not a part of racing lexicon. I think I will be able to find this open wheel Nirvana at Smackdown!
2 Likes: Charles Nungester, oppweld
Wingman (Offline)
  #35 8/17/15 4:58 PM
Guys-Is it ok to like both wing and non/wing?

Do we need to "hug it out"?

This discussion is really meaningless compared to how many drivers were hurt or killed this past weekend.
Likes: flatout
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