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Charles Nungester (Offline)
  #31 9/2/09 1:24 PM
Just hook up the IV directly from the Still................

Charles Nungester
SprintManDave (Offline)
  #32 9/2/09 3:19 PM
I am being taxed to death now by my local politicians and I barely get enough from my social security check to make it to the races. Is it really worth more to set in "the Fishburger pavillion?
Mud Packer (Offline)
  #33 9/2/09 3:21 PM
Originally Posted by SprintManDave:
I am being taxed to death now by my local politicians and I barely get enough from my social security check to make it to the races. Is it really worth more to set in "the Fishburger pavillion?
A better investment you will never find!


Be nice to people on the way up. You might need them on the way down. Jimmy Durante
Tim Watson (Offline)
  #34 9/2/09 7:20 PM
Originally Posted by Racerrob:
I would like to join in but I am on a limited budget. I just can't keep up with you guys breaking out the brand names like Bud and Miller. Don't get me started about the mega drinkers ruining everything by indulging in Sam Adams, Stella and Corona.

Do you think somebody could start a spec drinking series? Drinks would be limited to Natural Light, Keystone Light, PBR or Milwaukees Best. Who's with me?

Rob Hoffman
I would love to take part in this festive occasion in person but sometimes i can't find my way in the house from my own garage so trying it in Indiana is out of the question. However, i can hold up my end of the bargain from my friendly confines and be with you in spirit. I'm with Rob on the spec drinking due to a low budget feuled by having 4 kids so i do have Keystone Light in my BEER garage.

Also thanks to Aero at Sun Prairie last weekend i had my very first can of Yuengling or what ever you call it. I liked it and i want more.
AERO410SCJA (Offline)
  #35 9/2/09 7:54 PM
Jerry, I'll have to see where my SPONSER wants to go on Sunday

Kokomo isn't her favorite track

Maybe we can have a warm up Friday
berks co (Offline)
  #36 9/2/09 8:07 PM
I can ups some yuengling from Pottsville if it will help. DO they brew beer in Indiana? I know the Makers Mark I so enjoy is made to the South in the commenwealth of Kentucky.
Charles Nungester (Offline)
  #37 9/2/09 8:59 PM
Originally Posted by Mud Packer:
A better investment you will never find!
You'll either have fun going broke in Section A or end up in the Pokey with free meals, Free Health Care and Rom and Board

Charles Nungester
Jack Dupp (Offline)
  #38 9/2/09 9:28 PM
It is tough enough to find a non wing sprint race here in Illinois. Now they have killed competitive beer drinking and spec beer drinking before any series could get off the ground. September 1 Illinois increased taxes on liquor and CANDY! For cripes sake...CANDY TOO?!?!? Will gladly travel to Indiana for beer drinking and sprint car racing. Might
grab a handfull of jelly beans for the trip back West.

Luv Ya Illinois Legislature!
Likes: Pat O'Connor Fan
Go Fast (Offline)
  #39 9/2/09 11:15 PM
Does anyone know the payout?

Are "Cast iron" stomachs allowed. Based on the confirmed participants I didn't see any that would be
consider "lightweight."
Pat O'Connor Fan (Offline)
  #40 9/3/09 9:26 AM
Originally Posted by Jack Dupp:
September 1 Illinois increased taxes on liquor and CANDY! For cripes sake...CANDY TOO?!?!? Might
grab a handfull of jelly beans for the trip back West.
Luv Ya Illinois Legislature!
Dave, I'm sorry to be partly to blame on this one. The fine folks in Springfield found out that guys who don't drink will likely have to eat candy to satisfy the subconscious urge for beer. Therefore, additional taxation must be applied to my candy purchases. I think I read somewhere that state senator Ben Dover sponsored this legislation.
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