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racechic66 (Offline)
  #21 4/12/09 10:10 AM
Our thoughts, and prayers are with you Hagen, Tina, and Jim. If there is anything we can do give us a shout. Get well soon pal.

Jim and Cindi
midgy (Offline)
  #22 4/12/09 10:43 AM
As of this morning, Darren is doing OK. His family will be here this afternoon.
  #23 4/12/09 12:11 PM
Lets not get in a ******** and moaning session here about yellow's for 360 spins. Start a new thread for that.

Returning the thread to it's orgin, I send my thoughts and prayers to Darren and his family that he gets well soon and can get back to doing what his amazing talent allows him to do so well.
Kirk Spridgeon (Offline)
  #24 4/12/09 12:23 PM
Darren just called me a few minutes ago. He sounded pretty beat up but he said things are going OK...they've told him they plan to keep him there a couple days. His parents are flying in from California today.

I'm glad he's gonna be alright - obviously it sucks to see a driver injured at the track, and his was an especially scary one. Hopefully he can get back on track soon to pick up where he left off at Columbus.
Charles Nungester (Offline)
  #25 4/12/09 12:26 PM
Thanks Spridge.

Charles Nungester
AustinSprinter (Offline)
  #26 4/12/09 12:44 PM
Thanks to all for info on the "Hawk"....God Speed Darren!!.......
Doug Bushey (Offline)
  #27 4/12/09 1:20 PM
I spoke with Darren's father this morning and he wanted everyone to know that Darren is doing okay. His mother flew out last night to be with him and has confirmed that Darren has two broken ribs and a punctured lung, which will sideline him for a little while. However, his spirits must be pretty good because he was telling his parents how comfortable and fast he felt in his brand-new (now destroyed) Bullett chassis last night before the impact.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery Darren!

P.S. Stop this new habbit of trying to tear down the walls in the dirt sprint car (I think thats two in a row now)!
kundog (Offline)
  #28 4/12/09 1:31 PM
Darrin called me on my way home last night and was doing good, was in a lot of pain, he has two broken ribs and a punchured lung that let air into the outer cavity, so they put a tube through his side to allow the air to escape so the lung could work properly. he was air lifted to dayton, Pete called me this morning and was waiting for doctor to read exrays and scanes so they could get neck brace off. still in a lot of pain but all in all he will be all right.
Thanks Keith Kunz
98arpy (Offline)
  #29 4/12/09 1:36 PM
You are absolutely wrong! I stayed with them at the Ambulance and until the Care Flight lifted off. They were trying to get Darren positioned to make him as comfortable as they could for the ride.
As soon as the decision was made to fly him to Dayton, another one was dispached and arrived a short time later.
We always have them here for the USAC races and to say were not being responsive to his needs is disengenious.
Larry Kemp
98arpy (Offline)
  #30 4/12/09 1:41 PM
Sorry for placement. My comments were directed in response to the post of sceckert.
Larry Kemp
Closed Thread