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shaftracing07 (Offline)
  #31 7/26/10 9:52 AM
While I dont agree with the rule. Will Power did know the rule that the leader must start in the fast lane and not down in the inside lane on road courses. The block helio got called for was the lane he was in from the start of the straightaway not the little move he made trying to make the corner. Too bad the people in the booth could not figure that one out to tell everyone at first. Like I said I dont agree with the rule. Barnhardt is a complete d-bag we all know that. The leader should be able to chose which lane he wants to be in but a rule is a rule.

Justin Lindemann
Ixonia WI
  #32 7/26/10 10:10 AM
Helio was also bumping the other official as well(Kevin Blanch?)
racing2a (Offline)
  #33 7/26/10 11:04 AM
I AM A IRL SUPPORTER BUT: BS LIKE THAT AND CALLS AT OTHER RACES INCLUDING THE 500 ARE JUST F'ING UP THE WHOLE DEAL. LET THEM RACE!!!!!!!!!!!WHEN SOMEONE BLOCKS OR WHATEVER THE KNOW THE DANGER THAT IS WHY WE ARE HERE!!!!!!Open wheel !!!!! That whole deal was crazy and I think they are going to screw up some good racing if Brian keeps playing GOD of the IRL. LET THEM RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
metal bender (Offline)
  #34 7/26/10 1:28 PM
Ya, Brain fart made a wrong call.....but Will Power should have keep his trap shut that is what a team player would do and if he would have kept his line at the start of the race the finish would have been Penske 1 2. Penske, needs to fire that S.O.B Will Power he will never be a team player he is to full of himself.
throb (Offline)
  #35 7/26/10 1:38 PM
after hearing this i now understand why helio was penalized. basically it was for being on the inside half of the track after the braking zone and before corner entry and WAS NOT making a pass. if he were passing it would have been fine. so basically since he took a "defensive" line into the corner he blocked because he was on the inside half of the track without making a pass..........still fairly $hitty!

Rob Botts
767 (Offline)
  #36 7/26/10 2:26 PM
That makes more sence than what the TV was portreying "sp" as the move that caused the penalty. People are constantly cring that there is no passing. This rule is there to open up passing zones or places. Good or bad, at least he followed the rule. Still liked the race more than the brickyard
throb (Offline)
  #37 7/26/10 2:55 PM
Originally Posted by 767:
That makes more sence than what the TV was portreying "sp" as the move that caused the penalty. People are constantly cring that there is no passing. This rule is there to open up passing zones or places. Good or bad, at least he followed the rule. Still liked the race more than the brickyard
i agree.........i dont think that the tv guys even knew about this rule because they were flabergasted (SP?)

Rob Botts
Likes: 767
Ovalmeister (Offline)
  #38 7/26/10 3:06 PM
I'm struggling to see what all the controversy is about. When they were entering the first turn, I immediately said to my wife "Helio's blocking the low line, that's not legal".
All you have to do is look at the first 5 seconds of the video posted above. Notice the ENTIRE field swings out to the right (across the center arrows of the runway) except Helio and Will. Finally Will swung out too. Helio is the only car who stayed low. I don't know how it could be any clearer?
Every drivers meeting this is covered, as was stated, so Helio knew exactly what he was doing. I think he figured since he almost always gets away with it, maybe he would this time too?
Just my humble opinion.
2 Likes: 767, Seadog
BuckeyeBullet (Offline)
  #39 7/26/10 5:17 PM
It was made clear in the driver's meeting...the appropriate call was made.

Still a terrible rule. Blocking? Hell no, it was a defensive line. Power should have got up on the wheel and took the proper line into turn 1 and tried sweeping around the outside.

And for the last time: it has rarely been the circuits fault (i.e. street racing) that has caused such lack luster racing. Plain and simple it is the equipment, get rid of TC and bump up the BHP...start benefitting those who push the envelope on entry and exit of a corner.
Charles Nungester (Offline)
  #40 7/26/10 5:42 PM
How many laps before the last did Power have to pass Helio? Bullcrap on the rule. If Hellio were driving erratically maybe but he took a line, held it and won

Charles Nungester
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